< Amos 5 >

1 Hear this word that I am bearing to you, A lamentation, O house of Israel:
Inzwai shoko iri, imi imba yaIsraeri, kuchema uku kwandinoita pamusoro penyu:
2 “Fallen, not to rise again, has the virgin of Israel, Left on her land—she has none [to] raise [her] up.”
“Yawira pasi Mhandara Israeri, haingazosimukizve, akasiyiwa ari oga munyika yake, pasina angamusimudza.”
3 For thus said Lord YHWH: “The city that is going out one thousand, Leaves one hundred, And that which is going out one hundred, Leaves ten to the house of Israel.”
Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: “Guta richaendesa varwi chiuru vakasimba pakati peIsraeri richasarirwa nezana chete; guta richaendesa varwi zana vakasimba richasarirwa negumi chete.”
4 For thus said YHWH to the house of Israel: “Seek Me, and live,
Zvanzi naJehovha kuimba yaIsraeri: “Nditsvakei murarame;
5 And do not seek Beth-El, and do not enter Gilgal, And do not pass through Beer-Sheba, For Gilgal utterly removes, And Beth-El becomes vanity.
musatsvaka Bheteri, musaenda kuGirigari, musaita rwendo rwokuenda kuBheerishebha. Nokuti zvirokwazvo Girigari ichaendeswa kuutapwa, uye Bheteri richava sapasina chinhu.”
6 Seek YHWH, and live, Lest He prosper as fire [against] the house of Joseph, And it has consumed, And there is no quencher for Beth-El—
Tsvakai Jehovha mugorarama, mukasadaro achatsvaira imba yaJosefa sezvinoita moto; uchaparadza, uye Bheteri richashaya anoudzima.
7 You who are turning judgment to wormwood, And have put down righteousness to the earth!”
Imi vanoshandura kururamisira muchikuita gavakava uye muchikandira kururama pasi
8 The Maker of the Pleiades and Orion, And He who is turning death-shade to the morning—And He has made day [as] dark [as] night—Who is calling to the waters of the sea, And pours them on the face of the earth, YHWH [is] His Name;
(Iye akaita nyeredzi dzeChimutanhatu neOrioni, anoshandura rima richiva mambakwedza, uye anoita kuti zuva risvibe huve usiku, anodana mvura zhinji yegungwa achiidururira panyika, Jehovha ndiro zita rake,
9 Who is brightening up the spoiled against the strong, And the spoiled comes against a fortress.
anoparadza nhare pakarepo uye anoita kuti guta rina masvingo rive dongo),
10 They have hated a reprover in the gate, And they detest a plain speaker.
munovenga anorayira padare uye munozvidza anotaura chokwadi.
11 Therefore, because of your trampling on the poor, And the tribute of grain you take from him, Houses of hewn work you have built, And you do not dwell in them, Desirable vineyards you have planted, And you do not drink their wine.
Munotsika pamusoro pomurombo muchimumanikidza kuti akupei zviyo. Naizvozvo, kunyange makavaka dzimba huru dzamabwe, hamungagari madziri; kunyange makasima minda yakasvibira yemizambiringa, hamunganwi waini yayo.
12 For I have known—many [are] your transgressions, And mighty your sins, Adversaries of the righteous, taking ransoms, And you turned aside the needy in the gate.
Nokuti ndinoziva kuwanda kwemhosva dzenyu nokukura kwakaita zvivi zvenyu. Munodzvinyirira vakarurama uye munotora fufuro, uye munoshayisa varombo kururamisirwa pamatare.
13 Therefore the wise is silent at that time, For it [is] an evil time.
Naizvozvo munhu akangwara anonyarara panguva dzakadai, nokuti inguva dzakaipa.
14 Seek good, and not evil, that you may live, and it is so; YHWH, God of Hosts, [is] with you, as you said.
Tsvakai zvakanaka, kwete zvakaipa, kuti murarame. Ipapo Jehovha Mwari Wamasimba Ose achava nemi, sezvamunoti ndizvo zvaari.
15 Hate evil, and love good, And set up judgment in the gate, It may be YHWH, God of Hosts, pities the remnant of Joseph.
Vengai zvakaipa, mude zvakanaka; chengetedzai kururamisira mumatare. Zvichida Jehovha Mwari Wamasimba Ose achanzwira tsitsi vakasara vaJosefa.
16 Therefore, thus said YHWH, God of Hosts, the Lord: “Lamentation is in all broad places, And in all out-places they say, Oh! Oh! And called the farmer to mourning, And the skillful of wailing to lamentation.
Naizvozvo zvanzi naIshe, Jehovha Mwari Wamasimba Ose, “Muchava nokuchema mumigwagwa yose nemhere yokurwadziwa pazvivara zvose. Varimi vachadanwa kuti vazochema uye vanochema vazoungudza.
17 And in all vineyards [is] lamentation, For I pass into your midst,” said YHWH.
Kuchava nokuungudza muminda yose yemizambiringa, nokuti ndichapfuura napakati penyu,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
18 Behold, you who are desiring the Day of YHWH, Why [is] this to you—the Day of YHWH? It is darkness, and not light,
Mune nhamo imi munoshuva zuva raJehovha! Sei muchishuva zuva raJehovha? Zuva iro richava rima kwete chiedza.
19 As [when] one flees from the face of the lion, And the bear has met him, And he has come into the house, And has leaned his hand on the wall, And the serpent has bitten him.
Zvichaita somunhu akatiza shumba achibva asangana nebere, sokunge akapinda mumba make ndokubata madziro noruoko rwake achibva arumwa nenyoka.
20 Is not the Day of YHWH darkness and not light, Even thick darkness that has no brightness?
Ko, zuva raJehovha haringavi rima here, kwete chiedza, rima guru, risina kana bwerazuva?
21 “I have hated—I have loathed your festivals, And I am not refreshed by your restraints.
“Ndinovenga, ndinozvidza mitambo yenyu yechinamato; handifadzwi neungano dzenyu.
22 For though you cause burnt-offerings and your presents to ascend to Me, I am not pleased, And I do not behold the peace-offering of your fatlings.
Kunyange mukandivigira zvipiriso zvenyu zvinopiswa nezvipiriso zvezviyo, handingazvigamuchiri. Kunyange mukandivigira zvipiriso zvakaisvonaka zvokuwadzana, handingavi nehanya nazvo.
23 Turn the noise of your songs aside from Me, Indeed, I do not hear the praise of your stringed instruments.
Ibvai pamberi pangu noruzha rwenziyo dzenyu! Handidi kunzwa kurira kwembira dzenyu.
24 And judgment rolls on as waters, And righteousness as a perennial stream.
Asi kururamisira ngakuyerere sorwizi, kururama sorukova rusingapwi!
25 Did you bring sacrifices and offerings near to Me, In a wilderness forty years, O house of Israel?
“Makandivigira zvibayiro nezvipiriso makore makumi mana muri murenje here, nhai imba yaIsraeri?
26 And you bore Succoth your king, and Chiun your images, The star of your god, that you made for yourselves.
Makasimudzira temberi yamambo wenyu, chitsiko chezvifananidzo zvenyu, nyeredzi yamwari wenyu, wamakazvigadzirira.
27 And I removed you beyond Damascus,” said YHWH—God of Hosts [is] His Name.
Naizvozvo ndichakutamisai muende mberi kweDhamasiko,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha ane zita rinonzi Mwari Wamasimba Ose.

< Amos 5 >