< Amos 4 >

1 Hear this word, you cows of Bashan, Who [are] on the mountain of Samaria, Who are oppressing the poor, Who are bruising the needy, Who are saying to their lords: “Bring in, and we drink.”
[Audite verbum hoc, vaccæ pingues, quæ estis in monte Samariæ, quæ calumniam facitis egenis et confringitis pauperes; quæ dicitis dominis vestris: Afferte, et bibemus.
2 Lord YHWH has sworn by His holiness, “Behold, days are coming on you, And He has taken you away with hooks, And your posterity with fish-hooks.
Juravit Dominus Deus in sancto suo, quia ecce dies venient super vos, et levabunt vos in contis, et reliquias vestras in ollis ferventibus.
3 And [by] breaches you go forth, A woman before her, And you have cast down the high place,” A declaration of YHWH.
Et per aperturas exibitis altera contra alteram, et projiciemini in Armon, dicit Dominus.]
4 “Enter Beth-El, and transgress, At Gilgal multiply transgression, And bring in your sacrifices every morning, Your tithes every third year.
[Venite ad Bethel, et impie agite; ad Galgalam, et multiplicate prævaricationem: et afferte mane victimas vestras, tribus diebus decimas vestras.
5 And burn a thank-offering with leaven as incense, And proclaim willing gifts, sound! For so you have loved, O sons of Israel,” A declaration of Lord YHWH.
Et sacrificate de fermentato laudem, et vocate voluntarias oblationes, et annuntiate; sic enim voluistis, filii Israël, dicit Dominus Deus.
6 “And I also—I have given to you cleanness of teeth in all your cities, And lack of bread in all your places, And you have not turned back to Me,” A declaration of YHWH.
Unde et ego dedi vobis stuporem dentium in cunctis urbibus vestris, et indigentiam panum in omnibus locis vestris; et non estis reversi ad me, dicit Dominus.
7 “And I also—I have withheld from you the rain, While yet three months to harvest, And I have sent rain on one city, And on another city I do not send rain, One portion is rained on, And the portion on which it does not rain withers.
Ego quoque prohibui a vobis imbrem, cum adhuc tres menses superessent usque ad messem: et plui super unam civitatem, et super alteram civitatem non plui; pars una compluta est, et pars super quam non plui, aruit.
8 And two or three cities have wandered, To the same city to drink water, And they are not satisfied, And you have not turned back to Me,” A declaration of YHWH.
Et venerunt duæ et tres civitates ad unam civitatem ut biberent aquam, et non sunt satiatæ; et non redistis ad me, dicit Dominus.
9 “I have struck you with blasting and with mildew, The abundance of your gardens and of your vineyards, And of your figs, and of your olives, The palmer-worm eats, And you have not turned back to Me,” A declaration of YHWH.
Percussi vos in vento urente, et in aurugine: multitudinem hortorum vestrorum et vinearum vestrarum, oliveta vestra et ficeta vestra comedit eruca: et non redistis ad me, dicit Dominus.
10 “I have sent among you pestilence by the way of Egypt, I have slain your choice ones by sword, With your captive horses, And I cause the stink of your camps to come up—Even into your nostrils, And you have not turned back to Me,” A declaration of YHWH.
Misi in vos mortem in via Ægypti; percussi in gladio juvenes vestros, usque ad captivitatem equorum vestrorum, et ascendere feci putredinem castrorum vestrorum in nares vestras: et non redistis ad me, dicit Dominus.
11 “I have overturned among you, Like the overturn by God of Sodom and Gomorrah, And you are as a brand delivered from a burning, And you have not turned back to Me,” A declaration of YHWH.
Subverti vos sicut subvertit Deus Sodomam et Gomorrham, et facti estis quasi torris raptus ab incendio: et non redistis ad me, dicit Dominus.
12 “Therefore, thus I do to you, O Israel, at last, Because this I do to you, Prepare to meet your God, O Israel.”
Quapropter hæc faciam tibi, Israël: postquam autem hæc fecero tibi, præparare in occursum Dei tui, Israël.
13 For behold, the Former of mountains, and Creator of wind, And the Declarer to man what [is] His thought, He is making dawn obscurity, And is treading on high places of earth, YHWH, God of Hosts, [is] His Name!
Quia ecce formans montes, et creans ventum, et annuntians homini eloquium suum, faciens matutinam nebulam, et gradiens super excelsa terræ: Dominus Deus exercituum nomen ejus.]

< Amos 4 >