< Genesis 42 >
1 And Jacob sees that there is grain in Egypt, and Jacob says to his sons, “Why do you look at each other?”
Yaaq'ubık'le Misir suk vobva ats'axhamee, mang'vee dixbışik'le eyhen: – Nya'a şu sana-sang'uqa ilyaaka avxu?
2 He also says, “Behold, I have heard that there is grain in Egypt, go down there, and buy for us from there, and we live and do not die”;
Zak'le g'ayxhıyn Misir suk vobubva. Havak'ne mançe şasda suk alivşe, deşxheene şi xhal hapt'as.
3 and the ten brothers of Joseph go down to buy grain in Egypt,
Yusufna yits'iyre çoc suk alivşesva Misirqa havayk'an.
4 and Benjamin, Joseph’s brother, Jacob has not sent with his brothers, for he said, “Lest harm meet him.”
Saccu Yusufna çoc Benyamin Yaaq'ubee çocaaşika g'ıxele deş. Mana qəyq'ənna Benyaminık sayid sa kar eyxheva.
5 And the sons of Israel come to buy in the midst of those coming, for the famine has been in the land of Canaan,
Kana'anaaşine cigabışee mısvalybıva, suk ulyooşenbışika İzrailin dixbıb abı vuxha.
6 and Joseph is the ruler over the land, he who is selling to all the people of the land, and Joseph’s brothers come and bow themselves to him—face to the earth.
Yusuf bıkırne ölkayna xərnaniy, Misirvolleteb suk vuceeniy massa hoole. Yusufun çocar abıyng'a mang'une ögiyl ç'iyelqame k'yobzuriynbı.
7 And Joseph sees his brothers, and discerns them, and makes himself strange to them, and speaks sharp things with them, and says to them, “From where have you come?” And they say, “From the land of Canaan—to buy food.”
Yusufuk'le cun çocar g'avcuykum qıvats'eeyib, qıvdyats'inçilqa hadaççe. Manbışika mana sacurayracar eyxhe. Yusufee manbışike qiyghanan: – Nençene şu abı? Manbışe eyhen: – Kana'ane ölkeençe, otxhanan kar alişşes.
8 And Joseph discerns his brothers, but they have not discerned him,
Yusufuk'le cun çocar qıvaats'anbı, çocaaşik'lemee vuc qıvats'ı deş.
9 and Joseph remembers the dreams which he dreamed of them and says to them, “You [are] spies; you have come to see the nakedness of the land.”
Yusufus cehilynang'a çocaaşine hək'ee g'acuyn nyak'bı yik'el qadı, manbışik'le eyhen: – Şu casusarıb, ölkayn it'um hidi'iyn cigabı ats'axhxhesıb abı!
10 And they say to him, “No, my lord, but your servants have come to buy food;
Çocaaşe mang'uk'le eyhen: – De'eş, yişda xərna, yiğın g'ular otxhanan kar alişşes abı.
11 we [are] all of us sons of one man, we [are] right men; your servants have not been spies”;
Yişin gırgınbı sang'un dixbı vob. Yiğın g'ular qopkuyn insanar vob, şi casusar deş vob.
12 and he says to them, “No, but you have come to see the nakedness of the land”;
Yusufee manbışik'le eyhen: – De'eş, şu abıynbı g'aces, nyaadiy yişde ölkayn it'um hidi'iyn cigabı!
13 and they say, “Your servants [are] twelve brothers; we [are] sons of one man in the land of Canaan, and behold, the young one [is] with our father today, and one is not.”
Manbışe eyhen: – Şi yiğın g'ular yits'ıq'öyre çoc vob, Kana'anne cigeençene sang'un dixbı vob. Yişda k'ınna çoc dekkıne k'ane vor, manasar xəəqa-ç'iyeeqa ıxha.
14 And Joseph says to them, “This [is] that which I have spoken to you, saying, You [are] spies,
Yusufee manbışik'le eyhen: – Gırgın kar zı şok'le uvhuyn xhinnevud, şu casusarıb!
15 by this you are proved: [as] Pharaoh lives, if you go out from this—except by your young brother coming here;
Zı şu inəxüb siliys üvxəs: fironne vuk'lelen k'ın g'iysar, vuşda k'ınna çoc inyaqa ittyareene, şosse inçe əlyhəəs vəəxəs deş.
16 send one of you, and let him bring your brother, and you, remain bound, and let your words be proved, whether truth be with you: and if not, [as] Pharaoh lives, surely you [are] spies”;
Vuşda sa g'axıle k'ınna çoc ayrecen, avxuynbıb inyaa avqvas. Manke zak'le g'acesın şu eyhen horee-hək'enee. Deşxheene, fironne vuk'lelqa k'ın ixhecen, şu casusarıbva!
17 and he gathers them into confinement [for] three days.
Yusufee manbı xhebılle yiğna zindanee havaacı.
18 And Joseph says to them on the third day, “Do this and live; I fear God!
Xhebıd'esde yiğıl Yusufee manbışik'le eyhen: – Zı Allahıle qəyq'ənna: zı uvhuyn he'eene, şu üç'übba aaxvas.
19 If you [are] right men, let one of your brothers be bound in the house of your confinement, and you, go, carry in grain [for] the famine of your houses,
Şu qopkuyn insanarxhee hasre vuşda sa zindane axvecen, mansanbışemee xaa'ab mıssıba avxuynbışis suk vukkeecen.
20 and you bring your young brother to me, and your words are established, and you do not die”; and they do so.
Qiyğa vuşda k'ınna çoc zasqa ayre. Məxüd zak'le ats'axhxhesın, şu eyhenbı hək'enbıyee, deşxhee dişeene. Mançika şunab hapt'iyke g'attivxhanasınbı. Mançis çocaaşe ho'ova eyhe.
21 And they say to one another, “Truly we [are] guilty concerning our brother, because we saw the distress of his soul, in his making supplication to us, and we did not listen: therefore this distress has come on us.”
Manbışe sana-sang'uk'le eyhen: – Hək'ebab şi çocus hı'iynçına cazaa vob ts'ıts'aа'a. Mang'vee şalqa miz ky'a'ang'a, şak'le mang'uk qitxhuyn divan g'acu, şi mang'vee uvhuyn hı'ı deş. Mançil-allad yişde vuk'lelqa in divan adı.
22 And Reuben answers them, saying, “Did I not speak to you, saying, Do not sin against the boy? And you did not listen; and his blood also, behold, it is required.”
Ruvenee manbışik'le inəxüd eyhe: – Zı uvhu dişdiy gadeys pisvalla hımaa'a, şumee zal k'ırı alixhxhı deş. Həşdeb şi mang'une ebal-alla cazaa ts'ıts'aa'a.
23 And they have not known that Joseph understands, for the interpreter [is] between them;
Çocaaşik'le ats'a deşdiy Yusufee col k'ırı iliyxheva. Mana manbışika sak'ala'ang'une kumagıkva yuşan ha'a ıxha.
24 and he turns around from them, and weeps, and turns back to them, and speaks to them, and takes Simeon from them, and binds him before their eyes.
Yusuf çocaaşisse şaqana ark'ın, geşşena. Qiyğar meer cosqacar sak'ı, manbışika gaf haa'a. Çocaaşine yı'q'neençe Şimon aqqeva əmr haa'a. Qiyğaler mana manbışik'le g'ece-g'ece iyt'alna.
25 And Joseph commands, and they fill their vessels [with] grain, also to put back the money of each of them into his sack, and to give to them provision for the way; and one does to them so.
Yusufee əmr haa'a manbışin balagbı sukun gyats'e'e, co adiyn nuk'rad conecad balagbışeeqa gixhxhe, yəqqı'sıd oxhanasın kar hele. Həməxüdud ha'an.
26 And they lift up their grain on their donkeys, and go from there,
Çocaaşe suk əməleeşilqa alivxhu, mançe avayk'ananbı.
27 and the one opens his sack to give provender to his donkey at a lodging-place, and he sees his money, and behold, it [is] in the mouth of his bag,
Manbışde sang've xəm g'aahane cigee əməleys yem helesva balagın ghal aaqıyng'a, balagne ghalee cun nuk'ra g'ece.
28 and he says to his brothers, “My money has been put back, and also, behold, in my bag”: and their heart goes out, and they tremble, to one another saying, “What [is] this God has done to us!”
Mang'vee çocaaşik'le eyhen: – Yizın nuk'ra sak'ıyn, haane yizde balageevud. Manbışin yik' aqqaqqa, qəpq'ı'n sana-sang'uk'le eyhen: – Şak Allahee hucooyiy hı'ı?
29 And they come to their father Jacob, to the land of Canaan, and they declare to him all the things meeting them, saying,
Manbı dekkıne k'anyaqa Kana'anne cigabışeeqa qabı, mang'us vuk'lelqa qadiynbı inəxüd yuşan ha'a:
30 “The man, the lord of the land, has spoken with us sharp things, and makes us as spies of the land;
– Şene ölkayna xərna şaka sacurayracar yuşan hı'ı. Mang'uk'le həməxüd ats'axhxha, şi menne ölkayn casusarniyxan.
31 and we say to him, We [are] right men, we have not been spies,
Şimee mang'uk'le uvhuyn: «Şi qopkuyn insanar vob, casusar deş.
32 we [are] twelve brothers, sons of our father, one is not, and the young one [is] today with our father in the land of Canaan.
Şi yits'ıq'öyre çoc sa dekkın dixbı vob. Sa yişda çoc xəəqə-ç'iyeeqa ıxha, k'ınna yişda çocur Kana'anne cigabışee dekkıne k'ane vor».
33 And the man, the lord of the land, says to us, By this I know that you [are] right men—leave one of your brothers with me, and take [for] the famine of your houses and go,
Şene ölkayne xərıng'vee şak'le uvhuyn: «Şu qopkuyn insanar vuxhay inçike ats'axhxhes: çocaaşina sa yizde k'ane g'alerçe, şunab xizanbı mıssıvalike g'attixhan haa'as suk alyapt'ı hudoora.
34 and bring your young brother to me, and I know that you [are] not spies, but you [are] right men; I give your brother to you, and you trade with the land.”
Mançile qiyğar k'ınna çoc zasqa ayre. Manke zak'le ats'axhxhesın şu casusaraye deşxhee, qopkuyn insanare. Qiyğaler vuşda çoc şosqa quvu, zı ine cigabışee iviykarasiy kar alişşes şosqa hassarasın».
35 And it comes to pass, they are emptying their sacks, and behold, the bundle of each man’s silver [is] in his sack, and they see their bundles of silver, they and their father, and are afraid;
Balagbı haç'a'ang'a çocaaşik'le con nuk'ranan yut'elybı caa'ad iveeke. Cocarıb cona dekkır nuk'rabı g'acu qəvəyq'ənanbı.
36 and their father Jacob says to them, “You have bereaved me; Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and Benjamin you take—all these [things] have been against me.”
Yaaq'ubee manbışik'le eyhen: – Şu zı dixbışkena hı'ı! Yusufır deşda, Şimonur deşda, həşder Benyamin qıkkekka! Man eyxhen gırgın zak eyxhe!
37 And Reuben speaks to his father, saying, “You put to death my two sons, if I do not bring him to you; give him into my hand, and I bring him back to you”;
Ruvenee dekkık'le inəxüd eyhe: – Ğu mana yizde xıleqa qele, zı mana vasqa sak'al ha'asda. Zı mana vasqa sak'al hide'eene, yizda q'öyursana dix gyapt'e.
38 and he says, “My son does not go down with you, for his brother [is] dead, and he by himself is left; when harm has met him in the way in which you go, then you have brought down my grey hairs in sorrow to Sheol.” (Sheol )
Yaaq'ubee eyhen: – Yizda dix Benyamin maqa şokasana ı'qqəs deş. Yizde xhunaşşeyke Raahileyke sa hamana axu, mang'una çoc qik'una. Sayid mang'une vuk'lelqa yəqqə sa kar qadeene, zı q'əsvalee mane uts'uruka ahaleeqa əlyhəəs. (Sheol )