< Amos 6 >
1 Woe [to] those secure in Zion, And those confident on the mountain of Samaria, The marked of the chief of the nations, And the house of Israel has come to them.
Ak vai, tiem, kas droši dzīvo Ciānā un bez bēdām uz Samarijas kalna, tiem vareniem pirmajā tautā, pie kuriem nāk tie no Israēla nama.
2 Pass over [to] Calneh and see, And go there [to] Hamath the great, And go down [to] Gath of the Philistines, Are [they] better than these kingdoms? [Is] their border greater than your border?
Ejat uz Kalni un skatāties, un no turienes ejat uz Hamatu, to lielo pilsētu, tad noejat uz Gadu Fīlistos, vai tās ir labākas nekā šīs valstis, jeb vai viņu robežas lielākas nekā jūsu robežas.
3 Who are putting away the day of evil, And you bring the seat of violence near,
Jūs, kam šķiet nelaimes dienu tālu esam un kas tuvu ceļat varasdarba krēslu,
4 Who are lying down on beds of ivory, And are spread out on their couches, And are eating lambs from the flock, And calves from the midst of the stall,
Kas guļat uz ziloņkaulu gultām un staipāties savās guļās un ēdat jērus no ganāmā pulka un barotos teļus no laidaru vidus,
5 Who are taking part according to the stringed instrument, Like David they invented for themselves instruments of music;
Kas pūšat somastabules un izdomājat mūzikas rīkus kā Dāvids,
6 Who are drinking with bowls of wine, And anoint themselves [with] chief perfumes, And have not been pained for the breach of Joseph.
Kas vīnu dzerat no kausiem un svaidāties ar visdārgāko eļļu, bet nebēdājaties par Jāzepa vainu!
7 Therefore they now go at the head of the captives, And the mourning-feast of stretched-out ones is turned aside.
Tādēļ tie nu ies cietumā paši pirmie starp cietumniekiem, un plītnieku kliegšana mitēsies.
8 Lord YHWH has sworn by Himself, A declaration of YHWH, God of Hosts: “I am abominating the excellence of Jacob, And his high places I have hated, And I have delivered up the city and its fullness.”
Tas Kungs Dievs ir zvērējis pie savas dvēseles, saka Tas Kungs, tas Dievs Cebaot: Man riebj Jēkaba lepnība un Es ienīstu viņa skaistos namus, tādēļ Es to pilsētu nodošu ar visu, kas tur iekšā.
9 And if there are left ten persons in one house, It has come to pass—that they have died.
Un notiks, ja tur desmit vīri būs atlikuši vienā namā, tie mirs.
10 And his loved one has lifted him up, even his burner, To bring forth the bones from the house, And he said to him who [is] in the sides of the house, “Is there [any] yet with you?” And he said, “None,” Then he said, “Hush! We must not make mention of the Name of YHWH.”
Un kad ko ņems viņa svainis vai viņa dedzinātājs, un iznesīs tos kaulus no nama un sacīs uz to, kas nama kambarī: vai tur vēl kāds pie tevis? Un tas sacīs: nav neviena. Tad viņš sacīs: ciet klusu! Jo Tā Kunga vārdu nebūs pieminēt.
11 For behold, YHWH is commanding, And He has struck the great house [with] breaches, And the little house [with] clefts.
Jo redzi, Tas Kungs dod pavēli, un sitīs to lielo namu, ka sagrūs, un to mazo namu, ka sadrups.
12 Do horses run on a rock? Does one plow [it] with oxen? For you have turned judgment to gall, And the fruit of righteousness to wormwood.
Vai zirgi var skriet pa klintīm? Vai tur virsū var art ar vēršiem? Jo jūs esat pārvērtuši tiesu par žulti un taisnības augļus par vērmelēm?
13 O you who are rejoicing at nothing, Who are saying, “Have we not taken to ourselves horns by our strength?”
Jūs, kas priecājaties par nieku un sakāt: Vai mēs caur savu stiprumu sev neesam varu dabūjuši?
14 “Surely, behold, I am raising a nation against you, O house of Israel,” A declaration of YHWH, God of Hosts, “And they have oppressed you from the coming in to Hamath, To the stream of the desert.”
Jo redzi, pret jums, jūs Israēla nams, saka Tas Kungs, tas Dievs Cebaot, Es celšu vienu tautu, - un tā jūs nospaidīs no Hamatas ceļa līdz tuksneša upei.