< Acts 10 >

1 And there was a certain man in Caesarea, by name Cornelius, a centurion from a cohort that is called Italian,
ܒܩܤܪܝܐ ܕܝܢ ܐܝܬ ܗܘܐ ܓܒܪܐ ܚܕ ܩܢܛܪܘܢܐ ܕܫܡܗ ܗܘܐ ܩܘܪܢܠܝܘܤ ܡܢ ܤܦܝܪܐ ܗܝ ܕܡܬܩܪܝܐ ܐܝܛܠܝܩܐ
2 pious, and fearing God with all his house, also doing many kind acts to the people, and always imploring God;
ܘܙܕܝܩ ܗܘܐ ܘܕܚܠ ܗܘܐ ܡܢ ܐܠܗܐ ܗܘ ܘܒܝܬܗ ܟܠܗ ܘܥܒܕ ܗܘܐ ܙܕܩܬܐ ܤܓܝܐܬܐ ܒܥܡܐ ܘܒܟܠܙܒܢ ܒܥܐ ܗܘܐ ܡܢ ܐܠܗܐ
3 he saw in a vision openly, as it were the ninth hour of the day, a messenger of God coming in to him, and saying to him, “Cornelius”;
ܗܢܐ ܚܙܐ ܡܠܐܟܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܒܚܙܘܐ ܓܠܝܐܝܬ ܠܐܦܝ ܬܫܥ ܫܥܝܢ ܒܐܝܡܡܐ ܕܥܠ ܠܘܬܗ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܩܘܪܢܠܝܐ
4 and he having looked earnestly on him, and becoming afraid, said, “What is it, Lord?” And he said to him, “Your prayers and your kind acts came up for a memorial before God,
ܘܗܘ ܚܪ ܒܗ ܘܕܚܠ ܘܐܡܪ ܡܢܐ ܡܪܝ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܡܠܐܟܐ ܨܠܘܬܟ ܘܙܕܩܬܟ ܤܠܩ ܠܕܘܟܪܢܐ ܩܕܡ ܐܠܗܐ
5 and now send men to Joppa, and send for a certain one Simon, who is surnamed Peter;
ܘܗܫܐ ܫܕܪ ܓܒܪܐ ܠܝܘܦܐ ܡܕܝܢܬܐ ܘܐܝܬܐ ܠܫܡܥܘܢ ܕܡܬܩܪܐ ܟܐܦܐ
6 this one lodges with a certain Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea; this one will speak to you what you must do.”
ܗܐ ܫܪܐ ܒܒܝܬܗ ܕܫܡܥܘܢ ܒܘܪܤܝܐ ܗܘ ܕܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܥܠ ܝܕ ܝܡܐ
7 And when the messenger who is speaking to Cornelius went away, having called two of his servants, and a pious soldier of those waiting on him continually,
ܘܟܕ ܐܙܠ ܠܗ ܡܠܐܟܐ ܕܡܠܠ ܥܡܗ ܩܪܐ ܬܪܝܢ ܡܢ ܒܢܝ ܒܝܬܗ ܘܦܠܚܐ ܚܕ ܕܕܚܠ ܠܐܠܗܐ ܐܝܢܐ ܕܡܬܕܢܐ ܗܘܐ ܠܗ
8 and having expounded all things to them, he sent them to Joppa.
ܘܐܫܬܥܝ ܠܗܘܢ ܟܠܡܕܡ ܕܚܙܐ ܘܫܕܪ ܐܢܘܢ ܠܝܘܦܐ
9 And on the next day, as these are proceeding on the way, and are drawing near to the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour,
ܘܠܝܘܡܐ ܐܚܪܢܐ ܟܕ ܗܢܘܢ ܪܕܝܢ ܒܐܘܪܚܐ ܘܩܪܝܒܝܢ ܠܡܕܝܢܬܐ ܤܠܩ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܠܐܓܪܐ ܕܢܨܠܐ ܒܫܬ ܫܥܝܢ
10 and he became very hungry, and wished to eat; and they making ready, there fell on him a trance,
ܘܟܦܢ ܘܨܒܐ ܗܘܐ ܕܢܠܥܤ ܘܟܕ ܗܢܘܢ ܡܬܩܢܝܢ ܠܗ ܢܦܠ ܥܠܘܗܝ ܬܡܗܐ
11 and he beholds Heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending to him, as a great sheet, bound at the four corners, and let down on the earth,
ܘܚܙܐ ܫܡܝܐ ܟܕ ܦܬܝܚܝܢ ܘܡܐܢܐ ܚܕ ܟܕ ܐܤܝܪ ܒܐܪܒܥ ܩܪܢܢ ܘܕܡܐ ܗܘܐ ܠܟܬܢܐ ܪܒܐ ܘܫܐܒ ܗܘܐ ܡܢ ܫܡܝܐ ܥܠ ܐܪܥܐ
12 in which were all the four-footed beasts of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the creeping things, and the birds of the sky,
ܘܐܝܬ ܗܘܐ ܒܗ ܟܠܗܝܢ ܚܝܘܬܐ ܕܐܪܒܥܬ ܪܓܠܐ ܘܪܚܫܐ ܕܐܪܥܐ ܘܦܪܚܬܐ ܕܫܡܝܐ
13 and there came a voice to him: “Having risen, Peter, slay and eat.”
ܘܩܠܐ ܐܬܐ ܠܗ ܕܐܡܪ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܩܘܡ ܟܘܤ ܘܐܟܘܠ
14 And Peter said, “Not so, Lord; because at no time did I eat anything common or unclean”;
ܘܫܡܥܘܢ ܐܡܪ ܚܤ ܡܪܝ ܕܡܡܬܘܡ ܠܐ ܐܟܠܬ ܟܠ ܕܡܤܝܒ ܘܛܡܐ
15 and [there is] a voice again a second time to him: “What God cleansed, you do not declare common”;
ܘܬܘܒ ܕܬܪܬܝܢ ܙܒܢܝܢ ܩܠܐ ܗܘܐ ܠܘܬܗ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܕܟܝ ܐܢܬ ܠܐ ܬܤܝܒ
16 and this was done three times, and again was the vessel received up to Heaven.
ܗܕܐ ܕܝܢ ܗܘܬ ܬܠܬ ܙܒܢܝܢ ܘܐܬܥܠܝ ܠܗ ܡܐܢܐ ܠܫܡܝܐ
17 And as Peter was perplexed in himself what the vision that he saw might be, then, behold, the men who have been sent from Cornelius, having made inquiry for the house of Simon, stood at the gate,
ܘܟܕ ܡܬܕܡܪ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܒܢܦܫܗ ܕܡܢܘ ܚܙܘܐ ܕܚܙܐ ܡܛܝܘ ܓܒܪܐ ܗܢܘܢ ܕܐܫܬܕܪܘ ܗܘܘ ܡܢ ܩܘܪܢܠܝܘܤ ܘܫܐܠܘ ܥܠ ܒܝܬܐ ܕܫܪܐ ܒܗ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܐܬܘ ܘܩܡܘ ܥܠ ܬܪܥܐ ܕܕܪܬܐ
18 and having called, they were asking if Simon, who is surnamed Peter, lodges here.
ܘܩܪܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܬܡܢ ܘܡܫܐܠܝܢ ܕܐܢ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܕܡܬܩܪܐ ܟܐܦܐ ܗܪܟܐ ܫܪܐ
19 And Peter thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, “Behold, three men seek you;
ܘܟܕ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܪܢܐ ܗܘܐ ܒܚܙܘܐ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܪܘܚܐ ܗܐ ܓܒܪܐ ܬܠܬܐ ܒܥܝܢ ܠܟ
20 but having risen, go down and go on with them, doubting nothing, because I have sent them”;
ܩܘܡ ܚܘܬ ܘܙܠ ܥܡܗܘܢ ܟܕ ܠܐ ܡܬܦܠܓ ܪܥܝܢܟ ܡܛܠ ܕܐܢܐ ܗܘ ܫܕܪܬ ܐܢܘܢ
21 and Peter having come down to the men who have been sent from Cornelius to him, said, “Behold, I am he whom you seek, what [is] the cause for which you are present?”
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܢܚܬ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܠܘܬ ܓܒܪܐ ܗܢܘܢ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܐܢܐ ܗܘ ܕܒܥܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܐܝܕܐ ܗܝ ܥܠܬܐ ܕܡܛܠܬܗ ܐܬܝܬܘܢ
22 And they said, “Cornelius, a centurion, a man righteous and fearing God, well testified to, also, by all the nation of the Jews, was divinely warned by a holy messenger to send for you, to his house, and to hear sayings from you.”
ܐܡܪܝܢ ܠܗ ܓܒܪܐ ܚܕ ܕܫܡܗ ܩܘܪܢܠܝܘܤ ܩܢܛܪܘܢܐ ܟܐܢܐ ܕܕܚܠ ܡܢ ܐܠܗܐ ܘܡܤܗܕ ܥܠܘܗܝ ܟܠܗ ܥܡܐ ܕܝܗܘܕܝܐ ܐܬܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܒܚܙܘܐ ܡܢ ܡܠܐܟܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܕܢܫܕܪ ܢܥܠܟ ܠܒܝܬܗ ܘܢܫܡܥ ܡܠܬܐ ܡܢܟ
23 Having called them in, therefore, he lodged them, and on the next day Peter went forth with them, and certain of the brothers from Joppa went with him,
ܘܐܥܠ ܐܢܘܢ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܩܒܠ ܐܢܘܢ ܟܪ ܕܫܪܐ ܗܘܐ ܘܩܡ ܠܒܬܪܗ ܕܝܘܡܐ ܘܢܦܩ ܐܙܠ ܥܡܗܘܢ ܘܐܙܠܘ ܥܡܗ ܐܢܫ ܐܢܫ ܡܢ ܐܚܐ ܕܝܘܦܐ
24 and on the next day they entered into Caesarea; and Cornelius was waiting for them, having called together his relatives and near friends,
ܘܠܝܘܡܐ ܐܚܪܢܐ ܥܠ ܠܩܤܪܝܐ ܩܘܪܢܠܝܘܤ ܕܝܢ ܡܩܘܐ ܗܘܐ ܠܗܘܢ ܟܕ ܡܟܢܫܝܢ ܠܗ ܟܠܗܘܢ ܒܢܝ ܛܘܗܡܗ ܘܐܦ ܪܚܡܐ ܚܒܝܒܐ ܕܐܝܬ ܗܘܘ ܠܗ
25 and as it came that Peter entered in, Cornelius having met him, having fallen at [his] feet, worshiped [him];
ܘܟܕ ܥܐܠ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܐܪܥܗ ܩܘܪܢܠܝܘܤ ܘܢܦܠ ܤܓܕ ܠܪܓܠܘܗܝ
26 and Peter raised him, saying, “Stand up; I am also a man myself”;
ܘܫܡܥܘܢ ܐܩܝܡܗ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܩܘܡ ܠܟ ܘܐܦ ܐܢܐ ܒܪܢܫܐ ܐܢܐ
27 and talking with him he went in, and finds many having come together.
ܘܟܕ ܡܡܠܠ ܥܡܗ ܥܠ ܘܐܫܟܚ ܤܓܝܐܐ ܕܐܬܘ ܗܘܘ ܠܬܡܢ
28 And he said to them, “You know how it is unlawful for a man, a Jew, to keep company with, or to come to, one of another race, but God showed to me to call no man common or unclean;
ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܝܕܥܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܕܠܐ ܡܦܤ ܠܓܒܪܐ ܝܗܘܕܝܐ ܕܢܩܦ ܠܐܢܫܐ ܢܘܟܪܝܐ ܕܠܐ ܗܘܐ ܒܪ ܫܪܒܬܗ ܘܠܝ ܐܠܗܐ ܚܘܝܢܝ ܕܠܐ ܐܡܪ ܥܠ ܐܢܫ ܕܛܡܐ ܐܘ ܡܤܝܒ
29 therefore also without contradicting I came, having been sent for; I ask, therefore, for what matter you sent for me?”
ܡܛܠ ܗܢܐ ܥܬܝܕܐܝܬ ܐܬܝܬ ܟܕ ܫܕܪܬܘܢ ܒܬܪܝ ܒܪܡ ܡܫܐܠ ܐܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܡܛܠ ܡܢܐ ܫܕܪܬܘܢ ܒܬܪܝ
30 And Cornelius said, “Four days ago until this hour, I was fasting, and [at] the ninth hour praying in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in radiant clothing,
ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܩܘܪܢܠܝܘܤ ܐܪܒܥܐ ܝܘܡܝܢ ܐܝܬ ܥܕܡܐ ܠܗܫܐ ܗܐ ܡܢ ܕܨܐܡ ܐܢܐ ܘܒܬܫܥ ܫܥܝܢ ܟܕ ܡܨܠܐ ܐܢܐ ܒܒܝܬܝ ܩܡ ܓܒܪܐ ܚܕ ܩܕܡܝ ܟܕ ܠܒܝܫ ܚܘܪܐ
31 and he said, Cornelius, your prayer was heard, and your kind acts were remembered before God;
ܘܐܡܪ ܠܝ ܩܘܪܢܠܝܐ ܐܫܬܡܥܬ ܨܠܘܬܟ ܘܠܙܕܩܬܟ ܕܘܟܪܢܐ ܗܘܐ ܩܕܡ ܐܠܗܐ
32 send, therefore, to Joppa, and call for Simon, who is surnamed Peter; this one lodges in the house of Simon a tanner, by the sea, who having come, will speak to you;
ܒܪܡ ܫܕܪ ܠܝܘܦܐ ܡܕܝܢܬܐ ܘܐܝܬܐ ܠܫܡܥܘܢ ܕܡܬܩܪܐ ܟܐܦܐ ܗܐ ܫܪܐ ܒܒܝܬܗ ܕܫܡܥܘܢ ܒܘܪܤܝܐ ܕܥܠ ܝܕ ܝܡܐ ܘܗܘ ܢܐܬܐ ܢܡܠܠ ܥܡܟ
33 at once, therefore, I sent to you; you also did well, having come; now, therefore, we are all present before God to hear all things that have been commanded you by God.”
ܘܒܪ ܫܥܬܗ ܫܕܪܬ ܠܘܬܟ ܘܐܢܬ ܫܦܝܪ ܥܒܕܬ ܕܐܬܝܬ ܘܗܐ ܚܢܢ ܟܠܢ ܩܕܡܝܟ ܘܨܒܝܢܢ ܕܢܫܡܥ ܟܠ ܡܐ ܕܐܬܦܩܕ ܠܟ ܡܢ ܠܘܬ ܐܠܗܐ
34 And Peter having opened his mouth, said, “Of a truth, I perceive that God is not favoring by appearance,
ܦܬܚ ܕܝܢ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܦܘܡܗ ܘܐܡܪ ܒܫܪܪܐ ܐܕܪܟܬ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܠܐ ܗܘܐ ܢܤܒ ܒܐܦܐ
35 but in every nation he who is fearing Him, and is working righteousness, is acceptable to Him;
ܐܠܐ ܒܟܠܗܘܢ ܥܡܡܐ ܐܝܢܐ ܕܕܚܠ ܡܢܗ ܘܦܠܚ ܟܐܢܘܬܐ ܡܩܒܠ ܗܘ ܠܘܬܗ
36 the word that He sent to the sons of Israel, proclaiming good news—peace through Jesus Christ (this One is Lord of all),
ܡܠܬܐ ܓܝܪ ܕܫܕܪ ܠܒܢܝ ܐܝܤܪܝܠ ܘܤܒܪ ܐܢܘܢ ܫܠܡܐ ܘܫܝܢܐ ܒܝܕ ܝܫܘܥ ܡܫܝܚܐ ܗܢܘ ܡܪܝܐ ܕܟܠ
37 you have known the word that came throughout all Judea, having begun from Galilee, after the immersion that John preached;
ܘܐܦ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܝܕܥܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܒܡܠܬܐ ܕܗܘܬ ܒܟܠܗ ܝܗܘܕ ܕܐܩܦܬ ܡܢ ܓܠܝܠܐ ܒܬܪ ܡܥܡܘܕܝܬܐ ܕܐܟܪܙ ܝܘܚܢܢ
38 Jesus who [is] from Nazareth—how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and power; who went through, doing good, and healing all those oppressed by the Devil, because God was with Him;
ܥܠ ܝܫܘܥ ܕܡܢ ܢܨܪܬ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܡܫܚܗ ܒܪܘܚܐ ܕܩܘܕܫܐ ܘܒܚܝܠܐ ܘܗܘܝܘ ܕܡܬܟܪܟ ܗܘܐ ܘܡܐܤܐ ܠܗܢܘܢ ܕܐܬܢܟܝܘ ܡܢ ܒܝܫܐ ܡܛܠ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܗܘܐ ܥܡܗ
39 and we are witnesses of all things that He did, both in the country of the Jews, and in Jerusalem—whom they slew, having hanged [Him] on a tree.
ܘܚܢܢ ܤܗܕܘܗܝ ܥܠ ܟܠ ܡܐ ܕܥܒܕ ܒܟܠܗ ܐܪܥܐ ܕܝܗܘܕ ܘܕܐܘܪܫܠܡ ܠܗ ܠܗܢܐ ܬܠܐܘܗܝ ܝܗܘܕܝܐ ܥܠ ܩܝܤܐ ܘܩܛܠܘܗܝ
40 This One God raised up [on] the third day, and gave Him to become visible,
ܘܠܗ ܐܩܝܡ ܐܠܗܐ ܠܬܠܬܐ ܝܘܡܝܢ ܘܝܗܒܗ ܕܢܬܚܙܐ ܥܝܢ ܒܓܠܐ
41 not to all the people, but to witnesses, to those having been chosen before by God—to us who ate with [Him], and drank with Him, after His rising out of the dead;
ܠܐ ܕܝܢ ܠܟܠܗ ܥܡܐ ܐܠܐ ܠܢ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܡܢ ܐܠܗܐ ܐܬܓܒܝܢ ܕܢܗܘܐ ܠܗ ܤܗܕܐ ܕܐܟܠܢ ܥܡܗ ܘܐܫܬܝܢ ܡܢ ܒܬܪ ܩܝܡܬܗ ܕܡܢ ܒܝܬ ܡܝܬܐ
42 and He commanded us to preach to the people, and to fully testify that it is He who has been ordained judge of living and dead by God—
ܘܦܩܕܢ ܕܢܟܪܙ ܘܢܤܗܕ ܠܥܡܐ ܕܗܢܘ ܕܐܬܦܪܫ ܡܢ ܐܠܗܐ ܕܝܢܐ ܕܚܝܐ ܘܕܡܝܬܐ
43 to this One do all the Prophets testify, that through His Name everyone that is believing in Him receives forgiveness of sins.”
ܘܥܠܘܗܝ ܐܤܗܕܘ ܟܠܗܘܢ ܢܒܝܐ ܕܟܠܡܢ ܕܡܗܝܡܢ ܒܫܡܗ ܢܩܒܠ ܫܘܒܩܢ ܚܛܗܐ
44 While Peter is yet speaking these sayings, the Holy Spirit fell on all those hearing the word,
ܘܟܕ ܗܘ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܡܡܠܠ ܗܘܐ ܗܠܝܢ ܡܠܐ ܐܓܢܬ ܪܘܚܐ ܕܩܘܕܫܐ ܥܠ ܟܠܗܘܢ ܕܫܡܥܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܡܠܬܐ
45 and those of circumcision [who were] believing were astonished—as many as came with Peter—because the gift of the Holy Spirit has also been poured out on the nations,
ܘܬܡܗܘ ܘܬܗܪܘ ܐܚܐ ܓܙܝܪܐ ܗܢܘܢ ܕܐܬܘ ܥܡܗ ܕܐܦ ܥܠ ܥܡܡܐ ܡܘܗܒܬܐ ܕܪܘܚܐ ܕܩܘܕܫܐ ܐܫܬܦܥܬ
46 for they were hearing them speaking with tongues and magnifying God.
ܫܡܥܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܠܗܘܢ ܓܝܪ ܟܕ ܡܡܠܠܝܢ ܒܠܫܢ ܠܫܢ ܘܡܘܪܒܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܠܐܠܗܐ ܘܐܡܪ ܗܘܐ ܫܡܥܘܢ
47 Then Peter answered, “Is anyone able to forbid the water, that these may not be immersed, who received the Holy Spirit—even as us also?”
ܕܠܡܐ ܡܝܐ ܡܫܟܚ ܐܢܫ ܟܠܐ ܕܠܐ ܢܥܡܕܘܢ ܗܢܘܢ ܕܗܐ ܩܒܠܘ ܪܘܚܐ ܕܩܘܕܫܐ ܐܝܟ ܡܐ ܕܚܢܢ
48 He commanded them to also be immersed in the Name of the LORD; then they implored him to remain certain days.
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܦܩܕ ܠܗܘܢ ܕܢܥܡܕܘܢ ܒܫܡܗ ܕܡܪܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܡܫܝܚܐ ܘܒܥܘ ܡܢܗ ܐܝܟ ܕܢܩܘܐ ܠܘܬܗܘܢ ܝܘܡܬܐ

< Acts 10 >