< Acts 23 >

1 And Paul having earnestly beheld the Sanhedrin, said, “Men, brothers, I have lived to God in all good conscience to this day”;
Zvino Pauro wakati achitarisisa dare remakurukota akati: Varume hama, ini ndakafamba pamberi paMwari nehana yese yakanaka, kusvikira zuva rino.
2 and the chief priest Ananias commanded those standing by him to strike him on the mouth,
Asi mupristi mukuru Ananiasi wakaraira vakange vamire naye kuti vamurove muromo.
3 then Paul said to him, “God is about to strike you, you whitewashed wall, and you sit judging me according to the Law, and violating law, order me to be struck!”
Ipapo Pauro akati kwaari: Mwari achakurova, madziro akadzudzurwa akacheneswa; nokuti iwe ugere kuti unditonge maererano nemurairo, zvino unoraira kuti ndirohwe zvinopesana nemurairo here?
4 And those who stood by said, “Do you revile the chief priest of God?”
Zvino vakange vamirepo vakati: Unotuka mupristi mukuru waMwari here?
5 And Paul said, “I did not know, brothers, that he is chief priest, for it has been written: You will not speak evil of the ruler of your people”;
Pauro ndokuti: Ndanga ndisingazivi, hama, kuti mupristi mukuru; nokuti kwakanyorwa kuchinzi: Usataura zvakaipa pamusoro pemutungamiriri wevanhu vekwako.
6 and Paul having known that one part are Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, cried out in the Sanhedrin, “Men, brothers, I am a Pharisee—son of a Pharisee—concerning [the] hope and resurrection of [the] dead I am judged.”
Zvino Pauro wakati aziva kuti rimwe divi ndereVaSadhusi uye rimwe ndereVaFarisi, akadanidzira kudare remakurukota, akati: Varume hama, ini ndiri muFarisi, mwanakomana wemuFarisi; ini ndinotongwa pamusoro petariro nekumuka kwevakafa.
7 And he having spoken this, there came a dissension of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees, and the crowd was divided,
Wakati areva izvi, kupesana kukauya pakati peVaFarisi neVaSadhusi, chaunga ndokukamukana.
8 for Sadducees, indeed, say there is no resurrection, nor messenger, nor spirit, but Pharisees confess both.
Nokuti VaSadhusi vanoti hakuna kumuka, kana mutumwa, kana mweya; asi VaFarisi vanobvuma zviri zviviri.
9 And there came a great cry, and the scribes of the Pharisees’ part having arisen, were striving, saying, “We find no evil in this man; and if a spirit spoke to him, or a messenger, we may not fight against God”;
Zvino mhere-mhere huru ikamuka; vanyori vekudivi reVaFarisi vakasimuka vachipikisa zvikuru vachiti: Hatiwani chinhu chakaipa kumunhu uyu; asi kana mweya akataura naye kana mutumwa, hatingarwisani naMwari.
10 and a great dissension having come, the chief captain having been afraid lest Paul may be pulled to pieces by them, commanded the army, having gone down, to seize him out of their midst, and to bring [him] into the stronghold.
Zvino kupesana kukuru kwakati kwauya, mukuru wechuru akatya kuti Pauro angabvamburwa navo, akaraira mauto kuti aburuke amubvute pakati pavo, amuise kuimba yemauto.
11 And on the following night, the LORD having stood by him, said, “Take courage, Paul, for as you fully testified [to] the things concerning Me at Jerusalem, so you must also testify at Rome.”
Zvino usiku hwakatevera Ishe wakamira naye akati: Tsunga moyo Pauro; nokuti sezvawakapupura zvinhu maererano neni paJerusarema, saizvozvo zvakafanirawo kuti upupure kuRoma.
12 And day having come, certain of the Jews having made a concourse, cursed themselves, saying neither to eat nor to drink until they may kill Paul;
Zvino kwakati kwaedza, vamwe veVaJudha vakaita rangano, vakazvisunga nemhiko, vachiti havangadyi kana kunwa kusvikira vauraya Pauro.
13 and they were more than forty who made this conspiracy by oath,
Zvino vaipfuura makumi mana vakange vaita mhiko iyi pamwe chete;
14 who having come near to the chief priests and to the elders said, “With a curse we accursed ourselves—to taste nothing until we have killed Paul;
ava vakaenda kuvapristi vakuru nevakuru vakati: Tazvisunga nemhiko huru, kuti hatidyi chinhu kusvikira tauraya Pauro.
15 now, therefore, you, signify to the chief captain, with the Sanhedrin, that tomorrow he may bring him down to you, as being about to know more exactly the things concerning him; and we, before his coming near, are ready to put him to death.”
Naizvozvo ikozvino imwi nedare remakurukota taridzai kumukuru wechuru, kuti amuburusire kwamuri mangwana, sezvinonzi munoda kunyatsobvunzisisa zviri maererano naye; asi isu asati aswedera, tazvigadzira kumuuraya.
16 And the son of Paul’s sister having heard of the lying in wait, having gone and entered into the stronghold, told Paul,
Zvino mwanakomana wehanzvadzi yaPauro akanzwa zvekuvandira, akauya akapinda mumba memauto, akaudza Pauro.
17 and Paul having called near one of the centurions, said, “Lead this young man to the chief captain, for he has something to tell him.”
Pauro ndokudanira kwaari umwe wevakuru vezana akati: Isa jaya iri kumukuru wechuru; nokuti rine chekutaura kwaari.
18 He indeed, then, having taken him, brought him to the chief captain and says, “The prisoner Paul, having called me near, asked [me] to bring to you this young man, having something to say to you.”
Zvino ndokumutora, akamuuisa kumukuru wechuru, ndokuti: Pauro musungwa wandidanira kwaari akakumbira kuti ndiuise jaya iri kwamuri, rine chekutaura kwamuri.
19 And the chief captain having taken him by the hand, and having withdrawn by themselves, inquired, “What is that which you have to tell me?”
Mukuru wechuru akabata ruoko rwaro, akaenda naro parutivi vari vega, akabvunza akati: Chii chaunacho chekundiudza?
20 And he said, “The Jews agreed to request you, that tomorrow you may bring down Paul to the Sanhedrin, as being about to inquire something more exactly concerning him;
Iye akati: VaJudha vatenderana kukukumbirai, kuti muburusire Pauro kudare remakurukota mangwana, sevanoda kunyatsobvunzisisa chimwe chinhu maererano naye.
21 you, therefore, may you not yield to them, for there more than forty men of them lie in wait for him, who cursed themselves—not to eat nor to drink until they kill him, and now they are ready, waiting for the promise from you.”
Naizvozvo imwi musatendeswa navo; nokuti vakamuvandira pakati pavo varume vanopfuura makumi mana, vakazvisunga nemhiko kuti havangadyi kana kunwa kusvikira vamuuraya; zvino ikozvino vakagadzirira vachimirira chivimbiso kubva kwamuri.
22 The chief captain, then, indeed, let the young man go, having charged [him], “Tell no one that you have shown these things to me”;
Naizvozvo mukuru wechuru wakaregera jaya richienda, ariraira achiti: Usaudza munhu kuti wandizivisa zvinhu izvi.
23 and having called a certain two of the centurions near, he said, “Make ready two hundred soldiers, that they may go on to Caesarea, and seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen, from the third hour of the night;
Zvino akadanira kwaari vamwe vaviri vevakuru vezana, akati: Gadzirirai mauto mazana maviri kuti afambe kusvikira Kesariya, nevatasvi vemabhiza makumi manomwe, nevemapfumo mazana maviri, kubva paawa rechitatu reusiku;
24 also provide beasts, that, having set Paul on, they may bring him safe to Felix the governor”;
muvawanisewo zvipfuwo, kuti vatasvise Pauro vamuise akachengeteka kumutungamiriri Ferikisi;
25 he having written a letter after this description:
akanyora tsamba yakatakura zvemukati izvi:
26 “Claudius Lysias, to the most noble governor Felix, greetings:
Kiraudhio Risia kuna Ferikisi mutungamiriri changamire, kwaziwai.
27 This man having been taken by the Jews, and being about to be killed by them—having come with the army, I rescued him, having learned that he is a Roman;
Uyu murume wakabatwa neVaJudha, uye angadai akaurawa navo, ndikasvika nemauto ndikamununura, ndanzwa kuti muRoma.
28 and intending to know the cause for which they were accusing him, I brought him down to their Sanhedrin,
Zvino ndakati ndichida kuziva chikonzero chavaimupomera nacho, ndikamuburusira kudare ravo remakurukota;
29 whom I found accused concerning questions of their law, and having no accusation worthy of death or bonds;
ndikawana achipomerwa pamusoro pemashoko emurairo wavo, asi asingapomerwi chinhu chingafanira rufu kana zvisungo.
30 and a plot having been intimated to me against this man—about to be of the Jews—I sent to you at once, having also given command to the accusers to say the things against him before you; be strong.”
Zvino ndakati ndaziviswa kuti kwakange koda kuva nekuvandirwa kwemurume uyu neVaJudha, ndikamutumira kwamuri pakarepo, ndikarairawo vanomumhan'arira kuti vataure pamberi penyu zvavanopesana naye. Chisarai.
31 Then, indeed, the soldiers according to that directed them, having taken up Paul, brought him through the night to Antipatris,
Zvino mauto, sezvaakarairwa akatora Pauro, akamuisa kuAntipatiri neusiku.
32 and on the next day, having permitted the horsemen to go on with him, they returned to the stronghold;
Zvino chifume, vakarega vatasvi vemabhiza kuti vaende naye, vakadzokera kuimba yemauto;
33 those having entered into Caesarea, and delivered the letter to the governor, also presented Paul to him.
ivo vakati vasvika kuKesariya, vakakumikidza tsamba kumutungamiriri, vakaisawo Pauro pamberi pake.
34 And the governor having read [it], and inquired of what province he is, and understood that [he is] from Cilicia;
Zvino mutungamiriri wakati averenga, akabvunza kuti ndewedunhu ripi; zvino aziva kuti ndeweKirikia,
35 “I will hear you,” he said, “when your accusers may also have come”; he also commanded him to be kept in the Praetorium of Herod.
akati: Ndichakunzwa, kana vanokupomera mhosva vasvikawo; akaraira kuti achengetwe mumba maHerodhe mekutongera.

< Acts 23 >