< Genesis 6 >

1 And it comes to pass that mankind has begun to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters have been born to them,
A I ka wa o ka hoomaka ana e mahuahua ai na kanaka maluna o ka honua, a ua hanau mai na kaikamahine a lakou.
2 and the sons of God see that they, the daughters of men, [are] beautiful, and they take women for themselves of all whom they have chosen.
Ike ae la na keiki a ke Akua i na kaikamahine a na kanaka, ua maikai lakou; lalau aku la lakou i na mea a lakou i makemake ai i mau wahine na lakou.
3 And YHWH says, “My Spirit does not strive in man for all time, for indeed, he [is] flesh, but his days have been one hundred and twenty years.”
I iho la o Iehova, Aole e noho loa ana kuu Uhane me kanaka, no ka mea, he kino no ia; aku, o kona mau la ma keia hope aku, he haneri makahiki ia a me ka iwakalua.
4 The giants were in the earth in those days, and even afterward, when sons of God come in to the daughters of men, and they have borne to them those who [were] the mighty from of old, the men of renown.
Noho iho la na kanaka nunui ma ka honua ia manawa; a mahope aku, a komo aku la na keiki a ke Akua iloko i na kaikamahine a na kanaka, a hanau mai na lakou ka poe kanaka ikaika, he poe kanaka kaulana lakou i ka wa kahiko.
5 And YHWH sees that the wickedness of man [is] abundant in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [is] only evil every day;
A ike mai la ke Akua, he nui ka hewa o kanaka ma ka honua, a ua hewa wale no ka noonoo ana o kona naau, ana i manao ai i na la a pau.
6 and YHWH regrets that He has made man in the earth, and He grieves Himself—to His heart.
A mihi iho la o Iehova i kana hana ana i na kanaka maluna o ka honua, a ua ehaeha kona naau.
7 And YHWH says, “I wipe away man whom I have created from off the face of the ground, from man to beast, to creeping thing, and to bird of the heavens, for I have regretted that I have made them.”
I iho la o Iehova, E luku auanei au i na kanaka a'u i hana'i, mai ke alo aku o ka honua, i na kanaka a me na holoholona, a me na mea kolo, a me na manu o ka lewa: no ka mea, ke mihi nei au i ka'u hana ana ia lakou:
8 And Noah found grace in the eyes of YHWH.
Aka, loaa ia Noa ke alohaia mai imua o Iehova.
9 These [are] the generations of Noah: Noah [is] a righteous man; he has been perfect among his generations; Noah has habitually walked with God.
Eia ka mooolelo no Noa: He kanaka pono o Noa, a he hemolele iwaena o na hanauna ona, a hele pu o Noa me ke Akua.
10 And Noah begets three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Ua hanau mai na Noa ekolu keikikane, o Sema, o Hama, a o Iapeta.
11 And the earth is corrupt before God, and the earth is filled [with] violence.
Ua inoino hoi ka honua imua o ke Akua; a ua piha ka honua i ka hoino.
12 And God sees the earth, and behold, it has been corrupted, for all flesh has corrupted its way on the earth.
Nana mai la ke Akua i ka honua, aia hoi, ua inoino ia; no ka mea, ua hana ino na kanaka a pau i ko lakou aoao ma ka honua.
13 And God said to Noah, “An end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth has been full of violence from their presence; and behold, I am destroying them with the earth.
Olelo mai la o Iehova ia Noa, Ua hiki mai i ko'u alo nei ka hope o na mea ola a pau; no ka mea, ua piha ka honua i ka hoino ma o lakou la: aia hoi, e luku auanei au ia lakou ma ka honua.
14 Make an ark of gopher-wood for yourself; you make rooms within the Ark, and you have covered it from inside and from outside with pitch;
E hana oe i halelana nou; e hana hoi oe i na keena maloko o ka halelana, a e hapala ae i ke kepau maloko a mawaho.
15 and this [is] how you do it: three hundred cubits [is] the length of the Ark, fifty cubits its breadth, and thirty cubits its height;
Penei kau e hana aku ai: ekolu haneri kubita o ka loa o ka halelana, he kanalima na kubita ka laula, a he kanakolu na kubita o kona kiekie.
16 you make a window for the Ark, and you finish it to a cubit from above; and you put the opening of the Ark in its side; you make it [with] lower, second, and third [stories].
He malamalama kau e hana'i ma ka halelana, a e hoopaa ia mea maluna ma ke kubita; a e kau oe i ka pukakomo o ka halelana ma kona paia: a he papalalo, me ka papawaena, a me ka papaluna kau e hana'i ma ia mea.
17 And I, behold, I am bringing in the flood of waters on the earth, to destroy from under the heavens all flesh in which [is] a living spirit; all that [is] in the earth expires.
A owau la e, e lawe mai ana au i ke kaiakahinalii maluna o ka honua, i mea e lukuia'i na mea io a pau, i ka poe nona ka hanu ola malalo o ka lani; a e make na mea a pau ma ka honua.
18 And I have established My covenant with you, and you have come into the Ark—you, and your sons, and your wife, and your son’s wives with you;
Aka, e hoopaa aku au i ka'u berita ia oe; a e komo ae oe iloko o ka halelana, o oe, me kau mau keikikane, a me kau wahine, a me na wahine a kau mau keikikane.
19 and of all that lives, of all flesh, you bring two from every [kind] into the Ark, to keep alive with you; they are male and female.
A no na mea io a pau e ola ana, e lawe oe i elua o kela mea keia mea iloko o ka halelana, i kane i wahine, i malama ola pu ia lakou me oe.
20 From the bird after its kind, and from the livestock after its kind, [and] from every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of every [kind] they come to you, to keep alive.
O na manu ma ko lakou ano, a o na holoholona, ma ko lakou ano, a o kela mea kolo keia mea kolo o ka honua, ma kona ano iho, e hele papalua mai lakou iou la, i malama ola ia lakou.
21 And you, take for yourself from all food that is eaten; and you have gathered [it] to yourself, and it has been for you and for them for food.”
E lawe oe nau i na mea ai a pau, a e hoiliili oe ia iou la; i mea ai nau, a na lakou.
22 And Noah does according to all that God has commanded him; so he has done.
Pela o Noa i hana'i; ma ka mea a pau a ke Akua i kauoha mai ai ia ia, pela oia i hana'i.

< Genesis 6 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water