< Exodus 1 >
1 And these [are] the names of the sons of Israel who are coming into Egypt; each man and his household have come with Jacob:
Yakub yang juga dinamakan Israel, pergi ke Mesir dengan anak-anaknya dan keluarga mereka masing-masing. Anak-anak Yakub itu adalah:
2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah,
Ruben, Simeon, Lewi, Yehuda
3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin,
Isakhar, Zebulon, Benyamin
4 Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
Dan, Naftali, Gad, Asyer.
5 And all the persons coming out of the thigh of Jacob are seventy persons; as for Joseph, he was in Egypt.
Keturunan Yakub itu seluruhnya berjumlah tujuh puluh orang. Yusuf sudah lebih dahulu berada di Mesir.
6 And Joseph dies, and all his brothers, and all that generation;
Beberapa waktu kemudian Yusuf dan saudara-saudaranya meninggal, begitu juga orang-orang yang seangkatan dengan dia.
7 and the sons of Israel have been fruitful, and they teem, and multiply, and are very, very mighty, and the land is filled with them.
Tetapi keturunan mereka, yaitu orang-orang Israel, beranak cucu sangat banyak, dan jumlah mereka bertambah dengan cepat sekali, sehingga negeri Mesir penuh dengan mereka.
8 And there rises a new king over Egypt, who has not known Joseph,
Kemudian seorang raja baru yang tidak mengenal Yusuf mulai memerintah di Mesir.
9 and he says to his people, “Behold, the people of the sons of Israel [are] more numerous and mighty than we.
Ia berkata kepada rakyatnya, "Orang-orang Israel itu berbahaya sekali bagi kita, karena mereka sangat banyak dan lebih kuat daripada kita.
10 Give help! Let us act wisely concerning it, lest it multiply, and it has come to pass, when war happens, that it has been joined, even it, to those hating us, and has fought against us, and has gone up out of the land.”
Andaikata terjadi perang, ada kemungkinan mereka bersekutu dengan musuh untuk melawan kita, lalu lari meninggalkan negeri ini. Kita harus mencari jalan supaya mereka jangan menjadi lebih banyak lagi."
11 And they set princes of tribute over it, so as to afflict it with their burdens, and it builds the store-cities of Pithom and Rameses for Pharaoh;
Maka orang-orang Mesir mengangkat pengawas-pengawas atas bangsa Israel untuk mempersulit hidup mereka dengan kerja keras. Mereka dipaksa membangun bagi raja Mesir kota-kota Pitom dan Raamses untuk pusat penyimpanan barang.
12 and as they afflict it, so it multiplies, and so it breaks forth, and they are distressed because of the sons of Israel;
Tetapi makin ditindas oleh orang Mesir, makin bertambah jumlah orang Israel, dan makin tersebar mereka ke seluruh negeri itu, sehingga orang Mesir menjadi takut kepada mereka.
13 and the Egyptians cause the sons of Israel to serve with rigor,
Lalu dengan kejamnya mereka menindas orang Israel,
14 and make their lives bitter in hard service, in clay, and in brick, and in every [kind] of service in the field; all their service in which they have served [is] with rigor.
dan membuat hidup mereka sengsara. Tanpa belas kasihan mereka dipaksa bekerja keras di proyek-proyek pembangunan dan di ladang-ladang.
15 And the king of Egypt speaks to the midwives, the Hebrewesses (of whom the name of the first [is] Shiphrah, and the name of the second Puah),
Kemudian raja Mesir memberi perintah kepada Sifra dan Pua, dua bidan yang menolong wanita-wanita Ibrani bersalin.
16 and says, “When you cause the Hebrew women to bear, and have looked on the children, if it [is] a son, then you have put him to death; and if it [is] a daughter, then she has lived.”
Kata raja Mesir, "Pada waktu kamu menolong wanita Ibrani bersalin, ingatlah ini: Kalau anak yang lahir itu laki-laki, bunuhlah dia! Kalau anak yang lahir itu perempuan, biarkan ia hidup."
17 And the midwives fear God, and have not done as the king of Egypt has spoken to them, and they keep the boys alive;
Tetapi kedua bidan itu orang yang takut kepada Allah. Mereka tidak mau melakukan perintah raja dan membiarkan semua bayi laki-laki hidup.
18 and the king of Egypt calls for the midwives and says to them, “Why have you done this thing, and keep the boys alive?”
Maka raja memanggil kedua bidan itu dan bertanya, "Mengapa kamu membiarkan anak-anak lelaki hidup?"
19 And the midwives say to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women [are] not as the Egyptian women, for they [are] lively; before the midwife comes to them—they have borne!”
Jawab mereka, "Wanita Ibrani tidak seperti wanita Mesir. Mereka gampang sekali melahirkan. Sebelum bidan datang, anaknya sudah lahir."
20 And God does good to the midwives, and the people multiply, and are very mighty;
Maka Allah memberkati bidan-bidan itu dan memberi keturunan kepada mereka, karena mereka menghormati Allah. Dan orang Israel pun bertambah banyak dan kuat.
21 and it comes to pass, because the midwives have feared God, that He makes households for them;
22 and Pharaoh lays a charge on all his people, saying, “Every son who is born—you cast him into the River, and every daughter you keep alive.”
Lalu raja memberi perintah ini kepada seluruh rakyatnya, "Tiap anak laki-laki orang Ibrani yang baru lahir harus dibuang ke dalam Sungai Nil, tetapi semua anaknya yang perempuan boleh dibiarkan hidup."