< Genesis 39 >

1 And Joseph has been brought down to Egypt, and Potiphar, a eunuch of Pharaoh, head of the executioners, an Egyptian man, buys him out of the hands of the Ishmaelites who have brought him there.
Og Josef var ført ned til Ægypten, og Potifar, Faraos Hofsinde, Øverste for Livvagten, en ægyptisk Mand, købte ham af Ismaeliterne, som havde ført ham did ned.
2 And YHWH is with Joseph, and he is a prosperous man, and he is in the house of his lord the Egyptian,
Og Herren var med Josef, at han blev en lykkelig Mand, og han var i sin Herres, den Ægypters Hus.
3 and his lord sees that YHWH is with him, and all that he is doing YHWH is causing to prosper in his hand,
Og hans Herre saa, at Herren var med ham; thi alt det, han gjorde, lod Herren lykkes ved hans Haand.
4 and Joseph finds grace in his eyes and serves him, and he appoints him over his house, and all that he has he has given into his hand.
Og Josef fandt Naade for hans Øjne og tjente ham, og han satte ham over sit Hus, og alt det, han havde, gav han i hans Haand.
5 And it comes to pass from the time that he has appointed him over his house, and over all that he has, that YHWH blesses the house of the Egyptian for Joseph’s sake, and the blessing of YHWH is on all that he has, in the house, and in the field;
Og det skete, fra den Tid han havde sat ham over sit Hus og over alt, hvad han havde, da velsignede Herren Ægypterens Hus for Josefs Skyld; og der var Herrens Velsignelse i alt det, han havde i Huset og paa Marken.
6 and he leaves all that he has in the hand of Joseph, and he has not known anything that he has, except the bread which he is eating. And Joseph is of a handsome form, and of a handsome appearance.
Og han overlod alting, som han havde, i Josefs Haand, og saa ikke til med ham i noget uden den Mad, som han selv aad. Og Josef var smuk af Skikkelse og smuk af Udseende.
7 And it comes to pass after these things, that his lord’s wife lifts up her eyes to Joseph and says, “Lie with me”;
Og det hændte sig derefter, at hans Herres Hustru kastede sine Øjne paa Josef og sagde: Lig hos mig!
8 and he refuses and says to his lord’s wife, “Behold, my lord has not known what [is] with me in the house, and all that he has he has given into my hand;
Men han vægrede sig og sagde til sin Herres Hustru: Se, min Herre ser ikke til med mig i noget af, hvad der er i Huset, og alt, hvad han har, har han givet i min Haand.
9 none is greater in this house than I, and he has not withheld from me anything, except you, because you [are] his wife; and how will I do this great evil? Then I have sinned against God.”
Han selv er ikke større i dette Hus end jeg, og han formener intet for mig uden dig, fordi du er hans Hustru; og hvorledes skal jeg gøre denne store Ondskab og synde imod Gud.
10 And it comes to pass at her speaking to Joseph day [by] day, that he has not listened to her, to lie near her, to be with her;
Og det skete, som hun talede til Josef Dag efter Dag, adlød han hende dog ikke med at ligge hos hende eller at være med hende.
11 and it comes to pass about this day, that he goes into the house to do his work, and there is none of the men of the house there in the house,
Og det hændte sig en Dag, der han kom i Huset at gøre sin Gerning, og der var ingen af Husets Mænd der i Huset,
12 and she catches him by his garment, saying, “Lie with me”; and he leaves his garment in her hand, and flees, and goes outside.
da tog hun ham fat ved hans Klædebon og sagde: Lig hos mig; men han efterlod sit Klædebon i hendes Haand og flyede og gik udenfor.
13 And it comes to pass, when she sees that he has left his garment in her hand, and flees outside,
Og det skete, som hun saa, at han efterlod sit Klædebon i hendes Haand og flyede udenfor,
14 that she calls for the men of her house, and speaks to them, saying, “See, he has brought a man to us, a Hebrew, to play with us; he has come in to me, to lie with me, and I call with a loud voice,
da kaldte hun ad sine Husfolk og sagde til dem, sigende: Ser, han har ført os en hebraisk Mand paa, at drive Spot med os; han kom ind til mig at ligge hos mig, men jeg kaldte med høj Røst.
15 and it comes to pass, when he hears that I have lifted up my voice and call, that he leaves his garment near me, and flees, and goes outside.”
Og det skete, der han hørte, at jeg opløftede min Røst og kaldte, da efterlod han sit Klædebon hos mig og flyede og gik udenfor.
16 And she places his garment near her, until the coming in of his lord to his house.
Og hun lod hans Klædebon ligge hos sig, indtil hans Herre kom hjem.
17 And she speaks to him according to these words, saying, “The Hebrew servant whom you have brought to us, has come in to me to play with me;
Og hun talte til ham lige de samme Ord og sagde: Den hebraiske Tjener, som du har ført os paa, kom til mig at drive Spot med mig.
18 and it comes to pass, when I lift my voice and call, that he leaves his garment near me, and flees outside.”
Og det skete, der jeg opløftede min Røst og kaldte, da efterlod han sit Klædebon hos mig og flyede udenfor.
19 And it comes to pass, when his lord hears the words of his wife, which she has spoken to him, saying, “According to these things has your servant done to me,” that his anger burns;
Og det skete, der hans Herre hørte sin Hustrus Ord, som hun talede til ham, sigende: Paa den Maade har din Tjener gjort imod mig, da blev han meget vred.
20 and Joseph’s lord takes him, and puts him to the round-house, a place where the king’s prisoners [are] bound; and he is there in the round-house.
Da tog Josefs Herre ham og kastede ham i Fængslets Hus, et Sted, hvor Kongens Fanger holdtes bundne, og han var der i Fængslets Hus.
21 And YHWH is with Joseph, and stretches out kindness to him, and puts his grace in the eyes of the chief of the round-house;
Men Herren var med Josef og bøjede Miskundhed til ham og gav ham Naade hos Fængselhusets Forstander,
22 and the chief of the round-house gives into the hand of Joseph all the prisoners who [are] in the round-house, and of all that they are doing there, he has been doer;
at Fængselhusets Forstander gav alle Fanger, som vare i Fængslets Hus, i Josefs Haand; og alt det, som skulde gøres der, det gjorde denne.
23 the chief of the round-house does not see anything under his hand, because YHWH [is] with him, and that which he is doing YHWH is causing to prosper.
Forstanderen for Fængselhuset gav ikke Agt paa nogen Ting, som var i hans Haand, fordi Herren var med ham, og det, som han gjorde, gav Herren Lykke til.

< Genesis 39 >