< Acts 9 >
1 And Saul, yet breathing of threatening and slaughter to the disciples of the LORD, having gone to the chief priest,
Shawulu anyumo ure aje inka tuma ku inza wanu tarsa ugomo asere, ma haa ahira unu udang ullatima.
2 asked from him letters to Damascus, to the synagogues, that if he may find any being of The Way, both men and women, he may bring them bound to Jerusalem.
U nyara inyerte mee saa indi nyame nikara nu guna maka mensimanu tarsa asere adi maskus a ma mekiwee ma ehn ujerusalem ahamna wa rumma nan na eeh.
3 And in the going, he came near to Damascus, and suddenly there shone around him a light from Heaven,
maraa anyumo afanu mamu uribe adamas kas, ma iri masa ma suro asesere ma keteme.
4 and having fallen on the earth, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?”
Ma dusa ma rizi adizi ma kuna nimyiran unu tissa umme shawulu, shawulu nyanini ya wuna uzin unu yomo uum.
5 And he said, “Who are You, Lord?” And the LORD said, “I am Jesus whom you persecute; [[hard for you to kick at the goads”;
Shawulu ma gu hu aveni ugomo asers ma kabirka me ma gumme in manni ugomo asere yesu sa uzin unu yomo umee.
6 trembling also, and astonished, he said, “Lord, what do You wish me to do?” And the LORD [said] to him, ]] “Arise, and enter into the city, and it will be told [to] you what you must do.”
Ma gun me hira ribe anyumo ani pin me adi bukuwe imumme sa udi wuu.
7 And the men who are journeying with him stood speechless, indeed hearing the voice but seeing no one,
Aroni a tanu ti shawulu wa turin in kufik, wa kunna nimyiran intize sarki u ira unu.
8 and Saul arose from the earth, and his eyes having been opened, he beheld no one, and leading him by the hand they brought him to Damascus,
Ma hiri ma kem urubo ya meki me a chanti me tari a riben me adimas kas.
9 and he was three days without seeing, and he neither ate nor drank.
Tiye tuma ti taru ini rubomee saki mare daki ma saa.
10 And there was a certain disciple in Damascus, by name Ananias, and the LORD said to him in a vision, “Ananias”; and he said, “Behold me, Lord”;
Ure unu tarsa asere maa rani anyumo adimaskas me sa atissa me hananiyai ugomo asere ma buki me tize ati roo.
11 and the LORD [says] to him, “Having risen, go on to the street that is called Straight, and seek in the house of Judas, [one] by name Saul of Tarsus, for behold, he prays,
Ugomo asere ma gunme hira hana ani kirame sa atisa nin derte a kura a yahuda u ikki una ni zaa shawulu sa ma suro u tasus.
12 and he saw in a vision a man, by name Ananias, coming in, and putting a hand on him, that he may see again.”
Ma raa nyumo abi ringara ma irri unu sa atisa hananiya ati roo, ma ehzee madi tarme tari bati aje ameme a pagno.
13 And Ananias answered, “LORD, I have heard from many about this man, how many evils he did to Your holy ones in Jerusalem,
Hananiya ma ugomo asere mamu kumna ahira anu gbardang, uyomome sa unu ugeme mazi anu awemen ujerusalem.
14 and here he has authority from the chief priests, to bind all those calling on Your Name.”
Anya me nikara ahira unu udandang uka tuma, ma meki vat de sa ma tarsa we.
15 And the LORD said to him, “Go, because this one is a chosen vessel to Me, to carry My Name before nations and kings—also the sons of Israel;
Ugomo asere ma gunme hana ma zauka me, ma kurze me, imum ika tuma kami madi han intize tum a hira andesa wa taa me, nan nagomo wana hana ujerusalem.
16 for I will show him how many things he must suffer for My Name.”
Barki imumme sa ma wuzam madi sih ijassi.
17 And Ananias went away, and entered into the house, and having put on him [his] hands, said, “Saul, brother, the LORD has sent me—Jesus who appeared to you in the way in which you were coming—that you may see again, and may be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
Hananiya ma hirimaka ribe akurame ma tari me tari ma gumme uhaanu (uroni) ugomo asere yesu sa wa gurna nan me unaa mani ma tamman batu aje awe me a pagkino ukuri ukabi bibee biririm.
18 And immediately there fell from his eyes as it were scales, he also saw again instantly, and having risen, was immersed,
Saarki u dodonkimo ure imum kasi uhama isuri aje shawulu irizi aje me a pagkino a dusa azorome.
19 and having received nourishment, was strengthened, and Saul was with the disciples in Damascus certain days,
Mari imum yaree nan ni kara. ma cukuno nan anu tarsa u yesu adimaskas, thiye gbardang.
20 and immediately he was preaching the Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God.
A birime udenge unu gurmee ma turguno tisa uni za ni yesu memani vana asere.
21 And all those hearing were amazed and said, “Is this not he who laid waste in Jerusalem those calling on this Name, and here to this intent had come, that he might bring them bound to the chief priests?”
Vat anu wa tubi uhumoro, in gusa de sa ma huzza anu ujerusalem barki ni zaa nigemee, ma aye ma mensi anu abanamema haa unu udandang ukatuma.
22 And Saul was still more strengthened, and he was confounding the Jews dwelling in Damascus, proving that this is the Christ.
Mu riba manu dimaskas mu kinki mu hunneme sa mazin mu gusa yesu mama ni kirsti.
23 And when many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel together to kill him,
Sa awuna tiye gbardang yahuwawa wa nyari uhuna ume.
24 and their counsel against [him] was known to Saul; they were also watching the gates both day and night, that they may kill him,
Wah beh tinaa tukum me unu wai nan niye shawulu ma russi vat imumme sa wa inko.
25 and the disciples having taken him, by night let him down by the wall, letting down in a basket.
A nu tarsa u shawulu me wa zikime inye, wa wume igira waka tuzouzunu a matara.
26 And Saul, having come to Jerusalem, tried to join himself to the disciples, and they were all afraid of him, not believing that he is a disciple,
Sa shawulu ma aye ujerusalem ma nyara utarsa anu tarsa u yesu, vat uwe wa kina biyau, a nyumo u taa me uguna mamu cukuno unu tarsa u yesu.
27 and Barnabas having taken him, brought [him] to the apostles, and declared to them how he saw the LORD in the way, and that He spoke to him, and how in Damascus he was speaking boldly in the Name of Jesus.
Barnabas ma ziki me ma hanme a hira ana kaduraka yesu. ma kurzo we u gurna u shawulu nan asere wani tizeme sa asere ma boo me u naa, nan tize sa ma boo aniceh ni yesu adimaskas.
28 And he was with them, coming in and going out in Jerusalem,
Ma gursuna nan anu ribize nan nu susso anyumo ujerisalem, mazen tize a seseri ani ceh ni yesu ugomo asere.
29 and speaking boldly in the Name of the Lord Jesus; he was both speaking and disputing with the Hellenists, and they were taking in hand to kill him,
Ma kuri ma riajen matara nan ma yahuda wa mu brik, wa kuri wa naye unu nyara uhuna umme.
30 and the brothers having known, brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus.
Sa anu henu me wa tuburko me utaarsus.
31 Then, indeed, the assemblies throughout all Judea, and Galilee, and Samaria, had peace, being built up, and going on in the fear of the LORD, and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.
A bini me anu tarsa asere u judiya, galile nan u samariya wa kem ti lukum ti mang wann reaje anyumo a tana tu tarsa ugomo asere gbardang nan bibee biririn.
32 And it came to pass that Peter, passing throughout all [quarters], also came down to the holy ones who were dwelling at Lydda,
Sa bitrus ma mara utarsa uti hihira ma han ma kakem anu asere an de sa wa ciki u lidda.
33 and he found there a certain man, Aeneas by name—for eight years laid on a pallet—who was paralytic,
A bini me maka kem urunua sa a tissa me aniyas, ti weeh uwittitari unn kon uwono nire ni kiraa.
34 and Peter said to him, “Aeneas, Jesus the Christ heals you; arise and spread for yourself”; and immediately he rose,
Bitrus ma gun me aniyas yesu kirsti wa humanhu hira tonno mahiri matonno.
35 and all those dwelling at Lydda and Saron saw him, and turned to the LORD.
Ana ti cukum to lidda nan u sharon sa wa ira anime wa kabi tize ti gomo asere.
36 And in Joppa there was a certain female disciple, by name Tabitha (which interpreted, is called Dorcas); this woman was full of good works and kind acts that she was doing;
Uye ma rani u joppa unu tarsa asere atisa tabitha, uneh mani inka tuma karirin ku benki anu dira.
37 and it came to pass in those days she, having ailed, died, and having bathed her, they laid her in an upper chamber,
A tiye me ma zin unukon, sa ma wono a zoro ikisi me aka nata udenge.
38 and Lydda being near to Joppa, the disciples having heard that Peter is in that [place], sent two men to him, calling on him not to delay to come through to them.
Barki u maamu lidda nan u joppa amu tarsa u yeso wa tumi ana wa ree a hira a bitrus ma benkiwe ma ee jibi.
39 And Peter having risen, went with them, whom having come, they brought into the upper chamber, and all the widows stood by him weeping, and showing coats and garments, as many as Dorcas was making while she was with them.
Bitrus ma hiri ma tarsiwe. sa ma hana wa riben me udenge sa ikizi me iranrin. a koro wa ketti me ma soo, unu bizizi ume ti runga nan ti mum sa tabita ma wuza we.
40 And Peter having put them all forth outside, having bowed the knees, prayed, and having turned to the body, said, “Tabitha, arise”; and she opened her eyes, and having seen Peter, she sat up,
Bitrus ma susso we anyumo udenge me, ma tunguno naruu ma wuu biringara ma gamirka u watu ikizi me ma guu”tabita hira” ma pakki aje ma iri bitirus ma hiri macuku no.
41 and having given her [his] hand, he lifted her up, and having called the holy ones and the widows, he presented her alive,
Bitirus ma witti me tari ma hiri matonno, ma titti anu tarsa asere nan na koro ma nyawe me uhuma.
42 and it became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed on the LORD;
A bangame a samika vat u joppa anu wa kabi tizee ta sere.
43 and it came to pass, that he remained many days in Joppa, with a certain one, Simon a tanner.
Bitrus ma wuu tiye gbardang u joppa nan una riza simon unu duro uti waa.