15 Now behold, you are ready, so that at the time that you hear the voice of the horn, the flute, the harp, the lyre, the stringed instrument, and the symphony, and all kinds of music, you fall down and pay respect to the image that I have made! But if you do not worship—in that hour you are cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; who is that God who delivers you out of my hands?”
Hazir siler sunay, ney, qalun, lira, ziltar, bulman we bashqa herxil sazlarning awazini anglighan haman, men yasatqan heykelge sejde qilishqa teyyar tursanglar, yaxshi. Lékin sejde qilmisanglar, siler derhal dehshetlik yalqunlap turghan xumdan’gha tashlinisiler. Shu chaghda qandaq ilah kélip silerni changgilimdin qutquzuwalidikin, qéni?! — dédi.