< Habakkuk 2 >

1 On my charge I stand, and I station myself on a bulwark, and I watch to see what He speaks against me, and what I reply to my reproof.
Stat ću na stražu svoju, postavit se na bedem, paziti što će mi reći, kako odgovorit na moje tužbe.
2 And YHWH answers me and says: “Write a vision, and explain on the tablets, That he may run who is reading it.
Tada Jahve odgovori i reče: “Zapiši viđenje, ureži ga na pločice, da ga čitač lako čita.”
3 For yet the vision [is] for a season, And it breathes for the end, and does not lie, If it lingers, wait for it, For surely it comes, it is not late.
Jer ovo je viđenje samo za svoje vrijeme: ispunjenju teži, ne vara; ako stiže polako, čekaj, jer odista će doći i neće zakasniti!
4 Behold, a presumptuous one! His soul is not upright within him, And the righteous lives by his faith.
Gle: propada onaj čija duša nije pravedna, a pravednik živi od svoje vjere.
5 And also, because the wine [is] treacherous, A man is haughty, and does not remain at home, Who has enlarged his soul as Sheol, And is as death that is not satisfied, And gathers to itself all the nations, And assembles to itself all the peoples, (Sheol h7585)
Bogatstvo je odista podmuklo! Ohol je i ne može počinuti tko ždrijelo razvaljuje k'o Podzemlje, tko je kao smrt nezasitan, tko sabire za se sve narode, tko kupi za se sva plemena! (Sheol h7585)
6 Are these not—all of them—an allegory taken up against him, And a moral of acute sayings for him, And say, Woe [to] him who is multiplying [what is] not his? Until when also is he multiplying to himself heavy pledges?
Zar mu se neće svi podrugivati, rugalicu i zagonetku spjevat' protiv njega? Reći će: Jao onom tko množi što nije njegovo (a dokle će?) i opterećuje se zalogama!
7 Do your usurers not instantly rise up, And those shaking you awake, And you have been a spoil to them?
Neće li naglo ustat' vjerovnici tvoji, neće li se probuditi ljuti tvoji tlačitelji? Tada ćeš im plijen biti!
8 Because you have spoiled many nations, All the remnant of the peoples spoil you, Because of man’s blood, and of violence [to] the land, [To] the city, and [to] all dwelling in it.
Jer si opljačkao mnoge narode, sav ostatak naroda opljačkat će tebe, jer si prolio krv ljudsku, poharao zemlju, grad i sve mu žitelje.
9 Woe [to] him who is gaining evil gain for his house, To set his nest on high, To be delivered from the hand of evil,
Jao onom tko otimačinu zgrće nepravednu kući svojoj, da visoko svije gnijezdo svoje i otkloni ruku zla!
10 You have counseled a shameful thing to your house, To cut off many peoples, and your soul [is] sinful.
Nanese sramotu kući svojoj: zatirući mnoga plemena, griješiš protiv sebe.
11 For a stone cries out from the wall, And a beam from the wood answers it.
Jer iz samih zidova kamen kriči, a krovna mu greda odgovara.
12 Woe [to] him who is building a city by blood, And establishing a city by iniquity.
Jao onom tko grad diže krvlju i tvrđavu zasnuje na nepravdi!
13 Behold, is it not from YHWH of Hosts And peoples are fatigued for fire, And nations for vanity are weary?
Nije li to, gle, od Jahve nad Vojskama da se narodi za oganj trude, puci nizašto muče?
14 For the earth is full of the knowledge of the glory of YHWH, As the waters cover over a sea.
Jer će se zemlja napuniti znanja o slavi Jahvinoj kao što vode prekrivaju more.
15 Woe [to] him who is giving drink to his neighbor, Pouring out your bottle, and also making drunk, In order to look on their nakedness.
Jao onom tko bližnjeg navodi na piće, ulijeva otrov dok on pije da bi promatrao njegovu nagost!
16 You have been filled—shame without honor, Drink also, and be uncircumcised, Turn around to you does the cup of the right hand of YHWH, And shameful spewing [is] on your glory.
Ti si pijan od sramote, ne od slave! Pij samo i pokazuj kapicu. Dolazi ti pehar iz desnice Jahvine i sramota na slavu tvoju!
17 For violence [done to] Lebanon covers you, And spoil of beasts frightens them, Because of man’s blood, and of violence [to] the land, [To] the city, and [to] all dwelling in it.
Nasilje nad Libanonom tebe će prestraviti, pokolj zvijeri, jer si ljudsku krv prolio, poharao zemlju, grad i njegove žitelje.
18 What profit has a carved image given That its former has hewn it? A molten image and teacher of falsehood, That the former has trusted on his own formation—to make mute idols?
Čemu koristi tesan lik da ga umjetnik teše? Čemu lijevan lik, lažno proroštvo, da se tvorac njegov u nj pouzdaje oblikujuć' nijeme kipove?
19 Woe [to] him who is saying to wood, Awake, To a mute stone, Stir up, It [is] a teacher! Behold, it is overlaid—gold and silver, And there is no spirit in its midst.
Jao onom tko komadu drva kaže: “Probudi se!” Kamenu nijemom: “Preni se!” On da prorokuje? Optočen može biti i zlatom i srebrom, ali nikakva daha životnog nema u njemu.
20 And YHWH [is] in His holy temple, Be silent before Him, all the earth!”
Ali je Jahve u svojem svetom Hramu: nek' zemlja sva zašuti pred njime!

< Habakkuk 2 >