< Exodus 21 >

1 And these [are] the judgments which you set before them:
Hæc sunt iudicia quæ propones eis.
2 When you buy a Hebrew servant, he serves [for] six years, and in the seventh he goes out as a freeman for nothing;
Si emeris servum Hebræum, sex annis serviet tibi: in septimo egredietur liber gratis.
3 if he comes in by himself, he goes out by himself; if he [is] owner of a wife, then his wife has gone out with him;
Cum quali veste intraverit, cum tali exeat: si habens uxorem, et uxor egredietur simul.
4 if his lord gives a wife to him, and she has borne sons or daughters to him—the wife and her children are her lord’s, and he goes out by himself.
Sin autem dominus dederit illi uxorem, et pepererit filios et filias: mulier et liberi eius erunt domini sui, ipse vero exibit cum vestitu suo.
5 And if the servant really says: I have loved my lord, my wife, and my sons—I do not go out free,
Quod si dixerit servus: Diligo dominum meum et uxorem ac liberos, non egrediar liber:
6 then his lord has brought him near to God, and has brought him near to the door, or to the doorpost, and his lord has bored his ear with an awl, and he has served him for all time.
offeret eum dominus diis, et applicabitur ad ostium et postes, perforabitque aurem eius subula: et erit ei servus in sæculum.
7 And when a man sells his daughter for a handmaid, she does not go out according to the going out of the menservants;
Si quis vendiderit filiam suam in famulam, non egredietur sicut ancillæ exire consueverunt.
8 if [it is] evil in the eyes of her lord, so that he has not betrothed her, then he has let her be ransomed; he has no power to sell her to a strange people, in his dealing treacherously with her.
Si displicuerit oculis domini sui cui tradita fuerat, dimittet eam: populo autem alieno vendendi non habebit potestatem, si spreverit eam.
9 And if he betroths her to his son, he does to her according to the right of daughters.
Sin autem filio suo desponderit eam, iuxta morem filiarum faciet illi.
10 If he takes another [woman] for him, he does not withdraw her food, her covering, and her habitation;
Quod si alteram ei acceperit, providebit puellæ nuptias, et vestimenta, et pretium pudicitiæ non negabit.
11 and if he does not do these three for her, then she has gone out for nothing, without money.
Si tria ista non fecerit, egredietur gratis absque pecunia.
12 He who strikes a man so that he has died is certainly put to death;
Qui percusserit hominem volens occidere, morte moriatur.
13 as for him who has not laid wait, but God has brought [him] to his hand, I have even set a place for you to where he flees.
Qui autem non est insidiatus, sed Deus illum tradidit in manus eius: constituam tibi locum in quem fugere debeat.
14 And when a man presumes against his neighbor to slay him with subtlety, you take him from My altar to die.
Si quis per industriam occiderit proximum suum, et per insidias: ab altari meo evelles eum, ut moriatur.
15 And he who strikes his father or his mother is certainly put to death.
Qui percusserit patrem suum aut matrem, morte moriatur.
16 And he who steals a man, and has sold him, and he has been found in his hand, is certainly put to death.
Qui furatus fuerit hominem, et vendiderit eum, convictus noxæ, morte moriatur.
17 And he who is reviling his father or his mother is certainly put to death.
Qui maledixerit patri suo, vel matri, morte moriatur.
18 And when men contend, and a man has struck his neighbor with a stone, or with the fist, and he does not die, but has fallen on the bed;
Si rixati fuerint viri, et percusserit alter proximum suum lapide vel pugno, et ille mortuus non fuerit, sed iacuerit in lectulo:
19 if he rises, and has gone up and down outside on his staff, then the striker has been acquitted; he only gives [for] his cessation, and he is thoroughly healed.
si surrexerit, et ambulaverit foris super baculum suum, innocens erit qui percusserit, ita tamen ut operas eius, et impensas in medicos restituat.
20 And when a man strikes his manservant or his handmaid with a rod, and he has died under his hand—he is certainly avenged;
Qui percusserit servum suum, vel ancillam virga, et mortui fuerint in manibus eius, criminis reus erit.
21 only if he remains a day, or two days, he is not avenged, for he [is] his money.
Sin autem uno die vel duobus supervixerit, non subiacebit pœnæ, quia pecunia illius est.
22 And when men strive, and have struck a pregnant woman, and her children have come out, and there is no harm [to them], he is certainly fined as the husband of the woman lays on him, and he has given through the judges;
Si rixati fuerint viri, et percusserit quis mulierem prægnantem, et abortivum quidem fecerit, sed ipsa vixerit: subiacebit damno quantum maritus mulieris expetierit, et arbitri iudicaverint.
23 and if there is harm [to them], then you have given life for life,
Sin autem mors eius fuerit subsecuta, reddet animam pro anima,
24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
oculum pro oculo, dentem pro dente, manum pro manu, pedem pro pede,
25 burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
adustionem pro adustione, vulnus pro vulnere, livorem pro livore.
26 And when a man strikes the eye of his manservant, or the eye of his handmaid, and has destroyed it, he sends him away as a freeman for his eye;
Si percusserit quispiam oculum servi sui aut ancillæ, et luscos eos fecerit, dimittet eos liberos pro oculo quem eruit.
27 and if he knocks out a tooth of his manservant or a tooth of his handmaid, he sends him away as a freeman for his tooth.
Dentem quoque si excusserit servo vel ancillæ suæ, similiter dimittet eos liberos.
28 And when an ox gores man or woman, and they have died, the ox is certainly stoned, and his flesh is not eaten, and the owner of the ox [is] acquitted;
Si bos cornu percusserit virum aut mulierem, et mortui fuerint, lapidibus obruetur: et non comedentur carnes eius, dominus quoque bovis innocens erit.
29 and if the ox is [one] accustomed to gore before, and it has been testified to its owner, and he does not watch it, and it has put to death a man or woman, the ox is stoned, and its owner is also put to death.
Quod si bos cornupeta fuerit ab heri et nudiustertius, et contestati sunt dominum eius, nec recluserit eum, occideritque virum aut mulierem: et bos lapidibus obruetur, et dominum eius occident.
30 If atonement is laid on him, then he has given the ransom of his life, according to all that is laid on him;
Quod si pretium fuerit ei impositum, dabit pro anima sua quidquid fuerit postulatus.
31 whether it gores a son or gores a daughter, according to this judgment it is done to him.
Filium quoque et filiam si cornu percusserit, simili sententiæ subiacebit.
32 If the ox gores a manservant or a handmaid, he gives thirty silver shekels to their lord, and the ox is stoned.
Si servum, ancillamque invaserit, triginta siclos argenti domino dabit, bos vero lapidibus opprimetur.
33 And when a man opens a pit, or when a man digs a pit, and does not cover it, and an ox or donkey has fallen [in] there—
Si quis aperuerit cisternam, et foderit, et non operuerit eam, cecideritque bos aut asinus in eam,
34 the owner of the pit repays, he gives back money to its owner, and the dead is his.
reddet dominus cisternæ pretium iumentorum: quod autem mortuum est, ipsius erit.
35 And when a man’s ox strikes the ox of his neighbor and it has died, then they have sold the living ox, and halved its money, and they also halve the dead one;
Si bos alienus bovem alterius vulneraverit, et ille mortuus fuerit: vendent bovem vivum, et divident pretium, cadaver autem mortui inter se dispertient.
36 or, [if] it has been known that the ox is [one] accustomed to gore before, and its owner does not watch it, he certainly repays ox for ox, and the dead is his.
Sin autem sciebat quod bos cornupeta esset ab heri et nudiustertius, et non custodivit eum dominus suus: reddet bovem pro bove, et cadaver integrum accipiet.

< Exodus 21 >