< Amos 9 >

1 I have seen the Lord standing by the altar, and He says, “Strike the knob, and the thresholds shake, And cut them off by the head—all of them, And I slay their posterity with a sword, None that flee of them flee away, Nor a fugitive of them escape.
Na ga Ubangiji yana tsaye a gaban bagade, ya kuma ce, “Bugi kan ginshiƙan don madogaran ƙofa su girgiza. Saukar da su a kan dukan mutane; waɗanda ba su mutu ba zan kashe su da takobi. Ba mutum guda da zai tsere, babu wani da zai tsira.
2 If they dig through into Sheol, From there My hand takes them, And if they go up [to] the heavens, From there I cause them to come down. (Sheol h7585)
Ko da sun tona rami kamar zurfin kabari, daga can hannuna zai fitar da su. Ko da sun hau can sama daga can zan sauko da su. (Sheol h7585)
3 And if they are hid in the top of Carmel, From there I search out, and have taken them, And if they are hid from My eyes in the bottom of the sea, From there I command the serpent, And it has bitten them.
Ko da sun ɓuya a bisa Karmel, a can zan farauce su in cafko. Ko da sun ɓuya can ƙarƙashin teku, a can zan umarci maciji yă sare su.
4 And if they go into captivity before their enemies, From there I command the sword, And it has slain them, And I have set My eye on them for evil, And not for good.”
Ko da abokan gābansu sun kore su zuwa zaman bauta, a can zan umarci takobi yă kashe su. “Zan sa musu ido don mugunta ba don alheri ba.”
5 And [it is] the Lord, YHWH of Hosts, Who is striking against the land, and it melts, And mourned have all the inhabitants in it, And all of it has come up as a flood, And it has sunk—like the flood of Egypt.
Ubangiji, Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, shi da yakan taɓa ƙasa sai ta narke, kuma dukan mazauna cikinta suna makoki, ƙasar gaba ɗaya takan hau ta kuma sauka kamar Nilu, sa’an nan ta nutse kamar kogin Masar,
6 Who is building His upper chambers in the heavens; As for His troop, On earth He has founded it, Who is calling for the waters of the sea, And pours them out on the face of the land, YHWH [is] His Name.
shi da ya gina kyakkyawar fadarsa a cikin sammai ya kuma kafa harsashenta a duniya, shi da yakan kira ruwan teku yă kuma kwarara su a bisa duniya, Ubangiji ne sunansa.
7 “Are you not as sons of Cushim to Me, O sons of Israel?” A declaration of YHWH. “Did I not bring Israel up out of the land of Egypt? And the Philistines from Caphtor, and Aram from Kir?
“Ku ba Isra’ilawa ba ne, daidai gare ni kamar yadda Kushawa suke?” In ji Ubangiji. “Ban fito da Isra’ila daga Masar ba, Filistiyawa kuma daga Kaftor Arameyawa kuma daga Kir ba?
8 Behold, [the] eyes of Lord YHWH [are] on the sinful kingdom, And I have destroyed it from off the face of the ground, Only, I do not utterly destroy the house of Jacob,” A declaration of YHWH.
“Tabbatacce idanun Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka suna a kan mulkin nan mai zunubi. Zan hallaka shi daga fuskar duniya, duk da haka ba zan hallaka gidan Yaƙub ƙaƙaf ba,” in ji Ubangiji.
9 “For behold, I am commanding, And I have shaken among all the nations the house of Israel, As [one] shakes with a sieve, And there does not fall a grain [to] the earth.
“Gama zan ba da umarni, zan kuma tankaɗe gidan Isra’ila a cikin dukan ƙasashe kamar yadda ake tankaɗe hatsi a cikin matankaɗi kuma ko ƙwaya ɗaya ba za tă fāɗi a ƙasa ba.
10 By sword all sinners of My people die, Who are saying, Evil does not overtake, or go before, For our sakes.
Dukan masu zunubi a cikin mutanena za su mutu ta wurin takobi, wato, su masu cewa, ‘Masifa ba za tă fāɗo ko ta same mu ba.’
11 In that day I raise the dwelling place of David that is fallen, And I have repaired their breaches, And I raise up its ruins, And I have built it up as in days of old,
“A wannan rana zan maido da tentin Dawuda da ya fāɗi. Zan gyaggyara wuraren da suka yayyage, in kuma maido da kufansa in gina shi kamar yadda yake a dā,
12 So that they possess the remnant of Edom, And all the nations on whom My Name is called,” A declaration of YHWH—the doer of this.
domin su mallaki raguwar Edom da duk al’ummai da suke amsa sunana,” in ji Ubangiji shi wanda zai yi waɗannan abubuwa.
13 “Behold, days are coming,” A declaration of YHWH, “And the plowman has come near to the reaper, And the treader of grapes to the scatterer of seed, And the mountains have dropped juice, And all the hills melt.
“Ranaku suna zuwa, in ji Ubangiji, “sa’ad da mai huɗa zai sha gaban mai girbi mai shuki kuma yă bi bayan mai matsin inabi. Sabon ruwan inabi zai ɗiga daga duwatsu yă kuma kwararo daga tuddai.
14 And I have turned back [to] the captivity of My people Israel, And they have built desolate cities, and inhabited, And have planted vineyards, and drunk their wine, And made gardens, and eaten their fruit.
Zan dawo da waɗanda aka kai zaman bauta mutanena Isra’ila. “Za su sāke gina biranen da suke kango su kuma zauna a cikinsu. Za su shuka gonakin inabi su kuma sha ruwan inabinsu; za su yi lambuna su kuma ci amfaninsu.
15 And I have planted them on their own ground, And they are not plucked up anymore from off their own ground, That I have given to them,” said your God YHWH!
Zan dasa Isra’ila a ƙasarsu, ba kuwa za a ƙara tumɓuke su daga ƙasar da na ba su ba,” in ji Ubangiji Allahnku.

< Amos 9 >