< Acts 17 >

1 And having passed through Amphipolis, and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where the synagogue of the Jews was,
Phawulossayne Sillasey Anhaaththaipholane Aphpholiya geetettiza derera adhdhidi Teslonqqe geetettiza dere bida. Henkka Ayhudata wossa keeth dees.
2 and according to the custom of Paul, he went in to them, and for three Sabbaths he was reasoning with them from the Writings,
Phawulossaykka izas dose gidida mala Ayhudata wossa keeth geliides. Heedzdzu saamintta kumeth qaalape yoot yoot isttara hasa7ettidees.
3 opening and alleging that it was necessary [for] the Christ to suffer, and to rise again out of the dead, and that “this is the Christ—Jesus whom I proclaim to you.”
Kiristtossay waaye ekkanassinne hayqqi denddanas bessizayssa qoonccis ammanththon “hayssi ta sabbakiiza Yesussay izi kitteti yaana geetetidayssakko” gidees.
4 And certain of them believed, and attached themselves to Paul and to Silas, also a great multitude of the worshiping Greeks, also not a few of the principal women.
Ayhudistape issi issi asay ba syidayssa ammanidi Phawulossarane Sillasera issife gidides. Qassekka daroo derey Xoossu babbiza girkkistape daroo erretida maccashati ba siyida qaalan ammanidi isttara issino gidida.
5 And the Jews, having been moved with envy, and having taken to themselves certain evil men of the agitators, and having made a crowd, were setting the city in an uproar; having also assailed the house of Jason, they were seeking them to bring [them] to the populace,
Ayhudati qass istta qanatidi giyan diza woriddo asata shishshidi kummetha dere istta bolla denththethidi kaataman shiiro medhdhida. Phawulossane Sillase shishshidi dereza sinththan essanas issi Iyassone geetettizadesoo koyanas elleli bida.
6 and having not found them, they drew Jason and certain brothers to the city rulers, calling aloud, “These, having put the world in commotion, are also present here,
Gido attin istta Iyaasoonee keeththan deemontta aggida gish Iyaasoonenne hara ammaniza asata kaatama dannata sinththara goochishe “hayiti asati dere wursii mullaki ka7ishe gamm7idi qasse ha7i ha yida.
7 whom Jason has received; and all these do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying another to be king—Jesus.”
Iyaasooneykka istta ba keeththan woththides. Hayiti asati wuri (Yesussa geetettiza hara kawooy dees gidi Qeessare woga ekketena)” gishe waasida.
8 And they troubled the multitude and the city rulers, hearing these things,
Deereynne he kaatama dannati hessa siydi ba garssan buqqetida.
9 and having taken security from Jason and the rest, they let them go.
Iyaasoonenne haratakka hurbbuta xeeygissidi yeedida.
10 And the brothers immediately, through the night, sent forth both Paul and Silas to Berea, who having come, went into the synagogue of the Jews;
Ammanizayti herakka Phawulossane Sillase qammara beriya yeedida. Isttikka he gakkida mala Ayhudata wossa keeth gellida.
11 and these were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all readiness of mind, examining the Writings every day [to see] whether those things were so;
Beriya asay Teslonqqe asaappe adhdhidi akekara diza asa. Gasooyikka hayisi yoozi tumeshsha gi gidi geisha maxaafata qaala wonttin wonttin pacci xeelidi ufaysan ekkidees.
12 therefore, many of them, indeed, believed, and not a few of the honorable Greek women and men.
Hessa gish isttafe daroo asay ammanides. qasseka isttara qoodan darooti bonchetida girkke dere maccashatine Addetikka ammanida.
13 And when the Jews from Thessalonica knew that also in Berea was the word of God declared by Paul, they came there also, agitating the multitudes;
Teslonqqen diza Ayhuda asati Phawulossay Xoossa qaala Beriyankka sabbakizayssa errida mala dereza denththethanas qassekka gede isttakko bida.
14 and then immediately the brothers sent forth Paul, to go on as it were to the sea, but both Silas and Timotheus were remaining there.
Hessa wode ammanizayiti Phawulossa ellesidi gede abba achch yeeddida. Sillaseyne ximtoossay hen attia.
15 And those conducting Paul, brought him to Athens, and having received a command to Silas and Timotheus that with all speed they may come to him, they departed;
Phawulossa mooyizida asati iza Atena gaththida. Qassekka Sillaseyne ximmotoossay izakoo elleeli gakkana mala giza kiita Phawulossape ekkidi simmida.
16 and Paul waiting for them in Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, beholding the city wholly given to idolatry,
Phawulossay atenan istta naggishin atena kaataman eqqati kummidayssa beeyidi daroo shenetidees.
17 therefore, indeed, he was reasoning in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the worshiping persons, and in the marketplace every day with those who met with him.
Hessa gish Ayhudista wossa keeththan Ayhudistarane Xoossas babbiza Girkke asara qassekka giyyay dizasoon gallas gallas benara gaggiza asara hasa7etidees.
18 And certain of the Epicurean and of the Stoic philosophers, were meeting together to see him, and some were saying, “What would this seed picker wish to say?” And others, “He seems to be an announcer of strange demons”; because he proclaimed to them Jesus and the resurrection as good news,
Ehaaththaiqorossene Isxoykke geetettiza eranchata bagga gididayiti Phawulossako shiiqidi izara hasa7ettida. Istta issi issi asati “hayssi lommi7u lommi7ay ay gaana kooyze?” gida. Baggati qasse Yesussa gishine hayqqope iza denththa mishshirachcho izi sabbakishin siyidi “heyssi hara orraththa eeqqata gish yootiza milattes” gida.
19 having also taken him, they brought [him] to the Areopagus, saying, “Are we able to know what this new teaching [is] that is spoken by you,
Iza oykkidi arriyoshaaththaagossa geetettiza dere dulata sinthth ehaaththaidi “ha ne tammarisiza orratha timmirittey azzakoone nu errana mala ne kooyazi?” gida.
20 for you bring certain strange things to our ears? We resolve, then, to know what these things would wish to be”;
Qasse ne nuna nu hayththan sissiza yooy nu errontta orrath gidida gish izi azzakoone nu errana kooyosu.
21 and all Athenians, and the strangers sojourning, for nothing else were at leisure but to say something, and to hear some newer thing.
Atena asay kummeth qassekka han diza hara dere asaykka bees wode aththanas orratha yoo hasa7anine siissan attin hara mishshan aththetena.
22 And Paul, having stood in the midst of the Areopagus, said, “Men, Athenians, in all things I perceive you as over-religious;
Hessa gish Phawulossay Arriyoshaaththaagossa geetetza dulatan shiiqida dereza sinthtan eqqidi “hayito Atena asato inte beetto mishsh wursii ammanizadentta gididayssa ta beeyayis.
23 for passing through and contemplating your objects of worship, I also found an altar on which had been inscribed: To God—unknown; whom, therefore—not knowing—you worship, this One I announce to you.
Ta gede ha yuyishin inte isttas gooyiniza miishshata ta xeellishin (erretoontta Xoossu) geeteti xaafetiidayssa issi yarsho soo demmadis, hessa gish heyssa inte errontta gooyinizayssa ta intena errissana.
24 God, who made the world, and all things in it, this One, being Lord of Heaven and of earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands,
Hayssa allamezane iza gidoon diza wursii medhdhida Xoossi izi salone sa7a Goda. Hessa gish izi asa kushshen kexxetida keeththan deena.
25 neither is He served by the hands of men—needing anything, He giving life to all, and breath, and all things;
Izi asa wursioos deyoone shamppo qassekka haraka wursii immizade gidida gish izas paccizazi doontta gish asa kushshepe maado ekkena.
26 He also made every nation of man of one blood, to dwell on all the face of the earth—having ordained times before appointed, and the bounds of their dwellings—
Asa zereth wursii issadefe medhdhidi asi biita bolla daana mala ooththides; asay daana wodene wursietha dhaassi woththides.
27 to seek the LORD, if perhaps they felt after Him and found, though, indeed, He is not far from each one of us,
Heskka asi Xoossu kooyidine paccidi demmanakoone gidi wothides; Hessi hessa gidikokka izi nupe issi issi urrape hakkida gish gidena.
28 for in Him we live, and move, and are; as certain of your poets have also said: For we are also His offspring.
Nu diza dussayne nu qaxxetiizay qaththaykka izankko; Inte deren yethi kessiza issi issi asati (nukka iza naytakko) gida malakko.
29 Being, therefore, offspring of God, we ought not to think the Godhead to be like to gold, or silver, or stone, [an] engraving of art and imagination of man;
Histtikoo nu Xoossa nayita gidikko Xooss asa errateththan medhdhi kessida worqqa woykko bira woykko shuuchchu milates giidi nu qoppanas beessena.
30 therefore indeed God, having overlooked the times of ignorance, now commands all men everywhere to convert,
Kasetidi Xoossi hayssa mala hanota asay errontta ooththidayssa dandda7an adhdhides; Hai gidikko asi wuri ba dizason dizason maaroteththan gelana mala azazzes” gides.
31 because He set a day in which He is about to judge the world in righteousness, by a Man whom He ordained, having given assurance to all, having raised Him out of the dead.”
Izi ba doosidade baggara biita bolla xiillotethan pirdana gallas bare woththides. Izakka hayqqope denththidi asa wursios hayssa tummatetha errissides.
32 And having heard of a resurrection of the dead, some, indeed, were mocking, but others said, “We will hear you again concerning this”;
Isttikka hayqqidayta denththa gish siyda mala issi issi asati iza qidhida baggati qass “hayssa qassekka neepe hara gallas siyana kooyos” gida.
33 and so Paul went forth from the midst of them,
Herakka Phawulossay istta gidoofe keezi bidees.
34 and certain men having cleaved to him, believed, among whom [is] also Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman, by name Damaris, and others with them.
Issi issi asati qass Phawulossay iza kaallidane ammanida; Heytapekka diyoonasiyossa geetettiza arriyoshaaththaagose dulata keeththa abaalle gidida Deemarisso geetettiza maccashayane haratikka isfe deetes.

< Acts 17 >