< Acts 21 >
1 And it came to pass, at our sailing, having been parted from them, having run direct, we came to Coos, and the succeeding [day] to Rhodes, and there to Patara,
Zvino zvakaitika kuti tichibva nechikepe taparadzana navo, takafamba nenzira yakarurama tikasvika muKose, neraitevera muRodhe, tikabvapo tikasvika Patara;
2 and having found a ship passing over to Phoenicia, having gone on board, we sailed,
ndokuti tawana chikepe chaiyambukira kuFonisiya, takapinda tikaenda nechikepe.
3 and having discovered Cyprus, and having left it on the left, we were sailing to Syria, and landed at Tyre, for there was the ship discharging the cargo.
Takati tabudikira Saipuresi, ndokuisiya kuruoko rweruboshwe, tikaenda kuSiriya nechikepe, tikamhara paTire; nokuti chikepe chaifanira kututunura mutoro ipapo;
4 And having found out the disciples, we tarried there seven days, and they said to Paul, through the Spirit, not to go up to Jerusalem;
zvino takati tawana vadzidzi, tikagarapo mazuva manomwe; ivo vakati neMweya kuna Pauro, arege kukwira kuJerusarema.
5 but when it came that we completed the days, having gone forth, we went on, all bringing us on the way, with women and children, to the outside of the city, and having bowed the knees on the shore, we prayed,
Zvino zvakaitika kuti takapedza mazuva, tikabva tikaenda, vese vakatiperekedza nevakadzi nevana kusvikira kunze kweguta; zvino takafugama nemabvi pamahombekombe tikanyengetera.
6 and having embraced one another, we embarked in the ship, and they returned to their own friends.
Zvino tawonekana, takapinda muchikepe, asi ivo vakadzokera kwavo.
7 And we, having finished the course, from Tyre came down to Ptolemais, and having greeted the brothers, we remained one day with them;
Asi isu takati tapedza rwendo nechikepe kubva kuTire, takasvika kuPitoremai, tikakwazisa hama tikagara navo zuva rimwe.
8 and on the next day Paul and his company having gone forth, we came to Caesarea, and having entered into the house of Philip the evangelist—who is of the seven—we remained with him,
Chifume isu taiva naPauro takabva tikasvika kuKesariya; ndokupinda mumba maFiripi muevhangeri, waiva umwe wevanomwe, tikagara naye.
9 and this one had four daughters, virgins, prophesying.
Uyuwo wakange ane vakunda vana, mhandara dzaiporofita.
10 And we remaining many more days, there came down a certain one from Judea, a prophet, by name Agabus,
Zvino takati tagara mazuva mazhinji, kwakaburuka kubva kuJudhiya umwe muporofita wainzi Agabhusi,
11 and he having come to us, and having taken up the girdle of Paul, having also bound his own hands and feet, said, “Thus says the Holy Spirit: The man whose is this girdle—so will the Jews in Jerusalem bind, and they will deliver [him] up into the hands of nations.”
ndokusvika kwatiri, akatora bhanhire raPauro, akazvisunga maoko nemakumbo ake, akati: Mweya Mutsvene anoreva izvi: Murume bhanhire iri riri rake, VaJudha paJerusarema vachamusunga saizvozvi, nekumukumikidza mumaoko evahedheni.
12 And when we heard these things, we called on [him]—both we, and those of that place—not to go up to Jerusalem,
Zvino takati tanzwa zvinhu izvi tese isu nevenzvimbo iyo tikakumbirisa kuti arege kukwira kuJerusarema.
13 and Paul answered, “Why are you weeping, and crushing my heart? For I am ready, not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the Name of the Lord Jesus”;
Asi Pauro wakapindura akati: Munoitei muchichema nekuputsa moyo wangu? Nokuti ini ndakagadzirira, kwete kusungwa chete, asi nekufa paJerusarema nekuda kwezita raIshe Jesu.
14 and he not being persuaded, we were silent, saying, “The will of the LORD be done.”
Zvino wakati asingapwiswi, takanyarara tikati: Chido chaIshe ngachiitwe.
15 And after these days, having taken [our] vessels, we were going up to Jerusalem,
Zvino shure kwemazuva iwayo takarongedza, tikakwira kuJerusarema.
16 and there went also of the disciples from Caesarea with us, bringing with them him with whom we may lodge, a certain Mnason of Cyprus, an aged disciple.
Nevamwewo vevadzidzi veKesariya vakaenda nesu, vakauya neumwe Minasoni weSaipuresi, mudzidzi wekare, watainogara naye.
17 And we having come to Jerusalem, the brothers gladly received us,
Zvino takati tichisvika kuJerusarema, hama dzakatigamuchira nemufaro.
18 and on the next day Paul was going in with us to James, all the elders also came,
Chifume Pauro wakapinda nesu kuna Jakobho, nevakuru vese vakange varipo.
19 and having greeted them, he was expounding, one by one, each of the things God did among the nations through his ministry,
Zvino wakati avakwazisa, wakarondedzera chimwe nechimwe chezvinhu Mwari chaakaita pakati pevahedheni neshumiro yake.
20 and they having heard, were glorifying the LORD. They also said to him, “You see, brother, how many myriads there are of Jews who have believed, and all are zealous of the Law,
Ivo vakati vachizvinzwa, vakakudza Ishe; vakati kwaari: Unoona, hama, kuti zvuru zvingani zveVaJudha vanotenda; uye vese vanoshingairira murairo;
21 and they are instructed concerning you, that you teach departure from Moses to all Jews among the nations, saying not to circumcise the children, nor to walk after the customs;
zvino vakaudzwa nezvako, kuti unodzidzisa VaJudha vese vari pakati pevahedheni kuti vasiye Mozisi, uchiti varege kudzingisa vana, kana kufamba netsika.
22 what then is it? Certainly the multitude must come together, for they will hear that you have come.
Ko zvino chii? Zvirokwazvo zvakafanira kuti chaunga chiungane; nokuti vachanzwa kuti wasvika.
23 This, therefore, that we say to you, do. We have four men having a vow on themselves,
Naizvozvo ita izvi zvatinoreva kwauri; tine varume vana vane mhiko pamusoro pavo;
24 having taken these, be purified with them, and be at expense with them, that they may shave the head, and all may know that the things of which they have been instructed concerning you are nothing, but you walk—yourself also—keeping the Law.
vatore pamwe newe, uzvichenure pamwe navo, uye uripe muripo wavo, kuti vaveure musoro, kuti vese vazive kuti zvavakaudzwa maererano newe hapana zviripo, asi iwewo pachako unofamba zvakarurama uchichengeta murairo.
25 And concerning those of the nations who have believed, we have written, having given judgment, that they observe no such thing, except to keep themselves both from idol-sacrifices, and blood, and a strangled thing, and whoredom.”
Asi maererano nevahedheni vanotenda isu tanyora, tikatema kuti vasachengeta chinhu chakadai, kunze kwekuti vazvidzore pane zvakabairwa zvifananidzo, neropa nezvakadzipwa neupombwe.
26 Then Paul, having taken the men, on the following day, having purified himself with them, was entering into the temple, announcing the fulfilment of the days of the purification, until the offering was offered for each one of them.
Ipapo Pauro wakatora varume avo, zuva raitevera akazvichenura pamwe navo, akapinda mutembere kupira kupera kwemazuva ekunatswa, kusvikira kwabairwa chibairo cheumwe neumwe wavo.
27 And as the seven days were about to be fully ended, the Jews from Asia having beheld him in the temple, were stirring up all the multitude, and they laid hands on him,
Zvino mazuva manomwe akati opera, VaJudha vaibva kuAsia pavakamuona mutembere, vakamutsa chaunga chese, ndokuisa maoko kwaari.
28 crying out, “Men, Israelites, help! This is the man who, against the people, and the Law, and this place, is teaching all everywhere; and further, also, he brought Greeks into the temple, and has defiled this holy place”;
Vakadanidzira, vachiti: Varume VaIsraeri, batsirai! Uyu ndiye munhu anodzidzisa vese kwese-kwese zvinopesana nevanhu, nemurairo, nenzvimbo ino; pamusoro pazvo anouisa VaGirikiwo mutembere, ndokusvibisa nzvimbo ino tsvene.
29 for they had seen before Trophimus, the Ephesian, in the city with him, whom they were supposing that Paul brought into the temple.
Nokuti vakange vamboona Trofimo muEfeso anaye muguta, wavaifunga kuti Pauro wamupinza mutembere.
30 All the city was also moved and there was a running together of the people, and having laid hold on Paul, they were drawing him out of the temple, and immediately were the doors shut,
Neguta rese rakanyonganiswa; vanhu vakamhanyira pamwe; vakabata Pauro, vakamukwevera kunze kwetembere; mikova ikazarirwa pakarepo.
31 and they seeking to kill him, a rumor came to the chief captain of the band that all Jerusalem has been thrown into confusion,
Zvino vakati vachitsvaka kumuuraya, shoko rikakwira kumukuru wechuru wehondo, kuti Jerusarema rese ranyonganiswa.
32 who, at once, having taken soldiers and centurions, ran down on them, and they having seen the chief captain and the soldiers, left off beating Paul.
Iye pakarepo akatora mauto nevakuru vezana, akaburuka achimhanyira kwavari; ivo vakati vachiona mukuru wechuru chemazana nemauto, vakarega kurova Pauro.
33 Then the chief captain, having come near, took him, and commanded [him] to be bound with two chains, and was inquiring who he may be, and what it is he has been doing,
Zvino mukuru wechuru chemazana wakaswedera, akamubata, ndokuraira kuti asungwe nemaketani maviri, akabvunza kuti waiva ani, uye kuti waitei.
34 and some were crying out one thing, and some another, among the multitude, and not being able to know the certainty because of the tumult, he commanded him to be carried into the stronghold,
Zvino vamwe pakati pevazhinji vakadanidzira chimwe vamwe chimwewo; zvino asingagoni kuziva chokwadi nekuda kwenyonga-nyonga, wakaraira kuti aiswe kuimba yemauto.
35 and when he came on the steps, it happened he was carried by the soldiers, because of the violence of the multitude,
Zvino wakati asvika pamitanho, zvakaitika kuti atakurwe nemauto nekuda kwemhirizhonga yechaunga;
36 for the crowd of the people was following after, crying, “Away with him.”
nokuti chaunga chevanhu chakatevera chichidanidzira chichiti: Mubvise!
37 And Paul being about to be led into the stronghold, says to the chief captain, “Is it permitted to me to say anything to you?” And he said, “Do you know Greek?
Pauro wakati oda kupinzwa muimba yemauto akati kumukuru wechuru: Zvinotenderwa here kuti nditaure chinhu kwauri? Iye ndokuti: Unoziva chiGiriki here?
38 Are you not, then, the Egyptian who made an uprising before these days, and led the four thousand men of the assassins into the desert?”
Ko iwe hausi uya muEgipita wakamutsa bongozozo mazuva ano asati asvika here, akatungamirira kurenje zvuru zvina zvevarume vaiva mhondi?
39 And Paul said, “I, indeed, am a man, a Jew, of Tarsus of Cilicia, a citizen of no insignificant city; and I implore you, permit me to speak to the people.”
Asi Pauro wakati: Ini ndiri munhu muJudha, weTaso yeKirikia, mugari weguta risina kureruka. Zvino ndinokukumbirai, nditenderei kutaura kuvanhu.
40 And he having given him leave, Paul having stood on the stairs, beckoned with the hand to the people, and there having been a great silence, he spoke to them in the Hebrew dialect, saying:
Zvino wakati amutendera, Pauro wakamira pamitanho akaninira kuvanhu neruoko; zvino kwakati kwanyarara kwazvo, akataura kwavari nerurimi rwechiHebheru achiti: