< Deuteronomy 14 >

1 “You [are] sons of your God YHWH; you do not cut yourselves, nor make baldness between your eyes for the dead;
Ku’ya’yan Ubangiji Allahnku ne. Kada ku yi wa kanku zāne, ko ku yi wa kanku aski irin da akan bar sanƙo, saboda wanda ya mutu,
2 for you [are] a holy people to your God YHWH, and YHWH has fixed on you to be to Him for a people, a peculiar treasure, out of all the peoples who [are] on the face of the ground.
gama ku jama’a ce mai tsarki ga Ubangiji Allahnku. Daga dukan mutane a fuskar duniya, Ubangiji ya zaɓe ku, ku zama abin mallakarsa.
3 You do not eat any abomination;
Kada ku ci wani haramtaccen abu.
4 this [is] the beast which you eat: ox, lamb of the sheep, or kid of the goats,
Waɗannan su ne dabbobin da za ku iya ci, saniya, tunkiya, akuya,
5 deer, and roe, and fallow deer, and wild goat, and ibex, and antelope, and zemer;
mariri, barewa, mariya, makwarna, mazo, gada da kuma tunkiyar dutse.
6 and every beast dividing the hoof, and cleaving the cleft into two hooves, bringing up the cud, among the beasts—you eat it.
Za ku iya cin duk dabbar da take da rababben kofato, wadda kuma take sāke tona abin da suka riga suka haɗiye.
7 Only, this you do not eat, of those bringing up the cud, and of those dividing the cloven hoof: the camel, and the hare, and the hyrax, for they are bringing up the cud, but the hoof has not divided—they [are] unclean to you;
Amma, cikin waɗanda suke sāke tona abin da suka riga suka haɗiye ɗin, ko suke da rababben kofato, ba za ku ci raƙumi, zomo ko rema ba. Ko da yake suna sāke tona abin da suka riga suka haɗiye, suna kuma da rababben kofato, su ɗin marar tsarki ne gare ku.
8 and the sow, for it is dividing the hoof, and not [bringing] up the cud—it [is] unclean to you; you do not eat of their flesh, and you do not come against their carcass.
Alade ma marar tsarki ne; ko da yake yana da rababben kofato, shi ba ya sāke tona abin da ya riga ya haɗiye. Ba za ku ci namansu ko ku taɓa gawarsu ba.
9 This you eat of all which [are] in the waters: anything that has fins and scales you eat;
Cikin dukan halittun da suke cikin ruwa, za ku iya cin duk wani da yake da ƙege da ɓamɓaroki.
10 and anything which does not have fins and scales you do not eat—it [is] unclean to you.
Amma duk wani abin da ba shi da ƙege da ɓamɓaroki, ba za ku ci ba; gama marar tsarki ne gare ku.
11 Any clean bird you eat;
Za ku iya cin kowane tsuntsu mai tsabta.
12 and these [are] they of which you do not eat: the eagle, and the bearded vulture, and the osprey,
Amma waɗannan ba za ku ci ba, gaggafa, ungulu, ungulun kwakwa,
13 and the kite, and the falcon, and the vulture after its kind,
duki, buga zaɓi, kowace irin shirwa,
14 and every raven after its kind;
kowane irin hankaka,
15 and the ostrich, and the nightjar [[or male ostrich]], and the seagull, and the hawk after its kind;
jimina, ƙururu, bubuƙuwa, kowane irin shaho,
16 the little owl, and the great owl, and the waterhen,
da mujiya, da babbar mujiya, ɗuskwi,
17 and the pelican, and the Egyptian vulture, and the cormorant,
kwasakwasa, ungulu, da babba da jaka,
18 and the stork, and the heron after its kind, and the hoopoe, and the bat.
zalɓe, kowane irin jinjimi, katutu, da kuma jamage.
19 And every teeming thing which is flying—it [is] unclean to you; they are not eaten;
Dukan’yan ƙwari masu fikafikai masu rarrafe, haram ne a gare ku, kada ku ci su.
20 any clean bird you eat.
Amma duk wata halitta mai fikafikai mai tsabta ce, za ku iya ci.
21 You do not eat of any carcass; you give it to the sojourner who [is] within your gates, and he has eaten it; or sell [it] to a stranger; for you [are] a holy people to your God YHWH. You do not boil a kid in its mother’s milk.
Kada ku ci abin da kun samu ya riga ya mutu. Za ku iya ba wa baren da yake zama a cikin wani daga biranenku, zai kuwa iya cinsa, ko kuwa za ku iya sayar da shi wa baƙo. Amma ku jama’a ce mai tsarki ga Ubangiji Allahnku. Kada ku dafa ɗan akuya a cikin madara mamansa.
22 You certainly tithe all the increase of your seed which the field is bringing forth year by year;
Ku tabbata kun keɓe kashi ɗaya bisa goma na amfanin gonakinku kowace shekara.
23 and you have eaten before your God YHWH, in the place where He chooses to cause His Name to dwell, the tithe of your grain, of your new wine, and of your oil, and the firstlings of your herd, and of your flock, so that you learn to fear your God YHWH [for] all the days.
Ku ci zakkar hatsinku, da na sabon ruwan inabinku, da na manku, da kuma na’ya’yan fari na garkunanku na shanu da na tumaki a gaban Ubangiji Allahnku, a wurin da ya zaɓa a matsayin mazauni don Sunansa, don ku koyi girmama Ubangiji Allahnku kullum.
24 And when the way is too much for you, that you are not able to carry it—when the place is too far off from you which your God YHWH chooses to put His Name there, when your God YHWH blesses you—
Amma in wurin nan yana da nisa sosai, Ubangiji Allahnku kuma ya albarkace ku, ba za ku kuwa iya riƙe zakkarku ba (Saboda wurin da Ubangiji ya zaɓa yă sa Sunansa ya yi nisa sosai),
25 then you have given [it] in money, and have bound up the money in your hand, and gone to the place on which your God YHWH fixes;
to, sai ku sayar da zakkar, ku tafi da kuɗin wurin da Ubangiji Allahnku ya zaɓa.
26 and you have given the money for anything which your soul desires, for oxen, and for sheep, and for wine, and for strong drink, and for anything which your soul asks for, and you have eaten before your God YHWH there, and you have rejoiced, you and your house.
Yi amfani da kuɗin ku saya duk abin da kuke so, ko shanu, ko tumaki, ko ruwan inabi, ko dai wani abin shan da ya yi tsami, ko kuwa duk abin da kuke so. Sai ku da gidanku, ku ci a can, a gaban Ubangiji Allahnku, ku kuma yi farin ciki.
27 As for the Levite who [is] within your gates, you do not forsake him, for he has no portion and inheritance with you.
Kada dai ku manta da Lawiyawan da suke zama a biranenku, gama ba su da rabo, ko gādo na kansu.
28 At the end of three years you bring out all the tithe of your increase in that year, and have placed [it] within your gates;
A ƙarshen kowace shekara uku, ku kawo dukan zakkarku na amfanin gona na wannan shekara, ku ajiye su a cikin birane,
29 and the Levite has come in—for he has no part and inheritance with you—and the sojourner, and the fatherless, and the widow, who [are] within your gates, and they have eaten, and been satisfied, so that your God YHWH blesses you in all the work of your hand which you do.”
saboda Lawiyawa (waɗanda ba su da rabo ko gādo na kansu) da baƙo, da marayu, da kuma gwauraye, waɗanda suke zama a biranenku, su zo su ci su ƙoshi, ta haka Ubangiji Allahnku zai albarkace ku cikin dukan ayyukan hannuwanku.

< Deuteronomy 14 >