< Genesis 32 >

1 And Jacob has gone on his way, and messengers of God come on him;
También Jacob prosiguió su camino, y unos ángeles de ʼElohim salieron a su encuentro.
2 and Jacob says, when he has seen them, “This [is] the camp of God”; and he calls the name of that place “Two Camps.”
Cuando los vio, Jacob dijo: Este es el campamento de ʼElohim y llamó aquel lugar Mahanaim.
3 And Jacob sends messengers before him to his brother Esau, toward the land of Seir, the field of Edom,
Jacob envió mensajeros delante de él a su hermano Esaú, a la tierra de Seír, al campo de Edom,
4 and commands them, saying, “Thus you say to my lord, to Esau, Thus said your servant Jacob: I have sojourned with Laban, and I linger until now;
y les ordenó: Así dirán a mi ʼadón Esaú: Tu esclavo Jacob dice así: Viví temporalmente con Labán, con quien me detuve hasta ahora.
5 and I have ox, and donkey, flock, and manservant, and maidservant, and I send to declare to my lord, to find grace in his eyes.”
Tengo bueyes, asnos y ovejas, esclavos y esclavas, y envío a declararlo a mi ʼadón para hallar gracia ante tus ojos.
6 And the messengers return to Jacob, saying, “We came to your brother, to Esau, and he is also coming to meet you, and four hundred men with him”;
Los mensajeros volvieron a Jacob y dijeron: Fuimos a tu hermano Esaú, y también él viene a tu encuentro con 400 hombres.
7 and Jacob fears exceedingly, and is distressed, and he divides the people who [are] with him, and the flock, and the herd, and the camels, into two camps,
Jacob se angustió y tuvo gran temor. Dividió el pueblo, las ovejas, ganado vacuno y los camellos que tenía consigo en dos campamentos,
8 and says, “If Esau comes to one camp, and has struck it—then the camp which is left has been for an escape.”
pues se dijo: Si viene Esaú contra un campamento y lo ataca, el otro campamento escapará.
9 And Jacob says, “God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, YHWH who says to me, Return to your land and to your family, and I do good with you:
Y Jacob dijo: ¡Oh ʼElohim de mi antepasado Abraham [y] de mi padre Isaac! Oh Yavé, que me dijiste: ¡Regresa a tu tierra y a tu parentela y Yo te haré bien!
10 I have been unworthy of all the kind acts and of all the truth which You have done with your servant—for with my staff I passed over this Jordan, and now I have become two camps.
Soy indigno de tus misericordias y de toda la fidelidad que has mostrado a tu esclavo, pues con mi cayado pasé este Jordán y ahora tengo dos campamentos.
11 Please deliver me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I am fearing him, lest he come and has struck me—mother beside sons;
Líbrame, te ruego, de la mano de mi hermano Esaú, pues temo, que venga y me ataque a la madre con los hijos.
12 and You have said, I certainly do good with you, and have set your seed as the sand of the sea, which is not numbered because of the multitude.”
Pero Tú mismo dijiste: Ciertamente te haré bien y multiplicaré tu descendencia como la arena del mar, que por ser tanta no se puede contar.
13 And he lodges there during that night, and takes from that which is coming into his hand, a present for his brother Esau:
Pernoctó allí aquella noche. Tomó un presente de lo que le vino a mano para su hermano Esaú:
14 female goats two hundred, and male goats twenty, ewes two hundred, and rams twenty,
200 cabras y 20 machos cabríos, 200 ovejas y 20 carneros,
15 suckling camels and their young ones thirty, cows forty, and bullocks ten, female donkeys twenty, and foals ten;
30 camellas que amamantaban, con sus crías, 40 novillas y diez novillos, 20 asnas y diez pollinos.
16 and he gives into the hand of his servants every drove by itself, and says to his servants, “Pass over before me, and a space you put between drove and drove.”
Los entregó en mano de sus esclavos, cada manada por separado. Y dijo a sus esclavos: Pasen adelante de mí y dejen espacio entre manada y manada.
17 And he commands the first, saying, “When my brother Esau meets you, and has asked you, saying, Whose [are] you? And to where do you go? And whose [are] these before you?
Y le ordenó al primero: Cuando mi hermano Esaú te encuentre y te pregunte: ¿De quién eres, y a dónde vas, y para quién es esto que llevas delante de ti?
18 Then you have said, Your servant Jacob’s: it [is] a present sent to my lord, to Esau; and behold, he also [is] behind us.”
le dirás: Es un presente de tu esclavo Jacob, enviado para mi ʼadón Esaú. Y por cierto, él también viene tras nosotros.
19 And he commands also the second, also the third, also all who are going after the droves, saying, “According to this manner do you speak to Esau in your finding him,
Ordenó también al segundo, al tercero y a todos los que iban tras aquellas manadas: La misma cosa le dirán a Esaú cuando lo encuentren.
20 and you have also said, Behold, your servant Jacob [is] behind us”; for he said, “I pacify his face with the present which is going before me, and afterward I see his face; it may be he lifts up my face”;
Y además le dirán: Mira, tu esclavo Jacob viene tras nosotros. Porque pensaba: Apaciguaré su ira con el presente que va delante de mí. Luego veré su rostro, y tal vez él me acepte.
21 and the present passes over before his face, and he has lodged during that night in the camp.
Pasó, pues, el presente delante de él, y aquella noche pernoctó en el campamento.
22 And he rises in that night, and takes his two wives, and his two maidservants, and his eleven children, and passes over the passage of Jabbok;
Aquella misma noche se levantó, tomó a sus dos esposas, a sus dos esclavas y a sus 11 hijos, y atravesó el vado de Jaboc.
23 and he takes them, and causes them to pass over the brook, and he causes that which he has to pass over.
Los tomó, les ordenó pasar el arroyo y luego ordenó pasar todo lo que tenía.
24 And Jacob is left alone, and One wrestles with him until the ascending of the dawn;
Jacob se quedó solo, y un Varón luchó con él hasta rayar el alba.
25 and He sees that He is not able for him, and He comes against the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh is disjointed in his wrestling with Him;
Pero viendo que no podía con él, le atacó el encaje de su muslo, y se le descoyuntó el muslo a Jacob mientras luchaba con Él.
26 and He says, “Send Me away, for the dawn has ascended”: and he says, “I do not send You away, except You have blessed me.”
Entonces el Varón dijo: Déjame, por que raya el alba. Y Jacob dijo: No te dejaré, si no me bendices.
27 And He says to him, “What [is] your name?” And he says, “Jacob.”
Le preguntó: ¿Cuál es tu nombre? Y él respondió: Jacob.
28 And He says, “Your name is no longer called Jacob, but Israel; for you have reigned with God and with men, and prevail.”
Y dijo: Ya no será tu nombre Jacob, sino Israel, porque luchaste con ʼElohim y con los hombres, y venciste.
29 And Jacob asks and says, “Please declare Your Name”; and He says, “Why [is] this, you ask for My Name?” And He blesses him there.
Entonces Jacob le dijo: Te ruego que me declares tu Nombre. Y Él respondió: ¿Por qué preguntas por mi Nombre? Y lo bendijo allí.
30 And Jacob calls the name of the place Peniel: “For I have seen God face to face, and my life is delivered”;
Jacob llamó aquel lugar Peni-ʼEl, porque dijo: Vi a ʼElohim cara a cara, y aun así fue librada mi vida.
31 and the sun rises on him when he has passed over Penuel, and he is halting on his thigh;
Cuando pasó Peni-ʼEl, salió el sol, y cojeaba por causa de su muslo.
32 therefore the sons of Israel do not eat the sinew which shrank, which [is] on the hollow of the thigh, to this day, because He came against the hollow of Jacob’s thigh, against the sinew which shrank.
Por eso hasta hoy los hijos de Israel no comen del tendón de la cadera que está sobre la coyuntura del muslo, porque Él tocó la coyuntura del muslo de Jacob en el tendón de la cadera.

< Genesis 32 >