< Daniel 9 >

1 “In the first year of Darius, son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes, who has been made king over the kingdom of the Chaldeans,
A shekara ta fari da mulkin Dariyus ɗan Zerzes (wanda yake Bamediye), wanda aka mai da shi sarki a masarautar Babiloniyawa
2 in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, have understood by scrolls the number of the years (in that a word of YHWH has been to Jeremiah the prophet), concerning the fulfilling of the desolations of Jerusalem—seventy years;
a shekara ta farko ta mulkinsa, ni, Daniyel na gane daga cikin littattafai, bisa ga maganar Ubangiji da aka faɗa wa annabi Irmiya, cewa zaman Urushalima kango zai kai shekara saba’in.
3 and I set my face toward the Lord God, to seek [by] prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes.
Sai na juya wurin Ubangiji Allah na roƙe shi ta wurin addu’a da koke-koke, cikin azumi, ina saye da tsummoki, na kuma zauna a cikin toka.
4 And I pray to my God YHWH, and confess, and say: Ah, now, O Lord God, the great and the fearful, keeping the covenant and the kindness to those loving Him and to those keeping His commands;
Na yi addu’a ga Ubangiji Allahna na furta laifina. “Ya Ubangiji, mai alfarma da kuma Allah mai banrazana, wanda yake cika alkawarinsa na ƙauna ga duk wanda ya ƙaunace shi ya kuma kiyaye dokokinsa,
5 we have sinned, and done perversely, and done wickedly, and rebelled, to turn aside from Your commands, and from Your judgments:
mun yi zunubi muka kuma yi ba daidai ba. Mu mugaye ne da kuma’yan tawaye; mun juya wa umarninka da shari’unka baya.
6 and we have not listened to Your servants, the prophets, who have spoken in Your Name to our kings, our heads, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.
Ba mu saurari bayinka annabawa ba, waɗanda suka yi magana a sunanka ga sarakunanmu da masu mulkinmu da iyayenmu, da kuma dukan mutanen ƙasa.
7 To You, O Lord, [is] the righteousness, and to us the shame of face, as [at] this day, to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, who are near, and who are far off, in all the lands to where You have driven them, in their trespass that they have trespassed against You.
“Ubangiji, kai mai adalci ne, amma a yau kunya ta rufe mu, mutanen Yahuda da mutanen Urushalima da na dukan Isra’ila, waɗanda suke kusa da kuma nesa, a dukan ƙasashen da ka warwatsa mu saboda rashin amincinmu a gare ka.
8 O Lord, to us [is] the shame of face, to our kings, to our heads, and to our fathers, in that we have sinned against You.
Ya Ubangiji, mu da sarakunanmu, da masu mulkinmu da iyayenmu kunya ta rufe mu saboda mun yi maka zunubi.
9 To the Lord our God [are] the mercies and the forgivenesses, for we have rebelled against Him,
Ubangiji Allahnmu mai jinƙai ne, mai gafartawa ne kuma, ko da yake mun yi masa tawaye;
10 and have not listened to the voice of our God YHWH, to walk in His laws, that He has set before us by the hand of His servants the prophets;
ba mu yi biyayya ga Ubangiji Allahnmu ba, ba mu kuma kiyaye shari’unsa da ya ba mu ta wuri bayinsa annabawa ba.
11 and all Israel has transgressed Your law, to turn aside so as not to listen to Your voice; and poured on us is the execration, and the oath, that is written in the Law of Moses, servant of God, because we have sinned against Him.
Dukan Isra’ila sun karya dokokinka suka kuma juya maka baya, sun ƙi yi maka biyayya. “Saboda haka la’anoni da rantsuwar hukunce-hukuncen da suke a rubuce a cikin Dokar Musa, bawan Allah, sun kama mu domin mun yi maka zunubi.
12 And He confirms His words that He has spoken against us, and against our judges who have judged us, to bring great calamity on us, in that it has not been done under the whole heavens as it has been done in Jerusalem,
Ka cika kalmomin da ka yi a kanmu da kuma a kan masu mulkinmu ta wurin kawo mana babban bala’i. A duniya duka ba a taɓa yin wani abu kamar yadda aka yi wa Urushalima ba.
13 as it is written in the Law of Moses, all this evil has come on us, and we have not appeased the face of our God YHWH to turn back from our iniquities, and to act wisely in Your truth.
Kamar yadda yake a rubuce cikin Dokar Musa, dukan wannan bala’i ya sauko a kanmu, duk da haka ba mu nemi tagomashin Ubangiji Allahnmu ta wurin barin aikatawa zunubanmu, mu kuma mai da hankali a kan gaskiyarka ba.
14 And YHWH watches for the evil, and brings it on us, for our God YHWH is righteous concerning all His works that He has done, and we have not listened to His voice.
Ubangiji bai yi wata-wata wajen kawo mana bala’i ba, domin Ubangiji Allahnmu mai adalci ne a cikin dukan abin da yake yi; duk da haka ba mu yi masa biyayya ba.
15 And now, O Lord our God, who has brought forth Your people from the land of Egypt by a strong hand, and makes for Yourself a name as at this day, we have sinned, we have done wickedly.
“Yanzu, ya Ubangiji Allahnmu, wanda ya fito da mutanensa daga Masar ta hannu mai ƙarfi wanda kuma ya yi wa kansa sunan da ya dawwama har yă zuwa yau, mun yi zunubi, mun yi abin da ba daidai ba.
16 O Lord, according to all Your righteous acts, please let Your anger and Your fury turn back from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain, for by our sins, and by the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people [are] for a reproach to all our neighbors;
Ya Ubangiji, ta wurin kiyaye dukan ayyukanka na adalci, ka huce daga fushinka da hukuncinka da ka yi a kan Urushalima, birninka, tudunka mai tsarki. Zunubinmu da laifofin iyayenmu sun mai da Urushalima da kuma mutanenka abin ba’a ga dukan waɗanda suke kewaye da mu.
17 and now, listen, O our God, to the prayer of Your servant, and to his supplication, and cause Your face to shine on Your sanctuary that [is] desolate, for the Lord’s sake.
“Yanzu, ya Allahnmu, ka ji addu’o’i da koke-koken bayinka. Saboda sunanka, ya Ubangiji, ka duba da rahama wurinka mai tsarki da ya zama kango.
18 Incline, O my God, Your ear, and hear, open Your eyes and see our desolations, and the city on which Your Name is called; for not for our righteous acts are we causing our supplications to fall before You, but for Your mercies that [are] many.
Ka kasa kunne, ya Allah, ka kuma ji; ka buɗe idanunka ka kuma ga yadda birninka ya zama kango, birnin da yake ɗauke da Sunanka. Ba cewa muna roƙonka saboda mu masu adalci ba ne, amma saboda girman jinƙanka.
19 O Lord, hear, O Lord, forgive; O Lord, attend and do; do not delay, for Your own sake, O my God, for Your Name is called on Your city, and on Your people.
Ya Ubangiji, ka saurara! Ya Ubangiji ka gafarta! Ya Ubangiji, ka ji ka kuma yi wani abu! Saboda sunanka, ya Allahna, kada ka yi jinkiri, domin da sunanka ake kiran birninka da jama’arka.”
20 And while I am speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin, and the sin of my people Israel, and causing my supplication to fall before my God YHWH, for the holy mountain of my God,
Yayinda da nake magana da addu’a, ina furta zunubina da zunubin mutanena Isra’ila ina miƙa koke-kokena ga Ubangiji Allahna saboda tudunsa mai tsarki,
21 indeed, while I am speaking in prayer, then that one Gabriel, whom I had seen in vision at the commencement, being caused to fly swiftly, is coming to me at the time of the evening present.
yayinda nake cikin addu’a, sai Jibra’ilu, mutumin nan da na gani a wahayin da ya wuce, ya zo wurina gaggauce wajen lokacin yin hadaya ta yamma.
22 And he gives understanding, and speaks with me, and says, O Daniel, now I have come forth to cause you to consider understanding wisely;
Ya umarce ni ya kuma ce mini, “Daniyel, yanzu na zo domin in ba ka hikima da ganewa.
23 at the commencement of your supplications the word has come forth, and I have come to declare [it], for you [are] greatly desired, and understand concerning the matter, and consider concerning the appearance.
Da zarar ka fara addu’a, an amsa, wadda na zo in faɗa maka, gama ana ƙaunar ka sosai. Saboda haka, ka yi lura da saƙon ka kuma fahimci wahayin.
24 Seventy periods of seven are determined for your people and for your holy city, to shut up the transgression, and to seal up sins, and to cover iniquity, and to bring in continuous righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies.
“An ƙayyade wa jama’arka da tsattsarkan birninka shekara ɗari huɗu da tasa’in domin a kawo ƙarshen laifi da zunubi, domin a yi kafarar laifi, sa’an nan a shigo da adalci madawwami, a rufe wahayi da annabci, a tsarkake haikali.
25 And you know, and consider wisely, from the going forth of the word to restore and to build Jerusalem until Messiah the Leader [is] seven periods of seven, and sixty-two periods of seven: the broad place has been built again, and the rampart, even in the distress of the times.
“Sai ka sani ka kuma fahimci wannan; Tun daga sa’ad da aka kafa doka don a maido a kuma sāke gina Urushalima har sai Shafaffen nan, mai mulki, ya zo, za a yi shekara arba’in da tara, da shekara ɗari huɗu da talatin da huɗu. Za a sāke gina ta a yi mata tituna da mafaka.
26 And after the sixty-two periods of seven, Messiah is cut off, but not for Himself, and the people of the leader who is coming destroy the city and the holy place; and its end [is] with a flood, and until the end [is] war, [and] desolations [are] determined.
Bayan shekara ɗari huɗu da talatin da huɗu, za a datse Shafaffen nan zai kuma kasance ba shi da kome. Mutanen mai mulkin za su zo su hallaka birnin da kuma wuri mai tsarki. Ƙarshen zai zo kamar rigyawa. Yaƙi zai ci gaba har ƙarshe, a kuma hallakar kamar yadda aka ƙaddara.
27 And he has strengthened a covenant with many [for] one period of seven, and [in] the midst of the period of seven he causes sacrifice and present to cease, and by the wing of abominations he is making desolate, even until the consummation, and that which is determined is poured on the desolate one.”
Zai tabbatar da alkawari da mutane masu yawa har na shekara bakwai. A tsakiyar bakwai ɗin nan ɗaya zai kawo ƙarshen duk wata hadaya da baiko. Kuma a kusurwar haikali zai sa abin ƙyama mai kawo hallaka, har sai ƙarshen da aka ƙaddara ya auko wa wanda ya sa abin ƙyama.”

< Daniel 9 >