< Esther 5 >

1 And it comes to pass on the third day, that Esther puts on royalty, and stands in the inner-court of the house of the king in front of the house of the king, and the king is sitting on his royal throne, in the royal-house, opposite the opening of the house,
Tsiku lachitatu Estere anavala zovala zake zaufumu ndipo anayima mʼbwalo la mʼkati la nyumba yaufumu choyangʼana ku chipinda chachikulu cha mfumu. Mfumu inakhala pa mpando waufumu mʼchipinda chachikulu moyangʼana ku chipata cholowera mʼnyumba yaufumu.
2 and it comes to pass, at the king’s seeing Esther the queen standing in the court, she has received grace in his eyes, and the king holds out to Esther the golden scepter that [is] in his hand, and Esther draws near, and touches the top of the scepter.
Mfumu itaona Estere atayima mʼbwalomo inakondwera naye ndipo anamuloza ndi ndodo yagolide imene inali mʼdzanja lake. Choncho Estere anayandikira ndi kukhudza msonga ya ndodoyo.
3 And the king says to her, “What do you [want], Esther, O queen? And what [is] your request? To the half of the kingdom—and it is given to you.”
Kenaka mfumu inati kwa iye, “Kodi mukufuna chiyani, inu mfumukazi Estere? Nanga pempho lanu ndi chiyani? Ngakhale mutapempha theka la ufumu, ndidzakupatsani.”
4 And Esther says, “If to the king [it be] good, the king comes in, and Haman, today, to the banquet that I have made for him”;
Ndipo Estere anayankha kuti, “Ngati chingakukomereni, mfumu, mubwere lero pamodzi ndi Hamani kuphwando limene ndakonzera inu mfumu.”
5 and the king says, “Hurry Haman—to do the word of Esther”; and the king comes in, and Haman, to the banquet that Esther has made.
Mfumu inati, “Muwuzeni abwere Hamani msanga, kotero kuti tichite monga Estere wapempha.” Choncho mfumu ndi Hamani anafika kuphwando limene Estere anakonza.
6 And the king says to Esther, during the banquet of wine, “What [is] your petition? And it is given to you; and what [is] your request? To the half of the kingdom—and it is done.”
Akumwa vinyo, mfumu inamufunsano Estere kuti, “Kodi ukupempha chiyani tsopano? Chimene uti upemphe ndikupatsa. Chopempha chako ndi chiti? Ngakhale utafuna mpaka theka la ufumu, ndidzakupatsa.”
7 And Esther answers and says, “My petition and my request [is]:
Estere anayankha kuti, “Pempho langa ndi chofuna changa ndi ichi:
8 if I have found grace in the eyes of the king, and if to the king [it be] good, to give my petition, and to perform my request, the king comes, and Haman, to the banquet that I make for them, and tomorrow I do according to the word of the king.”
Ngati mwandikomera mtima mfumu ndiponso ngati chingakukondweretseni mfumu kundipatsa chimene ndapempha ndi kuchita zimene ndifuna, mubwere mawa inu mfumu ndi Hamani ku phwando limene ndidzakukonzerani. Ndipo ndidzakuyankhani mfumu funso lanu.”
9 And Haman goes forth on that day rejoicing and glad in heart, and at Haman’s seeing Mordecai in the gate of the king, and he has not risen nor moved for him, then is Haman full of fury against Mordecai.
Tsiku limenelo Hamani anatuluka wokondwa ndi wosangalala kwambiri. Koma ataona Mordekai pa chipata cha mfumu ndi kuti sanayimirire kapena kumupatsa ulemu pamene iye amadutsa, Hamani anamukwiyira kwambiri,
10 And Haman forces himself, and comes into his house, and sends, and brings in his friends, and his wife Zeresh,
komabe Hamani anadziletsa ndipo anapita ku nyumba kwake. Anayitana abwenzi ake pamodzi ndi mkazi wake Zeresi.
11 and Haman recounts to them the glory of his wealth, and the abundance of his sons, and all that with which the king made him great, and with which he lifted him up above the heads and servants of the king.
Hamani anawawuza za kuchuluka kwa chuma chake ndi kuti anali ndi ana aamuna ambiri. Anawawuzanso za mmene mfumu inamukwezera ndi kumuyika kukhala woposa nduna ndi olemekezeka onse.
12 And Haman says, “Indeed, Esther the queen brought none in with the king, to the feast that she made, except myself, and also for tomorrow I am called to her, with the king,
Hamani anawonjeza kuti, “Ndipotu si zokhazi. Ndine ndekha amene ndayitanidwa pamodzi ndi mfumu kuphwando limene mfumukazi Estere anatikonzera. Ndipo mawa wandiyitananso pamodzi ndi mfumu.
13 and all this is not profitable to me, during all the time that I am seeing Mordecai the Jew sitting in the gate of the king.”
Koma zonsezi sindikhutira nazo ndikamaona nthawi zonse Myuda uja Mordekai atakhala pa chipata cha mfumu.”
14 And his wife Zeresh says to him, and all his friends, “Let them prepare a tree, in height fifty cubits, and in the morning speak to the king, and they hang Mordecai on it, and go in with the king to the banquet rejoicing”; and the thing is good before Haman, and he prepares the tree.
Mkazi wake Zeresi ndi abwenzi ake onse aja anamuwuza kuti, “Anthu apange mtanda wotalika mamita 23 ndipo mmawa upemphe mfumu kuti anthu akhomerepo Mordekai. Kenaka upite ndi mfumu kuphwando mokondwa.” Hamani anakondwera ndi uphungu umenewu ndipo mtanda unapangidwa.

< Esther 5 >