< Exodus 26 >

1 “And you make the Dwelling Place [with] ten curtains of twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet; [with] cherubim, the work of a designer, you make them;
Harás diez cortinas para el Tabernáculo de lino finamente hilado, usando hilos azules, púrpura y carmesí. Háganlas bordar con querubines por alguien que sea hábil en el bordado.
2 the length of the one curtain [is] twenty-eight by the cubit, and the breadth of the one curtain [is] four by the cubit, one measure [is] for all the curtains;
Cada cortina debe medir 28 codos de largo por 4 codos de ancho, y todas las cortinas deben ser del mismo tamaño.
3 five of the curtains are joining to one another, and five curtains are joining to one another.
Junta cinco de las cortinas y haz lo mismo con las otras cinco.
4 And you have made loops of blue on the edge of the first curtain, at the end in the joining; and so you make in the edge of the outermost curtain, in the joining of the second.
Usa material azul para hacer lazos en el borde de la última cortina de ambos juegos.
5 You make fifty loops in the first curtain, and you make fifty loops in the edge of the curtain which [is] in the joining of the second, causing the loops to take hold to one another;
Haz cincuenta lazos en una cortina y cincuenta lazos en la última cortina del segundo juego, alineando los lazos entre sí.
6 and you have made fifty hooks of gold, and have joined the curtains to one another by the hooks, and the Dwelling Place has been one.
Luego haz cincuenta ganchos de oro y une las cortinas con los ganchos, para que el Tabernáculo sea una sola estructura.
7 And you have made curtains of goats’ [hair] for a tent over the Dwelling Place; you make eleven curtains:
Haz once cortinas de pelo de cabra como una tienda de campaña para cubrir el Tabernáculo.
8 the length of one curtain [is] thirty by the cubit, and the breadth of one curtain [is] four by the cubit; one measure [is] for the eleven curtains;
Cada una de las once cortinas debe ser del mismo tamaño: 30 codos de largo por 4 codos de ancho.
9 and you have joined the five curtains apart, and the six curtains apart, and have doubled the six curtains at the front of the tent.
Unirás cinco de las cortinas como un conjunto y las otras seis como otro conjunto. Luego dobla la sexta cortina en dos en la parte delantera de la tienda.
10 And you have made fifty loops on the edge of the first curtain, the outermost in the joining, and fifty loops on the edge of the curtain which is joining the second;
Haz cincuenta lazos en el borde de la última cortina del primer juego, y cincuenta lazos a lo largo del borde de la última cortina del segundo juego.
11 and you have made fifty hooks of bronze, and have brought in the hooks into the loops, and have joined the tent, and it has been one.
Harás cincuenta ganchos de bronce y póngalos en los lazos para unir la tienda como una sola cubierta.
12 And the excess remaining in the curtains of the tent—the half of the curtain which is remaining—has spread over the back part of the Dwelling Place;
La media cortina extra de esta cubierta de la tienda se dejará colgada en la parte trasera del Tabernáculo.
13 and the cubit on this [side], and the cubit on that [side], in the remaining [part] of the length of the curtains of the tent, is spread out over the sides of the Dwelling Place, on this [side] and on that [side], to cover it;
Las cortinas de la tienda serán un codo más largas en cada lado, y la longitud extra colgará sobre los lados del Tabernáculo para que quede todo cubierto.
14 and you have made a covering for the tent of rams’ skins made red, and a covering of tachashim skins above.
Harás una cubierta para la tienda con pelo de cabra y pieles de carnero curtidas, y colocarás una cubierta extra de cuero fino sobre ella.
15 And you have made the boards for the Dwelling Place of shittim wood, standing up;
Hagan un marco vertical de madera de acacia para el Tabernáculo.
16 ten cubits [is] the length of the board, and a cubit and a half the breadth of one board;
Cada estructura debe tener diez codos de largo por uno y medio de ancho.
17 two handles [are] to one board, joined to one another; so you make for all the boards of the Dwelling Place;
Cada marco tendrá dos clavijas para que los marcos puedan ser conectados entre sí. Hagan todos los marcos del Tabernáculo así.
18 and you have made the boards of the Dwelling Place—twenty boards for the south side southward;
Haz veinte marcos para el lado sur del Tabernáculo.
19 and you make forty sockets of silver under the twenty boards, two sockets under one board for its two handles, and two sockets under the other board for its two handles.
Haz cuarenta soportes de plata como apoyo para los veinte marcos usando dos soportes por marco, uno debajo de cada clavija del marco.
20 And for the second side of the Dwelling Place, for the north side, [are] twenty boards,
De manera similar para el lado norte del Tabernáculo, harás veinte marcos
21 and their forty sockets of silver, two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board.
y cuarenta soportes de plata, dos soportes por marco.
22 And for the sides of the Dwelling Place westward, you make six boards.
Harás seis marcos para la parte trasera (lado oeste) del Tabernáculo,
23 And you make two boards for the corners of the Dwelling Place in the two sides.
junto con dos marcos para sus dos esquinas traseras.
24 And they are pairs beneath, and together they are pairs above its head to one ring; so is it for them both, they are for the two corners.
Unirás estos marcos de las esquinas en la parte inferior y en la parte superior cerca del primer anillo. Así es como debes hacer los dos marcos de las esquinas.
25 And they have been eight boards, and their sockets of silver [are] sixteen sockets, two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board.
En total habrá ocho marcos y dieciséis soportes de plata, dos debajo de cada marco.
26 And you have made bars of shittim wood: five for the boards of the first side of the Dwelling Place,
Haz cinco barras transversales de madera de acacia para unir los marcos del lado sur del Tabernáculo,
27 and five bars for the boards of the second side of the Dwelling Place, and five bars for the boards of the side of the Dwelling Place at the two sides, westward;
cinco para los del norte y cinco para los de la parte trasera del Tabernáculo, al oeste.
28 and one has caused the middle bar in the midst of the boards to reach from end to end;
El travesaño central que se coloca a mitad de camino de los marcos irá de un extremo al otro.
29 and you overlay the boards [with] gold, and you make their rings of gold [for] places for bars, and have overlaid their bars with gold;
Cubrid los marcos con oro, y haced anillos de oro para sujetar los travesaños en su sitio. Cubrir los travesaños con oro también.
30 and you have raised up the Dwelling Place according to its fashion which you have been shown on the mountain.
Ensambla el Tabernáculo siguiendo el diseño que te mostré en la montaña.
31 And you have made a veil of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen, the work of a designer; he makes it [with] cherubim;
Haz un velo de hilo azul, púrpura y carmesí, y de lino finamente hilado, bordado con querubines por alguien que sea hábil en el bordado.
32 and you have put it on four pillars of shittim wood, overlaid [with] gold, their pegs [are] of gold, on four sockets of silver.
Con ganchos de oro, cuélgalo de cuatro postes de madera de acacia cubiertos de oro, sostenidos por cuatro soportes de plata.
33 And you have put the veil under the hooks, and have brought in the Ark of the Testimony there within the veil; and the veil has made a separation for you between the holy and the Holy of Holies.
Coloca el velo bajo el gancho y pon el Arca del Testimonio dentro, detrás del velo. El velo separará el Lugar Santo del Lugar Santísimo.
34 And you have put the propitiatory covering on the Ark of the Testimony in the Holy of Holies.
Pon la cubierta de expiación en el Arca del Testimonio en el Lugar Santísimo.
35 And you have set the table at the outside of the veil, and the lampstand opposite the table on the side of the Dwelling Place southward, and you put the table on the north side.
Pon la mesa fuera del velo en el lado norte del Tabernáculo y pon el candelabro enfrente en el lado sur.
36 And you have made a covering for the opening of the tent of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen, the work of an embroiderer;
Haz una pantalla para la entrada de la tienda usando hilos azules, púrpura y carmesí, y lino finamente hilado y hazlo bordado.
37 and you have made five pillars of shittim [wood] for the covering, and have overlaid them [with] gold, their pegs [are] of gold, and you have cast five sockets of bronze for them.”
Haz cinco postes de madera de acacia con ganchos de oro para colgar el biombo, y funde cinco soportes de bronce para sujetarlos.

< Exodus 26 >