< Isaiah 10 >

1 “Woe [to] those decreeing decrees of iniquity, And writers who have prescribed perverseness,
Горе пишущым лукавство: пишущии бо лукавство пишут,
2 Of My people, That widows may be their prey, That they may spoil the fatherless.
укланяюще суд убогих, восхищающе суд нищих людий Моих, яко быти им вдовице в расхищение и сироте в разграбление.
3 And what do you do at a day of inspection? And at desolation that comes from afar? Near whom do you flee for help? And where do you leave your glory?
И что сотворят в день посещения? Скорбь бо вам отдалече приидет. И к кому прибегнете, да поможет вам? И где оставите славу вашу,
4 It has bowed down without Me In the place of a bound one, And they fall in the place of the slain.” With all this His anger has not turned back, And His hand is still stretched out.
еже не впасти в пленение? И под убиеными падут. И во всех сих не отвратися гнев Его, но еще рука Его высока.
5 “Woe [to] Asshur, a rod of My anger, And My indignation [is] a staff in their hand.
Горе Ассирием, жезл ярости Моея и гнев есть в руку их.
6 I send him against a profane nation, And concerning a people of My wrath I charge him, To spoil spoil, and to seize prey, And to make it a treading-place as the clay of out places.
Гнев Мой послю на язык беззаконен, и своих людий повелю сотворити корысти и пленение, и попрати грады и положити я в прах.
7 And he does not think [it] so, And his heart does not reckon [it] so, For—to destroy [is] in his heart, And to cut off nations—not a few.
Сей же не тако помысли и душею не тако возмне: но отступит ум его, и еже потребити языки не малы.
8 For he says, Are my princes not altogether kings?
И аще рекут ему: ты ли еси един князь?
9 Is not Calno as Carchemish? Is not Hamath as Arpad? Is not Samaria as Damascus?
И речет: не взях ли страны, яже выше Вавилона и Халани, идеже столп создан, и взях Аравию и Дамаск и Самарию?
10 As my hand has gotten to the kingdoms of a worthless thing, and their carved images, [Greater] than Jerusalem and than Samaria,
Якоже сия взях, и вся княжения возму. Возрыдайте, изваянная во Иерусалиме и в Самарии:
11 Do I not—as I have done to Samaria, And to her worthless things, So do to Jerusalem and to her grievous things?”
якоже бо сотворих Самарии и рукотворенным ея, тако сотворю и Иерусалиму и кумиром его.
12 And it has come to pass, When the Lord fulfills all His work In Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, I see concerning the fruit of the greatness Of the heart of the king of Asshur, And concerning the glory of the height of his eyes.
И будет, егда скончает Господь вся творя в горе Сиони и во Иерусалиме, наведет на ум великий на князя Ассирийска и на высоту славы очию его.
13 For he has said, “I have worked by the power of my hand, And by my wisdom, for I have been intelligent, And I remove borders of the peoples, And I have spoiled their chief ones, And I put down the inhabitants as a mighty one,
Рече бо: крепостию руки моея сотворю, и премудростию разума (моего) отиму пределы языков, и силу их пленю,
14 And my hand gets to the wealth of the peoples as to a nest, And as a gathering of forsaken eggs I have gathered all the earth, And there has not been one moving wing, Or opening mouth, or whispering.”
и сотрясу грады населеныя, и вселенную всю оыму рукою моею яко гнездо, и яко оставленая яица возму: и несть, иже убежит мене, или противу мне речет, и отверзет уста и глумит.
15 Does the axe glorify itself Against him who is hewing with it? Does the saw magnify itself Against him who is shaking it? As a rod waving those lifting it up! As a staff lifting up that which is not wood!
Еда прославится секира без секущаго ею? Или вознесется пила без влекущаго ю? Такожде аще кто возмет жезл, или древо: и не тако.
16 Therefore the Lord, the Lord of Hosts, Sends leanness among his fat ones, And under his glory He kindles a burning As the burning of a fire.
Но послет Господь Саваоф на твою честь безчестие, и на твою славу огнь горя возгорится.
17 And the light of Israel has been for a fire, And his Holy One for a flame, And it has burned, and devoured his thorn And his brier in one day.
И будет свет Израилев во огнь, и освятит его огнем горящим, и пояст яко сено вещество.
18 And the glory of his forest, and his fruitful field, He consumes from soul even to flesh, And it has been as the fainting of a standard-bearer.
В той день угаснут горы и холми и дубравы, и пояст от души даже до плотей: и будет бежай, яко бежай от пламене горяща:
19 And the rest of the trees of his forest [are] few, And a youth writes them.
и оставльшиися от них будут в число, и отроча малое напишет я.
20 And it has come to pass in that day, The remnant of Israel, And the escaped of the house of Jacob, Do not add anymore to lean on its striker, And have leaned on YHWH, The Holy One of Israel, in truth.
И будет в той день, не приложится ктому останок Израилев, и спасеннии Иаковли не будут ктому уповающе на обидевшыя их, но будут уповающе на Бога Святаго Израилева истиною.
21 A remnant returns—a remnant of Jacob, To the Mighty God.
И обратится останок Иаковль к Богу крепкому.
22 For though your people Israel be as the sand of the sea, A remnant of it returns, A consumption determined, Overflowing [with] righteousness.
И аще будут людие Израилевы яко песок морский, останок их спасется:
23 For a consumption that is determined, The Lord, YHWH of Hosts, Is making in the midst of all the land.
слово бо совершая и сокращая правдою, яко слово сокращено сотворит Господь во всей вселенней.
24 Therefore, thus said the Lord, YHWH of Hosts: “Do not be afraid, My people, inhabiting Zion, because of Asshur, He strikes you with a rod, And his staff lifts up against you, in the way of Egypt.
Сего ради сия глаголет Господь Саваоф: не бойтеся, людие Мои, от Ассириан, живущии в Сионе, яко жезлом поразит тя: язву бо наводит на тя, еже видети путь Египта.
25 For yet a very little [while], And the indignation has been completed, And My anger by their wearing out.”
Еще бо мало, и престанет гнев, ярость же Моя на совет их:
26 And YHWH of Hosts is awaking for him, A scourge like the striking of Midian at the rock Oreb, And his rod [is] over the sea, And he has lifted it in the way of Egypt.
и воздвигнет Бог Сил на ня язву, яко язву Мадиамлю на месте Скорби, и ярость Его на путь иже к морю, на путь иже во Египет:
27 And it has come to pass in that day, His burden is turned from off your shoulder, And his yoke from off your neck, And the yoke has been destroyed, because of prosperity.
и будет в той день, отимется иго его от рамене твоего и страх его от тебе, и согниет иго от рамен ваших.
28 He has come in against Aiath, He has passed over into Migron, At Michmash he looks after his vessels.
Приидет бо во град Аггай, и прейдет в Магеддо, и в Махмасе положит сосуды своя.
29 They have gone over the passage, They have made Geba a lodging place, Rama has trembled, Gibeah of Saul fled.
И минет дебрь, и приидет во Аггай: страх приимет Раму град Саулов,
30 Cry aloud [with] your voice, daughter of Gallim, Give attention, Laish! Answer her, Anathoth.
побегнет дщерь Галимля, услышится в Лаисе, услышится во Анафофе.
31 Madmenah has fled away, The inhabitants of the high places have hardened themselves.
И ужасеся Мадемина и живущии во Гивиме.
32 Yet today to remain in Nob, The mountain of the daughter of Zion waves its hand, The hill of Jerusalem.
Утешайте днесь еже на пути пребыти: утешайте рукою гору дщерь Сионю, и холми, иже во Иерусалиме:
33 Behold, the Lord, YHWH of Hosts, Is lopping a branch with violence, And the high of stature are cut down, And the lofty have become low,
се Владыка Господь Саваоф смятет славныя со крепостию, и высоции укоризною сокрушатся, и высоцыи смирятся,
34 And He has gone around the thickets of the forest with iron, And Lebanon falls by a mighty one!
и падут высоцыи мечем, Ливан же с высокими падется.

< Isaiah 10 >