< Galatians 3 >

1 O thoughtless Galatians, who bewitched you, not to obey the truth—before whose eyes [it] was previously written [about] Jesus Christ having been crucified?
hE nirbbOdhA gAlAtilOkAH, yuSmAkaM madhyE kruzE hata iva yIzuH khrISTO yuSmAkaM samakSaM prakAzita AsIt atO yUyaM yathA satyaM vAkyaM na gRhlItha tathA kEnAmuhyata?
2 I only wish to learn this from you: did you receive the Spirit by works of the Law, or by the hearing of faith?
ahaM yuSmattaH kathAmEkAM jijnjAsE yUyam AtmAnaM kEnAlabhadhvaM? vyavasthApAlanEna kiM vA vizvAsavAkyasya zravaNEna?
3 Are you so thoughtless? Having begun in the Spirit, do you now end in the flesh?
yUyaM kim IdRg abOdhA yad AtmanA karmmArabhya zarIrENa tat sAdhayituM yatadhvE?
4 So many things you suffered in vain! If, indeed, even in vain.
tarhi yuSmAkaM gurutarO duHkhabhOgaH kiM niSphalO bhaviSyati? kuphalayuktO vA kiM bhaviSyati?
5 He, therefore, who is supplying the Spirit to you and working mighty acts among you—[is it] by works of law or by the hearing of faith?
yO yuSmabhyam AtmAnaM dattavAn yuSmanmadhya AzcaryyANi karmmANi ca sAdhitavAn sa kiM vyavasthApAlanEna vizvAsavAkyasya zravaNEna vA tat kRtavAn?
6 According as Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness;
likhitamAstE, ibrAhIma IzvarE vyazvasIt sa ca vizvAsastasmai puNyArthaM gaNitO babhUva,
7 know, then, that those of faith—these are sons of Abraham,
atO yE vizvAsAzritAsta EvEbrAhImaH santAnA iti yuSmAbhi rjnjAyatAM|
8 and the Writing, having foreseen that God declares righteous the nations by faith, foretold the good news to Abraham:
IzvarO bhinnajAtIyAn vizvAsEna sapuNyIkariSyatIti pUrvvaM jnjAtvA zAstradAtA pUrvvam ibrAhImaM susaMvAdaM zrAvayana jagAda, tvattO bhinnajAtIyAH sarvva AziSaM prApsyantIti|
9 “All the nations will be blessed in you”; so that those of faith are blessed with the believing Abraham,
atO yE vizvAsAzritAstE vizvAsinEbrAhImA sArddham AziSaM labhantE|
10 for as many as are of works of law are under a curse, for it has been written: “Cursed [is] everyone who is not remaining in all things that have been written in the Scroll of the Law—to do them,”
yAvantO lOkA vyavasthAyAH karmmaNyAzrayanti tE sarvvE zApAdhInA bhavanti yatO likhitamAstE, yathA, "yaH kazcid Etasya vyavasthAgranthasya sarvvavAkyAni nizcidraM na pAlayati sa zapta iti|"
11 and [it] is evident that in law no one is declared righteous with God, because “The righteous will live by faith”;
Izvarasya sAkSAt kO'pi vyavasthayA sapuNyO na bhavati tada vyaktaM yataH "puNyavAn mAnavO vizvAsEna jIviSyatIti" zAstrIyaM vacaH|
12 and the Law is not by faith, rather, “The man who did them will live in them.”
vyavasthA tu vizvAsasambandhinI na bhavati kintvEtAni yaH pAlayiSyati sa Eva tai rjIviSyatItiniyamasambandhinI|
13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us, for it has been written: “Cursed is everyone who is hanging on a tree,”
khrISTO'smAn parikrIya vyavasthAyAH zApAt mOcitavAn yatO'smAkaM vinimayEna sa svayaM zApAspadamabhavat tadadhi likhitamAstE, yathA, "yaH kazcit tarAvullambyatE sO'bhizapta iti|"
14 that the blessing of Abraham may come to the nations in Christ Jesus, that we may receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
tasmAd khrISTEna yIzunEvrAhIma AzI rbhinnajAtIyalOkESu varttatE tEna vayaM pratijnjAtam AtmAnaM vizvAsEna labdhuM zaknumaH|
15 Brothers, I say [it] as a man, no one even makes void or adds to a confirmed covenant of man,
hE bhrAtRgaNa mAnuSANAM rItyanusArENAhaM kathayAmi kEnacit mAnavEna yO niyamO niracAyi tasya vikRti rvRddhi rvA kEnApi na kriyatE|
16 and to Abraham were the promises spoken, and to his Seed; He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “And to your Seed,” which is Christ;
parantvibrAhImE tasya santAnAya ca pratijnjAH prati zuzruvirE tatra santAnazabdaM bahuvacanAntam abhUtvA tava santAnAyEtyEkavacanAntaM babhUva sa ca santAnaH khrISTa Eva|
17 and this I say, a covenant confirmed before by God to Christ, the Law, that came four hundred and thirty years after, does not set aside, to make void the promise,
ataEvAhaM vadAmi, IzvarENa yO niyamaH purA khrISTamadhi niracAyi tataH paraM triMzadadhikacatuHzatavatsarESu gatESu sthApitA vyavasthA taM niyamaM nirarthakIkRtya tadIyapratijnjA lOptuM na zaknOti|
18 for if the inheritance [is] by law, [it is] no longer by promise, but God granted [it] to Abraham through promise.
yasmAt sampadadhikArO yadi vyavasthayA bhavati tarhi pratijnjayA na bhavati kintvIzvaraH pratijnjayA tadadhikAritvam ibrAhImE 'dadAt|
19 Why, then, the Law? It was added on account of the transgressions, until the Seed might come to which the promise has been made, having been set in order through messengers in the hand of a mediator—
tarhi vyavasthA kimbhUtA? pratijnjA yasmai pratizrutA tasya santAnasyAgamanaM yAvad vyabhicAranivAraNArthaM vyavasthApi dattA, sA ca dUtairAjnjApitA madhyasthasya karE samarpitA ca|
20 and the mediator is not of one, but God is one.
naikasya madhyasthO vidyatE kintvIzvara Eka Eva|
21 [Is] the Law, then, against the promises of God? Let it not be! For if a law was given that was able to make alive, truly there would have been righteousness by law,
tarhi vyavasthA kim Izvarasya pratijnjAnAM viruddhA? tanna bhavatu| yasmAd yadi sA vyavasthA jIvanadAnEsamarthAbhaviSyat tarhi vyavasthayaiva puNyalAbhO'bhaviSyat|
22 but the Writing shut up the whole under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ may be given to those believing.
kintu yIzukhrISTE yO vizvAsastatsambandhiyAH pratijnjAyAH phalaM yad vizvAsilOkEbhyO dIyatE tadarthaM zAstradAtA sarvvAn pApAdhInAn gaNayati|
23 And before the coming of faith, we were being kept under law, shut up to the faith about to be revealed,
ataEva vizvAsasyAnAgatasamayE vayaM vyavasthAdhInAH santO vizvAsasyOdayaM yAvad ruddhA ivArakSyAmahE|
24 so that the Law became our tutor—to Christ, that we may be declared righteous by faith,
itthaM vayaM yad vizvAsEna sapuNyIbhavAmastadarthaM khrISTasya samIpam asmAn nEtuM vyavasthAgrathO'smAkaM vinEtA babhUva|
25 and faith having come, we are no longer under a tutor,
kintvadhunAgatE vizvAsE vayaM tasya vinEturanadhInA abhavAma|
26 for you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus,
khrISTE yIzau vizvasanAt sarvvE yUyam Izvarasya santAnA jAtAH|
27 for as many as were immersed into Christ put on Christ;
yUyaM yAvantO lOkAH khrISTE majjitA abhavata sarvvE khrISTaM parihitavantaH|
28 there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither servant nor freeman, there is neither male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus;
atO yuSmanmadhyE yihUdiyUnAninO rdAsasvatantrayO ryOSApuruSayOzca kO'pi vizESO nAsti; sarvvE yUyaM khrISTE yIzAvEka Eva|
29 and if you [are] of Christ then you are seed of Abraham, and heirs according to promise.
kinjca yUyaM yadi khrISTasya bhavatha tarhi sutarAm ibrAhImaH santAnAH pratijnjayA sampadadhikAriNazcAdhvE|

< Galatians 3 >