< Hebrews 8 >
1 And the sum concerning the things spoken of [is]: we have such a Chief Priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Greatness in the heavens,
Eikhoina hairiba asigi maru oiba waphamdi, swargada Chinglemlaba adugi phambalgi yet thangbada phamliba eikhoigi asigumba Purohitlen ama lei haiba asini.
2 a servant of the holy places, and of the true dwelling place, which the LORD set up, and not man,
Mioibagi khutna saba nattaba adubu Mapu Ibungogi khutna saba tasengba phisang adugi Khwaidagi Asengba Mapham aduda mahakna thougal tou-i.
3 for every chief priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, from where [it is] necessary for this One to also have something that He may offer;
Purohitlen khudingmak khudonpot amadi iratpot katnaba pham happani, maram aduna eikhoigi Purohitlennasu karigumba khara katnaba leiba tabani.
4 for if, indeed, He were on earth, He would not be a priest (there being the priests who are offering the gifts according to the Law,
Ibungona malemda leiramlabadi mahak purohit oiramloi, maramdi mapham asida Jihudigi Wayel Yathanggi matung inna khudolpotsing katpa purohitsing leire.
5 who to an example and shadow serve of the heavenly things, as Moses has been divinely warned, being about to construct the Dwelling Place, for, “See,” He says, “[that] you will make all things according to the pattern that was shown to you on the mountain”),
Purohit oina makhoina touriba thabak adu swargada leiriba adugi mawong amadi mami khaktani. Asiga mannana Moses-tasu toukhi. Mahakna Asengba Phisang adu saramdaida Tengban Mapuna mangonda haikhi, “Chingthakta eina nangonda utkhiba mawong adugi matung inna pumnamak nahakna soidana sagadabani.”
6 but now He has obtained a more excellent service, how much He is also mediator of a better covenant, which has been sanctioned on better promises,
Adubu houjikti makhoidagi henna phaba purohitki thabak Jisuda pibire, haibadi Tengban Mapuna mahak amadi mahakki misinggi marakta semba walepnaba aduna henna phaba oibagumnani maramdi madu wasakpibasing aduda yumpham oi.
7 for if that first were faultless, a place would not have been sought for a second.
Ahanbagi walepnaba aduda karisu aranba leiramdrabadi anisuba walepnaba amagi mathou taramloidabani.
8 For finding fault, He says to them, “Behold, days come, says the LORD, and I will complete with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah, a new covenant,
Adubu Tengban Mapuna mahakki misinggi asoiba phang-i aduga Ibungona hai, “MAPU IBUNGO-na hai eina Israel-gi mising amadi Judah-gi misingga anouba walepnaba ama lepkadaba matam adu lakli.
9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day of My taking [them] by their hand, to bring them out of the land of Egypt—because they did not remain in My covenant, and I did not regard them, says the LORD—
Eina makhoigi mapa mapusingbu makhut paiduna Egypt-tagi puthorakpa numit aduda eina makhoiga walepnakhiba adugumna oiroi, maramdi eina makhoiga lepnakhiba walepnaba aduda makhoina thajaba yaba oikhide maram aduna eina makhoibu thouoibikhide.
10 because this [is] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel, after those days, says the LORD, giving My laws into their mind, and I will write them on their hearts, and I will be to them for a God, and they will be to Me for a people;
Lakkadaba numitsing aduda Israel-gi misingga eina lepkadaba walepnaba adu asini, MAPU IBUNGO-na hai: eina eigi wayel yathang makhoigi pukningda thamgani amasung makhoigi thamoida madu igani. Eina makhoigi Tengban Mapu oigani amasung makhoi eigi mising oigani.
11 and they will not each teach his neighbor, and each his brother, saying, Know the LORD, because they will all know Me—from the small one of them to the great one of them,
‘MAPU IBUNGO-bu khang-u’ haina makhoi kana amatana makhoigi yumlonnabasingda nattraga makhoigi marup mapangsida tambibagi mathou tararoi, maramdi khwaidagi pikpadagina khwaidagi chaoba phaoba makhoi pumnamakna eibu khanggani.
12 because I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and I will remember their sins and their lawlessnesses no more.”
Eina makhoigi papsingbu kokpigani, aduga makhoigi aranbasingbu amuk ningsinglaroi.”
13 In the saying “new,” He has made the first obsolete, and what is becoming obsolete and growing old [is] near disappearing.
Tengban Mapuna anouba walepnaba ama haiba asida ahanba adu ariba oihalle; aduga ariba amadi mantharakliba pot adu thuna mangkhigani.