< Hebrews 7 >
1 For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High, who met Abraham turning back from the striking of the kings, and blessed him,
Doista, taj Melkisedek, kralj šalemski, svećenik Boga Svevišnjega što je izašao u susret Abrahamu koji se vraćao s poraza kraljeva i blagoslovio ga,
2 to whom also Abraham divided a tenth of all (first, indeed, being interpreted, “King of righteousness,” and then also, “King of Salem,” which is, King of Peace),
i komu Abraham odijeli desetinu od svega; on koji u prijevodu znači najprije “kralj pravednosti”, a zatim i kralj šalemski, to jest “kralj mira”;
3 without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, and having been like the Son of God, remains a priest continually.
on, bez oca, bez majke, bez rodoslovlja; on, kojemu dani nemaju početka ni život kraja - sličan Sinu Božjemu, ostaje svećenik zasvagda.
4 And see how great this one [is], to whom Abraham the patriarch also gave a tenth out of the best of the spoils,
Pa promotrite koliki li je taj komu Abraham, rodozačetnik, dade desetinu od najboljega.
5 and those, indeed, out of the sons of Levi receiving the priesthood, have a command to take tithes from the people according to the Law, that is, their brothers, even though they came forth out of the loins of Abraham;
Istina, i oni sinovi Levijevi, koji primaju svećeništvo imaju zakonsku zapovijed da ubiru desetinu od naroda, to jest od svoje braće premda su i ona izašla iz boka Abrahamova.
6 and he who was not reckoned by genealogy of them, received tithes from Abraham, and he has blessed him having the promises,
Ali on, koji nije iz njihova rodoslovlja, ubra desetinu od Abrahama i blagoslovi njega, nosioca obećanja!
7 and apart from all controversy, the less is blessed by the better—
A posve je neprijeporno: veći blagoslivlja manjega.
8 and here, indeed, men who die receive tithes, and there [he] who is testified to that he was living,
K tome, ovdje desetinu primaju smrtni ljudi, a ondje onaj, za kojega se svjedoči da živi.
9 and so to speak, through Abraham even Levi who is receiving tithes, has paid tithes,
I u Abrahamu se, tako reći, ubire desetina i od Levija koji inače desetinu prima
10 for he was yet in the loins of the father when Melchizedek met him.
jer još bijaše u boku očevu kad mu u susret iziđe Melkisedek.
11 If indeed, then, perfection were through the Levitical priesthood—for the people under it had received law—what further need, according to the order of Melchizedek, for another priest to arise, and not to be called according to the order of Aaron?
Da se dakle savršenstvo postiglo po levitskom svećeništvu - jer na temelju njega narod je dobio Zakon - koja bi onda bila potreba da se po redu Melkisedekovu postavi drugi svećenik i da se ne imenuje po redu Aronovu?
12 For the priesthood being changed, of necessity also, a change comes of the Law,
Doista kad se mijenja svećeništvo, nužno se mijenja i Zakon.
13 for He of whom these things are said in another tribe has had part, of whom no one gave attendance at the altar,
Jer onaj o kojemu se to veli pripadao je drugom plemenu, od kojega se nitko nije posvetio žrtveniku.
14 for [it is] evident that out of Judah has arisen our Lord, in regard to which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood.
Poznato je da je Gospodin naš potekao od Jude, plemena za koje Mojsije ništa ne reče s obzirom na svećenike.
15 And it is yet more abundantly most evident, if according to the likeness of Melchizedek there arises another priest,
To je još očitije ako se drugi svećenik postavlja po sličnosti s Melkisedekom:
16 who did not come according to the law of a fleshly command, but according to the power of an endless life,
postao je svećenikom ne po Zakonu tjelesne uredbe, nego snagom neuništiva života.
17 for He testifies, “You [are] a priest—throughout the age, according to the order of Melchizedek”; (aiōn )
Ta svjedoči se: Zauvijek ti si svećenik po redu Melkisedekovu. (aiōn )
18 for an annulling indeed comes of the command going before because of its weakness, and unprofitableness
Dokida se dakle prijašnja uredba zbog njezine nemoći i beskorisnosti -
19 (for nothing did the Law perfect), and the bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God.
jer Zakon nije ništa priveo k savršenstvu - a uvodi se bolja nada, po kojoj se približujemo Bogu.
20 And inasmuch as [it is] not apart from oath
I to se nije zbilo bez zakletve. Jer oni su bez zakletve postali svećenicima,
21 (for those indeed apart from oath have become priests, and He [became priest] with an oath through Him who is saying to Him, “The LORD swore, and will not regret, You [are] a priest throughout the age, according to the order of Melchizedek”), (aiōn )
a on sa zakletvom Onoga koji mu reče: Zakleo se Gospodin i neće se pokajati: “Zauvijek ti si svećenik”. (aiōn )
22 by so much also has Jesus become guarantee of a better covenant,
Utoliko je Isus i postao jamac boljega Saveza.
23 and those indeed are many who have become priests, because by death they are hindered from remaining;
K tomu, mnogo je bilo svećenika jer ih je smrt priječila trajno ostati.
24 and He, because of His remaining throughout the age, has the inviolable priesthood, (aiōn )
A on, jer ostaje dovijeka, ima neprolazno svećeništvo. (aiōn )
25 from where also He is able to save to the very end, those coming through Him to God—ever living to make intercession for them.
Zato i može do kraja spasavati one koji po njemu pristupaju k Bogu - uvijek živ da se za njih zauzima.
26 For also such a Chief Priest was fitting for us—holy, innocent, undefiled, separate from the sinners, and having become higher than the heavens,
Takav nam Veliki svećenik i bijaše potreban - svet, nedužan, neokaljan, odijeljen od grešnika i uzvišeniji od nebesa -
27 who has no daily necessity, as the chief priests, to first offer up sacrifice for His own sins, then for those of the people; for this He did once, having offered up Himself;
koji ne treba da kao oni veliki svećenici danomice prinosi žrtve najprije za svoje grijehe, a onda za grijehe naroda. To on učini jednom prinijevši samoga sebe.
28 for the Law appoints men [as] chief priests, having weakness, but the word of the oath that [is] after the Law [appoints] the Son having been perfected throughout the age. (aiōn )
Zakon doista postavi za velike svećenike ljude podložne slabosti, a riječ zakletve - nakon Zakona - Sina zauvijek usavršena. (aiōn )