< Ezekiel 28 >

1 And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying,
La Palabra de Yavé vino a mí:
2 “Son of man, say to the leader of Tyre, Thus said Lord YHWH: Because your heart has been high, And you say: I [am] a god, I have inhabited the habitation of God, In the heart of the seas, And you [are] man, and not God, And you give out your heart as the heart of God,
Hijo de hombre, dí al rey de Tiro: ʼAdonay Yavé dice: Porque se enalteció tu corazón y dijiste: Yo soy ʼEL y estoy sentado en el trono de ʼElohim en medio de los mares. Pero tú eres hombre y no ʼEL. Aunque pusiste tu corazón como el corazón de ʼElohim,
3 Behold, you [are] wiser than Daniel, No hidden thing have they concealed from you.
ciertamente eres más sabio que Daniel, y ningún misterio te es oculto.
4 By your wisdom and by your understanding You have made wealth for yourself, And make gold and silver in your treasuries.
Adquiriste riquezas con tu habilidad e inteligencia. Acumulaste oro y plata en tus tesoros
5 By the abundance of your wisdom, Through your merchandise, You have multiplied your wealth, And your heart is high through your wealth.
con tu gran sabiduría. Por tu comercio, aumentaste tus riquezas, y tu corazón está enaltecido a causa de éstas.
6 Therefore, thus said Lord YHWH: Because of your giving out your heart as the heart of God,
Por tanto ʼAdonay Yavé dice: Por cuanto comparaste tu corazón con el corazón de ʼElohim,
7 Therefore, behold, I am bringing in strangers against you, The terrible of the nations, And they have drawn out their swords Against the beauty of your wisdom, And they have pierced your brightness.
ciertamente Yo traigo contra ti extranjeros, los más terribles de las naciones, que desenvainarán sus espadas contra la hermosura de tu sabiduría y contaminarán tu esplendor.
8 They bring you down to destruction, You die by the deaths of the wounded, in the heart of the seas.
Te harán descender al sepulcro. Morirás con la muerte de los traspasados en medio de los mares.
9 Do you really say, I [am] God, Before him who is slaying you? And you [are] man, and not God, In the hand of him who is piercing you.
¿Le dirás al que te mata: Yo soy ʼElohim, aunque eres hombre en manos de tu asesino y no ʼElohim?
10 You die the deaths of the uncircumcised, By the hand of strangers, for I have spoken,” A declaration of Lord YHWH.
Morirás con la muerte de incircuncisos por mano de extranjeros, porque Yo hablé, dice ʼAdonay Yavé.
11 And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying,
La Palabra de Yavé vino a mí:
12 “Son of man, lift up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, And you have said to him, Thus said Lord YHWH: You are sealing up a measurement, Full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
Hijo de hombre, haz lamentación sobre el rey de Tiro: ʼAdonay Yavé dice: ¡Tú eras el sello de la perfección, lleno de sabiduría, perfecto en hermosura!
13 You have been in Eden, the garden of God, Every precious stone [was] your covering, Ruby, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle, and gold, The workmanship of your tambourines and of your pipes, In you in the day of your being produced, have been created;
Estuviste en Edén, el huerto de ʼElohim. Tu ropa era de toda piedra preciosa: de rubí, topacio, jaspe, crisólito, berilo, ónice, zafiro, diamante, esmeralda y oro. Los primores de tus panderos y flautas estuvieron preparados para ti el día de tu creación.
14 And I established you as the anointed, covering cherub, You have been in [the] holy mountain of God, You have walked up and down in [the] midst of [the] stones of fire.
Tú fuiste el querubín ungido, protector. Yo te puse allí en la Santa Montaña de ʼElohim. Te paseabas en medio de las piedras de fuego.
15 You [were] perfect in your ways, From [the] day of your being created, Until perversity was found in you.
Perfecto eras en todos tus caminos desde el día cuando fuiste creado hasta cuando se halló en ti injusticia.
16 By [the] abundance of your merchandise They have filled your midst with violence, And you sin, And I thrust you from [the] mountain of God, And I destroy you, O covering cherub, From [the] midst of [the] stones of fire.
A causa de la multitud de tus contrataciones te llenaste de iniquidad y pecaste. Por tanto Yo te eché de la Montaña de ʼElohim, y te saqué de en medio de las piedras de fuego, oh querubín protector.
17 Your heart has been high because of your beauty, You have corrupted your wisdom because of your brightness, I have cast you to earth, I have set you before kings, to look on you,
Se enalteció tu corazón a causa de tu hermosura. Corrompiste tu sabiduría por tu esplendor. Yo te echo a la tierra. Te pondré como espectáculo delante de los reyes.
18 From [the] abundance of your iniquity, By [the] perversity of your merchandise, You have defiled your sanctuaries, And I bring forth fire from your midst, It has devoured you, And I make you become ashes on the earth, In [the] eyes of all beholding you.
Profanaste tu santuario con la multitud de tus iniquidades y la deshonestidad de tus contrataciones. Yo, pues, encendí fuego dentro de ti para que te consuma. Te reduzco a ceniza sobre la tierra ante los ojos de todos los que te observan.
19 All knowing you among the peoples Have been astonished at you, You have been terrors, and you are not—for all time.”
Todos los que te conocen entre los pueblos están asombrados con respecto a ti. Eres objeto de espanto. Para siempre dejarás de ser.
20 And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying,
La Palabra de Yavé vino a mí:
21 “Son of man, set your face toward Sidon, and prophesy concerning it;
Hijo de hombre, levanta tu rostro hacia Sidón y profetiza contra ella:
22 and you have said, Thus said Lord YHWH: Behold, I [am] against you, O Sidon, And I have been honored in your midst, And they have known that I [am] YHWH, In My doing judgments in her, And I have been sanctified in her.
ʼAdonay Yavé dice: Oh Sidón, ciertamente Yo estoy contra ti. Seré glorificado en ti. Cuando ejecute juicios y manifieste mi santidad en ella, sabrán que Yo soy Yavé.
23 And I have sent pestilence into her, And blood into her out-places, The wounded has been judged in her midst, By the sword on her all around, And they have known that I [am] YHWH.
Enviaré pestilencia y sangre a sus calles. Los muertos a espada caerán por todos lados. Entonces sabrán que Yo soy Yavé.
24 And there is no more pricking brier and paining thorn For the house of Israel, Of all around them—despising them, And they have known that I [am] Lord YHWH.
Nunca más será espina desgarrante para la Casa de Israel, ni aguijón que cause dolor en medio de todos los que la rodean y la desprecian. Y sabrán que Yo soy Yavé.
25 Thus said Lord YHWH: In My gathering the house of Israel, Out of the peoples among whom they were scattered, I have been sanctified in them, Before the eyes of the nations, And they have dwelt on their ground, That I gave to My servant, to Jacob,
ʼAdonay Yavé dice: Cuando Yo reúna a la Casa de Israel de los pueblos entre los cuales está esparcida, y me santifique en ellos a la vista de las naciones, habitarán en su tierra que di a mi esclavo Jacob.
26 And they have dwelt confidently on it, And built houses, and planted vineyards, And dwelt confidently—in My doing judgments, On all those despising them all around, And they have known that I [am] their God YHWH!”
Vivirán confiadamente en ella. Edificarán casas, plantarán viñas y vivirán con seguridad cuando Yo ejecute juicios contra todos aquellos que los despojan en sus alrededores. Y sabrán que Yo, Yavé, soy su ʼElohim.

< Ezekiel 28 >