< Acts 18 >

1 And after these things, Paul having departed out of Athens, came to Corinth,
Post hæc egressus ab Athenis, venit Corinthum:
2 and having found a certain Jew, by name Aquilas, of Pontus by birth, lately come from Italy, and his wife Priscilla—because of Claudius having directed all the Jews to depart out of Rome—he came to them,
et inveniens quemdam Judæum nomine Aquilam, Ponticum genere, qui nuper venerat ab Italia, et Priscillam uxorem ejus (eo quod præcepisset Claudius discedere omnes Judæos a Roma), accessit ad eos.
3 and because of being of the same craft, he remained with them, and was working, for they were tentmakers as to craft;
Et quia ejusdem erat artis, manebat apud eos, et operabatur. (Erant autem scenofactoriæ artis.)
4 and he was reasoning in the synagogue every Sabbath, persuading both Jews and Greeks.
Et disputabat in synagoga per omne sabbatum, interponens nomen Domini Jesu: suadebatque Judæis et Græcis.
5 And when both Silas and Timotheus came down from Macedonia, Paul was pressed in the Spirit, testifying fully to the Jews Jesus the Christ;
Cum venissent autem de Macedonia Silas et Timotheus, instabat verbo Paulus, testificans Judæis esse Christum Jesum.
6 and on their resisting and slandering, having shaken [his] garments, he said to them, “Your blood [is] on your head—I am clean; from now on I will go on to the nations.”
Contradicentibus autem eis, et blasphemantibus, excutiens vestimenta sua, dixit ad eos: Sanguis vester super caput vestrum: mundus ego: ex hoc ad gentes vadam.
7 And having departed from there, he went to the house of a certain one, by name Justus, a worshiper of God, whose house was adjoining the synagogue,
Et migrans inde, intravit in domum cujusdam, nomine Titi Justi, colentis Deum, cujus domus erat conjuncta synagogæ.
8 and Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue believed in the LORD with all his house, and many of the Corinthians hearing were believing, and they were being immersed.
Crispus autem archisynagogus credidit Domino cum omni domo sua: et multi Corinthiorum audientes credebant, et baptizabantur.
9 And the LORD said through a vision in the night to Paul, “Do not be afraid, but be speaking and you may not be silent;
Dixit autem Dominus nocte per visionem Paulo: Noli timere, sed loquere, et ne taceas:
10 because I am with you, and no one will set on you to do evil [to] you, because I have many people in this city”;
propter quod ego sum tecum, et nemo apponetur tibi ut noceat te: quoniam populus est mihi multus in hac civitate.
11 and he continued a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.
Sedit autem ibi annum et sex menses, docens apud eos verbum Dei.
12 And Gallio being proconsul of Achaia, the Jews made a rush with one accord on Paul, and brought him to the judgment seat,
Gallione autem proconsule Achaiæ, insurrexerunt uno animo Judæi in Paulum, et adduxerunt eum ad tribunal,
13 saying, “This one persuades men to worship God against the Law”;
dicentes: Quia contra legem hic persuadet hominibus colere Deum.
14 and Paul being about to open [his] mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, “If, indeed, then, it was anything unrighteous, or an act of wicked recklessness, O Jews, according to reason I had borne with you,
Incipiente autem Paulo aperire os, dixit Gallio ad Judæos: Si quidem esset iniquum aliquid aut facinus pessimum, o viri Judæi, recte vos sustinerem.
15 but if it is a question concerning words and names, and of your law, look [to it] yourselves, for I do not intend to be a judge of these things,”
Si vero quæstiones sunt de verbo, et nominibus, et lege vestra, vos ipsi videritis: judex ego horum nolo esse.
16 and he drives them from the judgment seat;
Et minavit eos a tribunali.
17 and all the Greeks having taken Sosthenes, the chief man of the synagogue, were beating [him] before the judgment seat, and Gallio was not even caring for these things.
Apprehendentes autem omnes Sosthenem principem synagogæ, percutiebant eum ante tribunal: et nihil eorum Gallioni curæ erat.
18 And Paul having remained yet a good many days, having taken leave of the brothers, was sailing to Syria—and with him [are] Priscilla and Aquilas—having shorn [his] head in Cenchera, for he had a vow;
Paulus vero cum adhuc sustinuisset dies multos fratribus valefaciens, navigavit in Syriam (et cum eo Priscilla et Aquila), qui sibi totonderat in Cenchris caput: habebat enim votum.
19 and he came down to Ephesus, and left them there, and he himself having entered into the synagogue reasoned with the Jews:
Devenitque Ephesum, et illos ibi reliquit. Ipse vero ingressus synagogam, disputabat cum Judæis.
20 and they having requested [him] to remain a longer time with them, he did not consent,
Rogantibus autem eis ut ampliori tempore maneret, non consensit,
21 but took leave of them, saying, “It is necessary for me by all means to keep the coming celebration at Jerusalem, and again I will return to you—God willing.” And he sailed from Ephesus,
sed valefaciens, et dicens: Iterum revertar ad vos, Deo volente: profectus est ab Epheso.
22 and having come down to Caesarea, having gone up, and having greeted the assembly, he went down to Antioch.
Et descendens Cæsaream, ascendit, et salutavit ecclesiam, et descendit Antiochiam.
23 And having stayed some time, he went forth, going successively through the region of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.
Et facto ibi aliquanto tempore profectus est, perambulans ex ordine Galaticam regionem, et Phrygiam, confirmans omnes discipulos.
24 And a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, a man of eloquence, being mighty in the Writings, came to Ephesus;
Judæus autem quidam, Apollo nomine, Alexandrinus genere, vir eloquens, devenit Ephesum, potens in scripturis.
25 this one was instructed in the way of the LORD, and being fervent in the Spirit, was speaking and teaching exactly the things about the LORD, knowing only the immersion of John;
Hic erat edoctus viam Domini: et fervens spiritu loquebatur, et docebat diligenter ea quæ sunt Jesu, sciens tantum baptisma Joannis.
26 this one also began to speak boldly in the synagogue, and Aquilas and Priscilla having heard of him, took him to [them], and more exactly set forth to him The Way of God,
Hic ergo cœpit fiducialiter agere in synagoga. Quem cum audissent Priscilla et Aquila, assumpserunt eum, et diligentius exposuerunt ei viam Domini.
27 and he resolving to go through into Achaia, the brothers wrote to the disciples, having exhorted them to receive him, who having come, helped them much who have believed through grace,
Cum autem vellet ire Achaiam, exhortati fratres, scripserunt discipulis ut susciperent eum. Qui cum venisset, contulit multum his qui crediderant.
28 for he was powerfully refuting the Jews publicly, showing through the Writings Jesus to be the Christ.
Vehementer enim Judæos revincebat publice, ostendens per Scripturas esse Christum Jesum.

< Acts 18 >