< Isaiah 11 >

1 And a Rod has come out from the stock of Jesse, And a Branch is fruitful from his roots.
Lataan tokko jirma Isseey irraa ni lata; hidda isaa irraas dameen tokko ija naqata.
2 The Spirit of YHWH has rested on Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and fear of YHWH.
Hafuurri Waaqayyoo, Hafuurri ogummaatii fi hubannaa, Hafuurri gorsaatii fi humnaa, Hafuurri beekumsaatii fi kan Waaqayyoon sodaachuu isa irra qubata;
3 To refresh Him in the fear of YHWH, And He does not judge by the sight of His eyes, Nor decides by the hearing of His ears.
inni Waaqayyoon sodaachuutti ni gammada. Inni waanuma iji isaa arguun murtii hin kennu; yookaan waanuma gurra isaatiin dhagaʼuun hin murteessu;
4 And He has judged the poor in righteousness, And decided for the humble of earth in uprightness, And has struck earth with the rod of His mouth, And He puts the wicked to death with the breath of His lips.
garuu nama rakkataaf qajeelummaadhaan murteessa; hiyyeeyyii lafa irraatiifis murtii qajeelaadhaan murtii kenna. Inni ulee afaan isaatiin lafa rukuta; hafuura afaan isaatii baʼuun hamoota ni fixa.
5 And righteousness has been the girdle of His loins, And faithfulness—the girdle of His reins.
Qajeelummaan teepha mudhii isaa ti; amanamummaan immoo sabbata mudhii isaa ti.
6 “And a wolf has sojourned with a lamb, And a leopard lies down with a kid, And calf, and young lion, and fatling [are] together, And a little youth is leader over them.
Yeeyyiin xobbaallaa hoolaa wajjin jiraata; qeerransi ilmoo reʼee bira ciisa; jabbiin, leencii fi horiin gabbataan walii wajjin bobbaʼu; mucaan xinnaan isaan bobbaasa.
7 And cow and bear feed, Together their young ones lie down, And a lion eats straw as an ox.
Saan amaaketa wajjin soorata; ilmaan isaanii wal cina ciciisu; leencis akka sangaa cidii nyaata.
8 And a suckling has played by the hole of a cobra, And on the den of a viper The weaned one has put his hand.
Daaʼimni boolla bofaa irra taphata; mucaan xinnaan boolla buutii keessa harka kaaʼa.
9 They do no evil, nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For the earth has been full with the knowledge of YHWH, As the waters are covering the sea.”
Isaan tulluuwwan koo qulqulloota hunda irratti waa hin miidhan yookaan waa hin balleessan; akkuma bishaan galaana guutu sana lafti Waaqayyoon beekuudhaan guutamtiitii.
10 And there has been, in that day, A Root of Jesse that is standing for an ensign of peoples, Nations seek Him, And His rest has been glorious!
Bara sana keessa hiddi Isseey akkuma faajjiitti uummataaf dhaabata; saboonni gara isaatti walitti qabamu; lafti inni boqotus ulfina qabeessa taʼa.
11 And it has come to pass in that day, The Lord adds His power a second time, To get the remnant of His people that is left, From Asshur, and from Egypt, And from Pathros, and from Cush, And from Elam, and from Shinar, And from Hamath, and from islands of the sea,
Gaafas Gooftaan yeroo lammaffaaf harka isaa diriirsee Asoor irraa, Gibxi Gadii irraa, Gibxi Olii irraa, Itoophiyaa irraa, Eelaam irraa, Baabilon irraa, Hamaatii fi biyyoota bishaan gidduu galaanaa irraa hambaawwan saba isaa walitti qabata.
12 And He has lifted up an ensign to nations, And gathers the driven away of Israel, And He assembles the scattered of Judah, From the four wings of the earth.
Inni sabootaaf faajjii ol kaasee boojiʼamtoota Israaʼel walitti qaba; inni roga laafaa afran irraa saba Yihuudaa kan bittinnaaʼee ture walitti qaba.
13 And has turned aside the envy of Ephraim, And the adversaries of Judah are cut off, Ephraim does not envy Judah, And Judah does not distress Ephraim.
Hinaaffaan Efreem ni bada; diinonni Yihuudaas ni barbadeeffamu; Efreem gaafas Yihuudaatti hin hinaafu; yookaan Yihuudaan Efreemitti hin hammaatu.
14 And they have flown on the shoulder of the Philistines westward, Together they spoil the sons of the east, Edom and Moab sending forth their hand, And sons of Ammon obeying them.
Isaan karaa lixa biiftuutiin gatiittii Filisxeemitti gad buʼu; tokko taʼaniis uummata baʼa biiftuu saamu. Isaan Edoomii fi Moʼaabin qabatu; warri Amoonis isaan jalatti bulu.
15 And YHWH has devoted to destruction The tongue of the Sea of Egypt, And has waved His hand over the river, In the terror of His wind, And has struck it at the seven streams, And has caused [men] to tread [it] with shoes.
Waaqayyo guutumaan guutuutti, galoo galaana Gibxi ni gogsa; inni bubbee isaa kan nama waxaluun harka isaa laga Efraaxiis irra sochoosa. Akka namoonni kopheen ceʼaniifis inni laga torbatti gargar isa qooda.
16 And there has been a highway, For the remnant of His people that is left, from Asshur, As there was for Israel in the day of his coming up out of the land of Egypt!
Akkuma gaafa isaan Gibxii baʼan Israaʼeliif taʼe sana, hambaa saba isaa kan Asoor irraa hafeef karaan guddaan ni argama.

< Isaiah 11 >