< Hebrews 8 >

1 And the sum concerning the things spoken of [is]: we have such a Chief Priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Greatness in the heavens,
Bada erraiten ditugun gaucén sommarioa haur da, Halaco sacrificadore subiranobat dugula, cein iarria baita Iaincoaren maiestateco thronoaren escuinean, ceruètan:
2 a servant of the holy places, and of the true dwelling place, which the LORD set up, and not man,
Sanctuarioco ministre eta eguiazco Tabernacleco, cein fincatu baitu Iaunac, eta ez guiçonac.
3 for every chief priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, from where [it is] necessary for this One to also have something that He may offer;
Ecen Sacrificadore subirano gucia donoén eta sacrificioén offrendatzeco ordenatzen da: bada, necessario da hunec-ere duen cerbait cer offrenda.
4 for if, indeed, He were on earth, He would not be a priest (there being the priests who are offering the gifts according to the Law,
Ecen baldin lurrean baliz, Sacrificadore-ere ezliçateque, Leguearen arauez donoac offrendatzen dituzten Sacrificadoreac irauten luqueiteno.
5 who to an example and shadow serve of the heavenly things, as Moses has been divinely warned, being about to construct the Dwelling Place, for, “See,” He says, “[that] you will make all things according to the pattern that was shown to you on the mountain”),
Ceinéc gauça celestialén patroina eta itzala cerbitzatzen baitute, Moysesi diuinoqui ihardetsi içan çayón beçala Tabernaclea acabatu behar çuenean, Bada ikussac (dio) eguin ditzán gauça guciac mendian eracutsi içan çayán patroinaren araura.
6 but now He has obtained a more excellent service, how much He is also mediator of a better covenant, which has been sanctioned on better promises,
Baina orain gure Sacrificadore subiranoac ministerio excellentagoa obtenitu vkan du, cembatenaz Alliança hobeago baten ararteco baita, cein promes hobeagoén gainean ordenatu içan baita.
7 for if that first were faultless, a place would not have been sought for a second.
Ecen baldin lehen hura deusen falta içan ezpaliz, bigarrenari etzaiqueon bilhatu lekuric.
8 For finding fault, He says to them, “Behold, days come, says the LORD, and I will complete with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah, a new covenant,
Ecen hec reprehenditzen dituelaric, dioste, Huná, ethorri dirade egunac, dio Iaunac, complituren baitut Alliança berribat Israeleco etchearen gainean eta Iudaco etchearen gainean.
9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day of My taking [them] by their hand, to bring them out of the land of Egypt—because they did not remain in My covenant, and I did not regard them, says the LORD—
Ez hayén aitequin eguin vkan nuen Alliançaren araura, hayén escua hartu nuen egunean Egypteco lurretic idoqui nitzançát, ceren ezpaitirade hec ene Alliançán egon, eta nic menospreciatu vkan ditut hec, dio Iaunac.
10 because this [is] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel, after those days, says the LORD, giving My laws into their mind, and I will write them on their hearts, and I will be to them for a God, and they will be to Me for a people;
Ecen haur da egun hayén ondoan Israeleco etchearequin eguinen dudan Alliançá, dio Iaunac, Eçarriren ditut neure Legueac hayén adimenduan, eta hayén bihotzean ditut scribaturen: eta içanen naiz hayén Iainco, eta hec içanen dirade ene populu.
11 and they will not each teach his neighbor, and each his brother, saying, Know the LORD, because they will all know Me—from the small one of them to the great one of them,
Eta eztu iracatsiren batbederac bere hurcoa, ez batbederac bere anayea, dioela, Eçagut eçac Iauna: ecen eçaguturen nauté chipienetic hayén arteco handieneranoco guciéc.
12 because I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and I will remember their sins and their lawlessnesses no more.”
Ecen amatigatua içanen naiz hayén iniquitatetara eta hayén bekatuetara, eta eznaiz guehiagoric orhoit içanen hayén iniquitatéz.
13 In the saying “new,” He has made the first obsolete, and what is becoming obsolete and growing old [is] near disappearing.
Berribat erraiten duenean, çahartzen du lehena: eta çahartzen eta ancianotzen dena abolitu içateari hurbil dagoca.

< Hebrews 8 >