< Daniel 1 >

1 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has come to Jerusalem, and lays siege against it;
Nan twazyèm ane a règn Jojakim, wa Juda a; Nebucadnetsar, wa Babylone nan, te rive Jérusalem e te fè syèj sou li.
2 and the Lord gives into his hand Jehoiakim king of Judah, and some of the vessels of the house of God, and he brings them in [to] the land of Shinar, [to] the house of his god, and the vessels he has brought in [to] the treasure-house of his god.
Senyè a te livre Jojakim, wa Juda a, nan men li, ansanm ak kèk nan veso lakay Bondye yo. Epi Nebucadnetsar te pote yo nan peyi Schinear, kote lakay dye pa li a, e li te mennen veso yo antre nan trezò a dye li a.
3 And the king says, to Ashpenaz master of his eunuchs, to bring in out of the sons of Israel (even of the royal seed, and of the chiefs),
Alò, wa a te pase lòd a Aschpenaz, chèf sou ofisye pa l yo, pou mennen kèk nan fis Israël yo, ansanm ak kèk nan fanmi wayal la ak kèk nan prens yo:
4 boys in whom there is no blemish, and of good appearance, and skillful in all wisdom, and possessing knowledge, and teaching thought, and who have ability to stand in the palace of the king, and to teach them the literature and language of the Chaldeans.
jennonm ki te san defo, ki te bo gason, ki te montre yo entèlijan nan tout kalite sajès, beni avèk bon konprann e ak kapasite pou disène, e ki te gen kapasite pou fè sèvis nan palè a wa a; pou l ta ka enstwi yo nan lèt ak langaj Kaldeyen yo.
5 And the king appoints for them a rate, day by day, of the king’s portion of food, and of the wine of his drinking, so as to nourish them three years, that at the end thereof they may stand before the king.
Wa a te chwazi pou yo yon pòsyon manje ki te sòti nan meyè manje a wa a ak nan diven ke li te konn bwè. Anplis, li te fè lòd pou yo ta kapab fè enstriksyon lekòl pandan twazan, epi nan fen a twazan yo, yo te dwe antre nan sèvis pèsonèl a wa a.
6 And there are among them out of the sons of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,
Alò, pami yo, soti nan fis a Juda yo, se te Daniel, Hanania, Mischaël, ak Azaria.
7 and the chief of the eunuchs sets names on them, and he sets on Daniel, Belteshazzar; and on Hananiah, Shadrach; and on Mishael, Meshach; and on Azariah, Abed-Nego.
Answit, chèf nan linik yo te bay nouvo non a yo menm. Pou Daniel, li te bay non Beltschatsar, Hanania non a Schadrac, Mischaël non a Méschac e Azaria, non a Abed-Nego.
8 And Daniel purposes in his heart that he will not defile himself with the king’s portion of food, and with the wine of his drinking, and he seeks of the chief of the eunuchs that he may not defile himself.
Men Daniel te pran desizyon nan panse li pou li pa t souye tèt li ak meyè manje a wa a, ni ak diven li te konn bwè a. Konsa, li te chache pèmisyon a chèf nan linik yo pou li pa ta souye tèt li.
9 And God gives Daniel for kindness and for mercies before the chief of the eunuchs;
Alò, Bondye te bay Daniel favè ak gras devan zye a chèf ofisye yo.
10 and the chief of the eunuchs says to Daniel, “I am fearing my lord the king, who has appointed your food and your drink, for why does he see your faces sadder than [those of] the boys which [are] of your circle? Then you have made my head indebted to the king,”
Epi chèf nan linik yo te di a Daniel: “Mwen gen krent mèt mwen, Wa a, ki te bay lòd konsènan manje nou ak bwason nou. Paske poukisa li ta dwe wè figi nou nan yon eta pi mal ke lòt jennonm ki gen menm laj avèk nou yo? Alò, nou ta fè mwen peye pri tèt mwen bay wa a.”
11 And Daniel says to the Meltzar, whom the chief of the eunuchs has appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,
Men Daniel te di a sipèvizè ke chèf nan linik yo te chwazi sou Daniel, Hanania, Mischaël, ak Azaria a,
12 “Please try your servants [for] ten days; and they give to us from the vegetables and we eat, and water, and we drink;
“Souple, teste sèvitè ou yo pandan di jou. Kite nou resevwa sèlman kèk legim pou manje ak dlo pou bwè.
13 and our appearance is seen before you, and the appearance of the boys who are eating the king’s portion of food, and as you see—deal with your servants.”
Epi konsa, kite aparans nou vin konpare ak aparans a jennonm k ap manje meyè manje a wa a; epi aji ak sèvitè ou yo selon sa ou wè a.”
14 And he listens to them, to this word, and tries them ten days:
Konsa, li te koute yo nan bagay sa a, e te teste yo pandan di jou.
15 and at the end of ten days their appearance has appeared better and fatter in flesh then any of the boys who are eating the king’s portion of food.
Nan fen di jou yo, aparans yo te parèt pi bon, e yo te angrese plis ke tout jennonm ki t ap manje meyè manje a wa a.
16 And the Meltzar is taking away their portion of food, and the wine of their drink, and is giving to them vegetables.
Akoz sa, sipèvizè a te kontinye retire meyè manje sa yo, ak diven yo te dwe pou bwè, e te kontinye bay yo legim yo.
17 As for these four boys, God has given to them knowledge and understanding in every [kind of] literature, and wisdom; and Daniel has given instruction about every [kind of] vision and dreams.
Konsènan kat jennonm sila yo Bondye te bay yo konesans ak entèlijans nan tout pati etid ak sajès yo. Epi Daniel te gen konprann nan tout kalite vizyon ak rèv.
18 And at the end of the days that the king had said to bring them in, the chief of the eunuchs brings them in before Nebuchadnezzar.
Konsa, nan fen jou wa a te etabli pou prezante yo a, linik a wa a te fè yo parèt devan Nebucadnetsar.
19 And the king speaks with them, and there has not been found among them all like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, and they stand before the king;
Wa a te pale ak yo e pami yo tout, pa t gen youn ki te konpare ak Daniel, Hanania, Mischaël, ak Azaria. Akoz sa, yo te antre nan sèvis pèsonèl a wa a.
20 and [in] any matter of wisdom [and] understanding that the king has sought of them, he finds them ten hands above all the enchanters, the conjurers, who [are] in all his kingdom.
Pou chak sikonstans ke wa a te konsilte yo pou sajès ak bon konprann, li te twouve yo dis fwa pi bon ke tout majisyen ak mèt zetwal ki te nan tout wayòm li a.
21 And Daniel is to the first year of Cyrus the king.
Epi Daniel te kontinye jis rive nan premye ane Cyrus, wa a.

< Daniel 1 >