< Acts 27 >

1 And when our sailing to Italy was determined, they were delivering up both Paul and certain others, prisoners, to a centurion, by name Julius, of the band of Sebastus,
Pawaamuwiti kala twendereyiti na mwanja mpaka Italiya, wamtuliti Paulu pamwera na watatirwa wanonga pasi pa ulolera wa Yuliu yakaweriti mkulu gwa mashonta pakati shipinga yawashishema “shipinga sha Augustu.”
2 and having embarked in a ship of Adramyttium, we, being about to sail by the coasts of Asia, set sail, there being with us Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica,
Tukweniti meli ya Adiramitu iweriti yangugenda na kupitira bandali zimu za mkowa gwa Asiya, tuyanja mwanja. Alisitariku, mwenikaya gwa Makedoniya kulawa Tesaloniki, kaweriti pamwera natwenga.
3 on the next [day] also we touched at Sidon, and Julius, courteously treating Paul, permitted [him], having gone on to friends, to receive [their] care.
Shirawu yakuwi tusulusiyi nanga pakati pa bandali ya sidoni. Yuliu kamtendiriti Paulu viheri kwa kumluusu kawawoni waganja wakuwi na kumpanana nfiru zyakuwi.
4 And there, having set sail, we sailed under Cyprus, because of the winds being contrary,
Kulawa aku twendereyiti na mwanja, kumbiti kuweriti na lihega liweriti lyankuvuma kwa kanongola nentu kutuyizira kwa ulongolu, tupitiliti uwega wa shisiwa sha kupiru kweni lihega liweriti livuwa ndiri.
5 and having sailed over the sea down by Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myria of Lycia,
Shakapanu tulokiti bahali ya kilikiya na Pamfiliya, tusulusiiti nanga Mura, lushi lya Lukiya.
6 and there the centurion having found a ship of Alexandria, sailing to Italy, put us into it,
Panu afisa ulii kawoniti meli yimu ya Alekizandiriya yaiweriti yankugenda Italiya, na hangu katukweniziya twingira mngati mwakuwi.
7 and having sailed slowly many days, and with difficulty coming down by Cnidus, the wind not permitting us, we sailed under Crete, down by Salmone,
Tugenditi mpolimpoli kwa mashaka gavuwa na kwa ntabiku tusokiti pakwegera na Kenidu. Toziya lihega liweriti lyankali lyankutukoma, tupitira uwega wa kushana kushisiwa sha Kireti, kugenda Salumoni.
8 and hardly passing it, we came to a certain place called Fair Havens, near to which was the city of Lasaea.
Tupititi pambeku yakuwi mpolimpoli kwa ntabika tuyingiriti pahali pawapashema “Bandali nyanyi,” pakwegera na lushi lwa Laseya.
9 And much time being spent, and the sailing now being dangerous—because of the fast also being already past—Paul was admonishing,
Shipindi shivuwa shipititi, na hata mashaka ga kulikala pota kuliya gaweriti gaperiti kala. Vinu iweriti atali nentu kugenda na meli. Su, Paulu kawayupiti moyu,
10 saying to them, “Men, I perceive that with hurt, and much damage, not only of the load and of the ship, but also of our lives—the voyage is about to be”;
“Watuwa, nulihola handa mwanja agu haguweri gwa ntabiku na kwa asala ivuwa kwa memiziwu ya meli hera, ila viraa kwa makaliru getu.”
11 but the centurion gave more credence to the pilot and to the shipowner than to the things spoken by Paul;
Kumbiti afisa ulii kakwegitwi nentu na maholu ga nahoza na ga mweni kana meli kuliku galii gakatakuliti Paulu.
12 and the haven being not well placed to winter in, the greater part gave counsel to sail from there, if somehow they might be able, having attained to Phoenix, to winter [there], [which is] a haven of Crete, looking to the southwest and northwest,
Toziya bandali ayi iweriti ndiri pahala paherepa pa kulivaga shipindi sha mbepu, wavuwa wafiriti kwendeleya na mwanja, payiwezekana mpaka Foiniki. Foiniki ndo bandali ya Kireti yaigenda kushana na kwaguzyeta mshenji na kusika na kwaguzyeta mshenji, na aku mewawezi kulivaga shipindi sha mbepu.
13 and a south wind blowing softly, having thought they had obtained [their] purpose, having lifted anchor, they sailed close by Crete,
Su, lihega lyanyanyi lya kusi lyanjiti kuvuma, nawomberi washeriti wapata lengu lyawu. Hangu wawusiya nanga, wendesha meli pakwegera nentu na mpeku ya Kireti.
14 and not long after, there came down from it a turbulent wind [that] is called the Euroclydon,
Kumbiti katepu hera, lihega likalipa lishemwa “Lihega lya kusika” liyanja kuvuma kulawa kushisiwa.
15 and the ship being caught, and not being able to bear up against the wind, having given [her] up, we were carried on,
Lihega liikomiti meli ilii, na toziya tusinditi kulidiwira, tuyileka ijegwijegwi na lihega ali.
16 and having run under a certain little island called Clauda, we were hardly able to become masters of the boat,
Litanda limu lyalishemwa Kauda litupingira shididini kwa liyega lilii, na patupititi kusika mwakuwi tufauliti, iweriti kwa tabu, kusalimisha mtumbwi gwa meli.
17 which having taken up, they were using helps, undergirding the ship, and fearing lest they may fall into the [sandbars of] Syrtis, having let down the mast—so were carried on.
Wanamashi walii wagunikiti mtumbwi mngati, shakapanu wayizyengetiziya meli ngoyi na kuitawa kwa likakala. Watiriti kuwera mewawezi kugomuluwa pambeku pa Siriti. Hangu wasulusiyiti matanga na kuyileka meli ijegwijegwi na lihega.
18 And we, being exceedingly storm-tossed, the succeeding [day] they were making a clearing,
Lipuga lyendereyiti kuvuma na shirawu yakuwi wayanja kuyasa kunja shehena ya meli.
19 and on the third [day] we cast out the tackling of the ship with our own hands,
Lishaka lya tatu, wayanja viraa kuyasa mmashi vintu vya meli kwa mawoku gawu weni.
20 and neither sun nor stars appearing for more days, and not a little storm lying on us, from then on all hope was taken away of our being saved.
Kwa shipindi sha mashaka gatangala tuweza ndiri kuwona mshenji ama ntondi, lipuga lyendereyiti kuvuma nentu, ata litumbiru lyoseri lya kuponeka litupera.
21 And there having been long fasting, then Paul having stood in the midst of them, said, “It was necessary, indeed, O men—having listened to me—not to set sail from Crete, and to save this hurt and damage;
Pa kulivaga shipindi shitali pota kuliya shiboga, Paulu kagolokiti pakati pawu, katakula, “Waheshimiwa, meyiweriti mbaka handa mungampikiniriti na kuleka mwanja kulawa Kireti handa mngatenditi hangu metushapili tabu ayi na asala zoseri azi.
22 and now I exhort you to be of good cheer, for there will be no loss of life among you—but of the ship;
Kumbiti vinu nankuwaluweni muweri na moyu, kwahera hata yumu gwenu mekahowiziyi ukomu wakuwi, meli hera ndo haiyagamili.
23 for this night there stood by me a messenger of God—whose I am, and whom I serve—
Toziya lishu ntumintumi gwa kumpindi gwa ulii Mlungu mweni neni ndo gwakuwi na yomberi neni numguwira kandawiliti,
24 saying, Do not be afraid Paul; it is necessary for you to stand before Caesar; and behold, God has granted to you all those sailing with you;
kang'ambira, ‘Paulu, kotukutira! Mpaka hagugoloki pawulongolu pa Kaisari, na Mlungu, kwa lusungu lyakuwi kakutangi kwa kuwalopoziya woseri wawagenda mwanja na gwenga.’
25 for this reason be of good cheer, men! For I believe God, that so it will be, even as it has been spoken to me,
Hangu, wahishimiwa, mulipanani moyu! Toziya numjimira Mlungu kuweri hayiweri teratera ntambu yawang'ambiriti.
26 and on a certain island it is necessary for us to be cast.”
Kumbiti ndo mpaka hatuyaswi kumpeku kushisiwa tunga.”
27 And when the fourteenth night came—we being carried up and down in the Adria—toward the middle of the night the sailors were supposing that some country drew near to them;
Pashiru pa lishaka lya lilongu na msheshi tuweriti twankukwegwa aku na aku mubahali ya Adria. Pakwegera na pashiru nentu, washima mitumbwi waliholiti kuwera wapakwegera na isi iyuma.
28 and having sounded they found twenty fathoms, and having gone a little farther, and again having sounded, they found fifteen fathoms,
Hangu wasakuliti utali wa bahari kwa kusulusiya lugoyi lwawatawiti shintu shitopa, wapata utali wa mita malongu msheshi. Shakapanu wapima kayi wapata mita malongu matatu.
29 and fearing lest we may fall on rough places, having cast four anchors out of the stern, they were wishing day to come.
Toziya ya kutila kugomuluwa mumatalawu, wasulusiyiti nanga msheshi kumpeli kumeli, waluwa kushii kanongola.
30 And the sailors seeking to flee out of the ship, and having let down the boat to the sea, in pretense as [if] out of the prow they are about to cast anchors,
Wanamashi wafiriti kushapira, na wasulusiyiti kala mtumbwi mmashi, walipayira handa wagenda kusulusiya nanga uwega wa kulongolu kwa meli.
31 Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, “If these do not remain in the ship—you are not able to be saved”;
Kumbiti Paulu kamgambiriti mkulu gwa jeshi ulii na wanjagila wakuwi, “Handa wanamashi awa hapeni wasigali mngati mwa mtumbwi, hapeni mlopoziwi.”
32 then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat, and permitted it to fall off.
Panu wanjagila walii wazidumuliti ngoyi zyaziweriti zikolera mtumbwi, waguleka gutolwi na mashi.
33 And until the day was about to be, Paul was calling on all to partake of nourishment, saying, “Fourteen days today, waiting, you continue fasting, having taken nothing,
Pakwegera na mandawira, Paulu kawahimiziyiti woseri walii shiboga “Kwa mashaka lilongu na msheshi vinu muwera mumashashatiku na pota kuliya, hamweni lii shintu shoseri.
34 for this reason I call on you to take nourishment, for this is for your safety, for of not one of you will a hair fall from the head”;
Su, nuwaluwa mlii shiboga toziya mshifira su muwezi kwendeleya kulikala. Toziya ata viri yimu mumituwi yenu hapeni yagamiri”
35 and having said these things, and having taken bread, he gave thanks to God before all, and having broken [it], he began to eat;
Pakatakulita kala hangu, Paulu katoliti libumunda, kalonga maya ga shi Mlungu pamberi pa woseri, kaumega, kanja kuliya.
36 and all having become of good cheer, also took food themselves,
Panu woseri wapata moyu, na womberi vila waliya shiboga.
37 (and we were—all the souls in the ship—two hundred, seventy-six),
Woseri waweriti wantu mia mbili na malongu saba na sita mumeli.
38 and having eaten sufficient nourishment, they were lightening the ship, casting forth the wheat into the sea.
Pa kila yumu kuliya shiboga sha kwikuta, wapunguliti kutopa kwa meli kwa kuyasa viboga mubahari.
39 And when the day came, they were not discerning the land, but were perceiving a certain bay having a beach, into which they took counsel, if possible, to thrust forward the ship,
Pawushiiti, wanamashi wawezandiri kuyimana isi ilii. Ira wawoniti guba yimu yana mpeku, Waamuwa kusulusiya nanga aku handa payiwezikana.
40 and having taken up the anchors, they were committing [it] to the sea, at the same time—having loosed the bands of the rudders, and having hoisted up the foresail to the wind—they were making for the shore,
Hangu wazidumuliti nanga na kuzileka mubahari, na shipindi shiraa ashi waziyopola ngoyi zaziweriti ziguyopa msukanu, shakapanu wagolosiya tanga yimu palongolu kukola lihega, wagenditi kumpeku.
41 and having fallen into a place of two seas, they ran the ship aground, and the prow, indeed, having stuck fast, remained immoveable, but the stern was broken by the violence of the waves.
Kumbiti wasokiti pahali pena mikondu miwili ya bahari iliwona, na meli igomuluwa. Seemu ya palongolu iweriti imiruwa mumhanga pota kutikinyika. Seemu ya kumbeli ya meli iyanjiti kumegeka vipandi vipandi kwa makomangu ga likakala lya makupala.
42 And the soldiers’ counsel was that they should kill the prisoners, lest anyone having swam out should escape,
Wanjagira wafiriti kuwalaga watatirwa woseri kwa kutira handa wankusuga mpaka kumbeku na kutoloka.
43 but the centurion, resolving to save Paul, hindered them from the counsel, and commanded those able to swim, having cast themselves out first—to get to the land,
Kumbiti toziya afisa jeshi ulii kafiriti kumlopoziya Paulu, kawaberiti nawatenda hangu. Kaamuliti walii yawamana kusuga wakopoki kulawa mumeli na kusuga mpaka kumpeku.
44 and the rest, some indeed on boards, and some on certain things of the ship; and thus it came to pass that all came safe to the land.
Na wamonga wayizi pawalikolilera mumbawu ama muvipandi vya meli vyavimegikiti. Ndo twenga ntambu yatusokiti nyanyi kumpeku.

< Acts 27 >