< Ezra 6 >

1 Then Darius the king made a decree, and they sought in the house of the scrolls of the treasuries placed there in Babylon,
Tada, po naredbi kralja Darija, uzeše tražiti u Babilonu, u spremištu gdje je bila pismohrana,
2 and there has been found at Achmetha, in a palace that [is] in the province of Media, a scroll, and a record thus written within it [is]:
i nađoše u Ekbatani, tvrđavi u medijskoj pokrajini, svitak s ovom poveljom: “Na spomen.
3 “In the first year of Cyrus the king, Cyrus the king has made a decree concerning the house of God in Jerusalem: let the house be built in the place where they are sacrificing sacrifices, and its foundations strongly laid; its height sixty cubits, its breadth sixty cubits;
Prve godine kraljevanja Kira proglasio je kralj Kir: Dom Božji u Jeruzalemu. Dom neka se sagradi kao mjesto gdje će se prinositi žrtve i gdje će se donositi prinosi za paljenje. Neka bude visok šezdeset lakata i širok šezdeset lakata.
4 three rows of rolled stones, and a row of new wood, and let the outlay be given out of the king’s house.
Tri reda neka budu od velikog kamenja, a jedan od drveta. Trošak će se podmiriti iz kraljevskog dvora.
5 And also, the vessels of the house of God, of gold and silver, that Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple that [is] in Jerusalem, and brought to Babylon, let be given back, and go to the temple that [is] in Jerusalem, [each] to its place, and put [them] down in the house of God.
Povrh toga, posuđe zlatno i srebrno iz Doma Božjeg koje Nabukodonozor bijaše uzeo iz svetišta u Jeruzalemu i prenio u Babilon neka se vrati i bude na svome mjestu u svetištu jeruzalemskom i neka se postavi u Domu Božjem.”
6 Now Tatnai, governor beyond the river, Shethar-Boznai, and their companions, the Apharsachites, who [are] beyond the river, be far from here;
“Sada, dakle, Tatnaju, satrape s onu stranu Rijeke, Šetar Boznaju i drugovi vaši poslanici s onu stranu Rijeke, udaljite se odatle!
7 let alone the work of this house of God, let the governor of the Jews, and [the] elders of the Jews, build this house of God on its place.
Pustite neka taj Dom Božji grade upravitelji i starješine židovske. Dom Božji treba sagraditi na njegovu prvotnom mjestu.
8 And a decree is made by me concerning that which you do with [the] elders of these Jews to build this house of God, that of [the] riches of [the] king, that [are] of [the] tribute beyond [the] river, let the outlay be given speedily to these men, that they do not cease;
Evo mojih naredaba o vašem držanju prema starješinama judejskim kako bi se ponovo sagradio taj Dom Božji: od kraljevskog blaga - to jest od danka s onu stranu Rijeke - neka se plaća onim ljudima brižljivo, bez prijekida,
9 and what they are needing—both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs for burnt-offerings to the God of the heavens, wheat, salt, wine, and oil according to the saying of the priests who [are] in Jerusalem—let be given to them day by day without fail,
i što im bude trebalo za žrtve paljenice Bogu neba: junaca, ovnova i jaganjaca, i pšenice, soli, vina i ulja, neka im se redovito daje svakoga dana, prema uputama svećenika u Jeruzalemu.
10 that they are bringing sweet savors near to the God of the heavens, and praying for the life of the king, and of his sons.
Neka prinose žrtve na ugodan miris Bogu neba, neka mole za život kralja i njegovih sinova.
11 And a decree is made by me, that anyone who changes this thing, let wood be pulled down from his house, and being raised up, let him be struck on it, and let his house be made a dunghill for this.
Naređujem osim toga: tko god prekrši ovu naredbu, neka mu se izvadi greda iz kuće pa neka na njoj bude pogubljen, a kuća da mu zato postane bunište.
12 And God, who caused His Name to dwell there, casts down any king and people that puts forth his hand to change, to destroy this house of God that [is] in Jerusalem; I Darius have made a decree; let it be done speedily.”
I Bog, koji je ondje nastanio svoje Ime, neka obori svakog kralja i narod koji bi se drznuo da prekrši moju naredbu i sruši Dom Božji u Jeruzalemu! Ja, Darije, izdao sam ovu zapovijed. Neka se točno vrši!”
13 Then Tatnai, governor beyond the river, Shethar-Boznai, and their companions, according to that which Darius the king has sent, so they have done speedily;
Tada Tatnaj, satrap s onu stranu Rijeke, Šetar Boznaj i njihovi drugovi učiniše onako kako je zapovjedio kralj Darije.
14 and [the] elders of [the] Jews are building and prospering through [the] prophecy of Haggai [the] prophet, and Zechariah son of Iddo, and they have built and finished by [the] decree of [the] God of Israel, and by [the] decree of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia.
A židovske su starješine nastavile uspješno graditi po nadahnuću proroka Hagaja i Zaharije, sina Adonova. Dovršili su gradnju po naredbi Boga Izraelova i po naredbi Kira i Darija i Artakserksa, kralja perzijskoga.
15 And this house has gone out until the third day of the month Adar, that is [in] the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king.
Hram je zavšen dvadeset i trećeg dana mjeseca Adara. Bilo je to šeste godine vladavine kralja Darija.
16 And the sons of Israel have made, [and] the priests, and the Levites, and the rest of the sons of the captivity, a dedication of this house of God with joy,
Izraelci - svećenici, leviti i ostatak povratnika iz sužanjstva - radosno posvetiše taj Dom Božji.
17 and have brought near for the dedication of this house of God: one hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and twelve young male goats for a sin-offering for all Israel according to the number of the tribes of Israel;
Žrtvovaše za posvećenje Doma Božjega stotinu junaca, dvije stotine ovnova, četiri stotine janjaca i, kao žrtvu za grijehe svega Izraela, dvanaest jaraca - prema broju plemena Izraelovih.
18 and they have established the priests in their divisions, and the Levites in their courses, over the service of God that [is] in Jerusalem, as it is written in the scroll of Moses.
Zatim postaviše svećenike po njihovim redovima i levite po njihovim razredima za službu Domu Božjem u Jeruzalemu, kako je propisano u knjizi Mojsijevoj.
19 And the sons of the captivity make the Passover on the fourteenth of the first month,
Povratnici iz sužanjstva slavili su Pashu četrnaestog dana prvoga mjeseca.
20 for the priests and the Levites have been purified together—all of them [are] pure—and they slaughter the Passover for all the sons of the captivity, and for their brothers the priests, and for themselves.
Svi su se leviti, kao jedan čovjek, očistili: svi su bili čisti; žrtvovali su pashu za sve povratnike iz ropstva, za svoju braću svećenike i za sebe.
21 And the sons of Israel, those returning from the captivity, and everyone who is separated from the uncleanness of the nations of the land to them, to seek to YHWH, God of Israel, eat,
Blagovali su pashu Izraelci koji su se vratili iz ropstva i svi oni koji su im se, prekinuvši s nečistoćom naroda zemlje, pridružili da traže Jahvu, Boga Izraelova.
22 and they make the Celebration of Unleavened Things seven days with joy, for YHWH made them to rejoice, and turned around the heart of the king of Asshur to them, to strengthen their hands in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel.
I svetkovahu radosno Blagdan beskvasnih hljebova sedam dana: jer ih je Jahve ispunio radošću i obratio prema njima srce asirskog kralja da ojača njihove ruke u radovima oko Doma Boga, Boga Izraelova.

< Ezra 6 >