< 2 Timothy 2 >

1 You, therefore, my child, be strong in the grace that [is] in Christ Jesus,
Naizvozvo iwe, mwana wangu, simba munyasha dziri muna Kristu Jesu.
2 and the things that you heard from me through many witnesses, be committing these things to steadfast men, who will also be sufficient to teach others;
Nezvinhu zvawakanzwa kwandiri pakati pezvapupu zvizhinji, uzvikumikidze izvozvo kuvanhu vakatendeka vachagonawo kudzidzisa vamwe.
3 you, therefore, suffer evil as a good soldier of Jesus Christ;
Naizvozvo iwe utambudzike zvakaoma, semurwi wakanaka waJesu Kristu.
4 no one serving as a soldier entangles himself with the affairs of life, that he may please him who enlisted him;
Hakuna munhu anobata semurwi anozvipinganidza nezviitiko zveupenyu, kuti afadze uyo wakamupinza basa.
5 and if anyone also may strive, he is not crowned, except he may strive lawfully;
Uye kana munhuwo achikwikwidza, haashongedzwi korona kana asina kukwikwidza zviri pamurairo.
6 it is first necessary [for] the laboring farmer to partake of the fruits;
Murimi anobata zvakasimba anofanira kutanga kugamuchira zvibereko.
7 be considering what things I say, for the LORD gives to you understanding in all things.
Fungisisa zvandinoreva; uye Ishe ngaakupe kunzwisisa pazvinhu zvese.
8 Remember Jesus Christ, raised out of the dead, of the seed of David, according to my good news,
Rangarira Jesu Kristu wakamutswa kubva kuvakafa, wembeu yaDhavhidhi, zvichienderana neevhangeri yangu;
9 in which I suffer evil—to bonds, as an evildoer, but the word of God has not been bound;
yandinotambudzika mairi zvakaipa, kusvikira pazvisungo, semuiti wezvakaipa; asi shoko raMwari harina kusungwa.
10 because of this I endure all things, because of the chosen ones, that they also may obtain salvation that [is] in Christ Jesus, with perpetual glory. (aiōnios g166)
Saka ndinotsungirira zvinhu zvese nekuda kwevakasanangurwa, kuti naivo vawane ruponeso rwuri muna Kristu Jesu, pamwe nekubwinya kusingaperi. (aiōnios g166)
11 The word [is] steadfast: For if we died together—we will also live together;
Shoko iri rakatendeka; nokuti kana takafa pamwe naye, tichararamawo pamwe naye.
12 if we endure together—we will also reign together; if we deny [Him], He will also deny us;
Kana tikatsungirira, tichatongawo pamwe naye; kana tikamuramba, naiye achatiramba.
13 if we are not steadfast, He remains steadfast; He is not able to deny Himself.
Kana tisingatendeki, iye anoramba akatendeka; iye haagoni kuzviramba.
14 Remind [them] of these things, testifying fully before the LORD—not to strive about words to nothing profitable, but to the subversion of those hearing;
Uvarangaridze zvinhu izvi, uchirairisa pamberi paIshe kusapikisa pamashoko kusingabatsiri chinhu asi kutsausa vanonzwa.
15 be diligent to present yourself approved to God—a workman not ashamed, straightly cutting the word of truth;
Shingaira kuti uzviratidze kuna Mwari uri wakatendeka, mushandi asingafaniri kunyadziswa, anonyatsoruramisa shoko rechokwadi.
16 and stand aloof from the profane vain talkings, for they will advance to more impiety,
Asi nzvenga kutaura kwetsvina kusina maturo; nokuti vacharamba vachingonyanya pakusatya Mwari,
17 and their word will have pasture as a gangrene, of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus,
neshoko ravo richanyenga segomarara; pakati pavo pana Himenayosi naFiretosi;
18 who swerved concerning the truth, saying the resurrection to have already been, and overthrows the faith of some;
ivo vakatsauka pachokwadi, vachiti kumuka kwatovapo, vachipidigura rutendo rwevamwe.
19 sure, nevertheless, the foundation of God has stood, having this seal: “The LORD has known those who are His,” and, “Let him depart from unrighteousness—everyone who is naming the Name of Christ.”
Kunyange zvakadaro nheyo yaMwari inomira yakasimba, ine mucherechedzo uyu: Ishe anoziva vari vake, uye kuti: Umwe neumwe anoreva zita raKristu ngaabve pakusarurama.
20 And in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth, and some to honor, and some to dishonor:
Asi muimba huru hamuna midziyo yegoridhe neyesirivheri chete, asiwo yematanda neyevhu, uye imwe ndeyekukudzwa asi imwe ndeyekusakudzwa.
21 if, then, anyone may cleanse himself from these, he will be a vessel to honor, sanctified and profitable to the master—having been prepared to every good work;
Naizvozvo kana munhu achizvinatsa pazvinhu izvi, achava mudziyo wekukudzwa, wakaitwa mutsvene, wakakwanira basa raTenzi, wakagadzirirwa basa rese rakanaka.
22 and flee the youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, with those calling on the LORD out of a pure heart;
Tizawo kuchiva kweudiki, asi uteverere kururama, rutendo, rudo, rugare, pamwe nevanodana kuna Ishe zvichibva pamoyo wakachena.
23 and be avoiding the foolish and uninstructed questions, having known that they beget strife,
Asi mibvunzo yeupenzi neyekusadzidza urambe, uchiziva kuti zvinomutsa kurwa.
24 and a servant of the LORD must not quarrel, but to be gentle to all, apt to teach, patient under evil,
Zvino muranda waIshe haafaniri kurwa, asi ave munyoro kune vese, anoziva kudzidzisa, ane moyo murefu,
25 instructing those opposing in meekness—if perhaps God may give to them conversion to an acknowledging of the truth,
anoraira neunyoro avo vanozvipikisa, kuti zvimwe Mwari avape kutendeukira kuruzivo rwechokwadi,
26 and they may awake out of the Devil’s snare, having been caught by him at his will.
uye vapengenuke kubva pamusungo wadhiabhorosi, wavakange vakabatwa naye pakuda kwake.

< 2 Timothy 2 >