< 2 Kings 23 >

1 And the king sends, and they gather all [the] elderly of Judah and Jerusalem to him,
Et renuntiaverunt regi quod dixerat. Qui misit: et congregati sunt ad eum omnes senes Juda et Jerusalem.
2 and the king goes up to the house of YHWH, and every man of Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, with him, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the people, from small to great, and he reads in their ears all the words of the Scroll of the Covenant that is found in the house of YHWH.
Ascenditque rex templum Domini, et omnes viri Juda, universique qui habitabant in Jerusalem cum eo sacerdotes et prophetæ, et omnis populus a parvo usque ad magnum: legitque, cunctis audientibus, omnia verba libri fœderis, qui inventus est in domo Domini.
3 And the king stands by the pillar, and makes the covenant before YHWH, to walk after YHWH, and to keep His commands, and His testimonies, and His statutes, with all the heart, and with all the soul, to establish the words of this covenant that are written on this scroll, and all the people stand in the covenant.
Stetitque rex super gradum: et fœdus percussit coram Domino, ut ambularent post Dominum, et custodirent præcepta ejus, et testimonia, et cæremonias in omni corde, et in tota anima, et suscitarent verba fœderis hujus, quæ scripta erant in libro illo: acquievitque populus pacto.
4 And the king commands Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the keepers of the threshold, to bring out from the temple of YHWH all the vessels that are made for Ba‘al, and for the Asherah, and for all the host of the heavens, and he burns them at the outside of Jerusalem, in the fields of Kidron, and has carried their ashes to Beth-El.
Et præcepit rex Helciæ pontifici, et sacerdotibus secundi ordinis, et janitoribus, ut projicerent de templo Domini omnia vasa quæ facta fuerant Baal, et in luco, et universæ militiæ cæli: et combussit ea foris Jerusalem in convalle Cedron, et tulit pulverem eorum in Bethel.
5 And he has caused to cease the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah have appointed (and they make incense in high places, in cities of Judah and outskirts of Jerusalem), and those making incense to Ba‘al, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the twelve signs, and to all the host of the heavens.
Et delevit aruspices quos posuerant reges Juda ad sacrificandum in excelsis per civitates Juda, et in circuitu Jerusalem: et eos qui adolebant incensum Baal, et soli, et lunæ, et duodecim signis, et omni militiæ cæli.
6 And he brings out the Asherah from the house of YHWH to the outside of Jerusalem, to the Brook of Kidron, and burns it at the Brook of Kidron, and beats it small to dust, and casts its dust on the grave of the sons of the people.
Et efferri fecit lucum de domo Domini foras Jerusalem in convalle Cedron, et combussit eum ibi, et redegit in pulverem, et projecit super sepulchra vulgi.
7 And he breaks down the houses of the whoremongers that [are] in the house of YHWH, where the women are weaving houses for the Asherah.
Destruxit quoque ædiculas effeminatorum quæ erant in domo Domini, pro quibus mulieres texebant quasi domunculas luci.
8 And he brings in all the priests out of the cities of Judah, and defiles the high places where the priests have made incense, from Geba to Beer-Sheba, and has broken down the high places of the gates that [are] at the opening of the Gate of Joshua, head of the city, that [is] on a man’s left hand at the gate of the city;
Congregavitque omnes sacerdotes de civitatibus Juda, et contaminavit excelsa ubi sacrificabant sacerdotes de Gabaa usque Bersabee, et destruxit aras portarum in introitu ostii Josue principis civitatis, quod erat ad sinistram portæ civitatis.
9 only, the priests of the high places do not come up to the altar of YHWH in Jerusalem, but they have eaten unleavened things in the midst of their brothers.
Verumtamen non ascendebant sacerdotes excelsorum ad altare Domini in Jerusalem: sed tantum comedebant azyma in medio fratrum suorum.
10 And he has defiled Topheth that [is] in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, so that no man causes his son and his daughter to pass over through fire to Molech.
Contaminavit quoque Topheth, quod est in convalle filii Ennom, ut nemo consecraret filium suum aut filiam per ignem, Moloch.
11 And he causes to cease the horses that the kings of Judah have given to the sun from the entering in of the house of YHWH, by the chamber of Nathan-Melech the eunuch, that [is] in the outskirts; and he has burned the chariots of the sun with fire.
Abstulit quoque equos quos dederant reges Juda soli in introitu templi Domini juxta exedram Nathanmelech eunuchi, qui erat in Pharurim: currus autem solis combussit igni.
12 And the altars that [are] on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz, that the kings of Judah made, and the altars that Manasseh made in the two courts of the house of YHWH, the king has broken down, and removes from there, and has cast their dust into the Brook of Kidron.
Altaria quoque quæ erant super tecta cœnaculi Achaz, quæ fecerant reges Juda, et altaria quæ fecerat Manasses in duobus atriis templi Domini, destruxit rex, et cucurrit inde, et dispersit cinerem eorum in torrentem Cedron.
13 And the high places that [are] on the front of Jerusalem, that [are] on the right of the Mount of Corruption, that Solomon king of Israel had built to Ashtoreth, abomination of the Zidonians, and Chemosh, abomination of Moab, and to Milcom, abomination of the sons of Ammon, the king has defiled.
Excelsa quoque, quæ erant in Jerusalem ad dexteram partem montis offensionis, quæ ædificaverat Salomon rex Israël Astaroth idolo Sidoniorum, et Chamos offensioni Moab, et Melchom abominationi filiorum Ammon, polluit rex.
14 And he has broken the standing-pillars in pieces, and cuts down the Asherim, and fills their place with bones of men;
Et contrivit statuas, et succidit lucos: replevitque loca eorum ossibus mortuorum.
15 and also the altar that [is] in Beth-El, the high place that Jeroboam son of Nebat made, by which he made Israel sin, both that altar and the high place he has broken down, and burns the high place—he has beat it small to dust, and has burned the Asherah.
Insuper et altare quod erat in Bethel, et excelsum quod fecerat Jeroboam filius Nabat, qui peccare fecit Israël: et altare illud, et excelsum destruxit, atque combussit, et comminuit in pulverem, succenditque etiam lucum.
16 And Josiah turns, and sees the graves that [are] there on the mountain, and sends and takes the bones out of the graves, and burns [them] on the altar, and defiles it, according to the word of YHWH that the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these things.
Et conversus Josias, vidit ibi sepulchra quæ erant in monte: misitque et tulit ossa de sepulchris, et combussit ea super altare, et polluit illud juxta verbum Domini quod locutus est vir Dei, qui prædixerat verba hæc.
17 And he says, “What [is] this sign that I see?” And the men of the city say to him, “The grave of the man of God who has come from Judah, and proclaims these things that you have done concerning the altar of Beth-El.”
Et ait: Quis est titulus ille, quem video? Responderuntque ei cives urbis illius: Sepulchrum est hominis Dei, qui venit de Juda, et prædixit verba hæc, quæ fecisti super altare Bethel.
18 And he says, “Leave him alone, let no man touch his bones”; and they let his bones escape with the bones of the prophet who came out of Samaria.
Et ait: Dimitte eum: nemo commoveat ossa ejus. Et intacta manserunt ossa illius cum ossibus prophetæ qui venerat de Samaria.
19 And also all the houses of the high places that [are] in the cities of Samaria, that the kings of Israel made to provoke to anger, Josiah has turned aside, and does to them according to all the deeds that he did in Beth-El.
Insuper et omnia fana excelsorum quæ erant in civitatibus Samariæ, quæ fecerant reges Israël ad irritandum Dominum, abstulit Josias: et fecit eis secundum omnia opera quæ fecerat in Bethel.
20 And he slays all the priests of the high places who [are] there by the altars, and burns the bones of man on them, and turns back to Jerusalem.
Et occidit universos sacerdotes excelsorum qui erant ibi super altaria, et combussit ossa humana super ea: reversusque est Jerusalem.
21 And the king commands the whole of the people, saying, “Make a Passover to your God YHWH, as it is written on this scroll of the covenant.”
Et præcepit omni populo, dicens: Facite Phase Domino Deo vestro, secundum quod scriptum est in libro fœderis hujus.
22 Surely there has not been made like this Passover from the days of the ones judging who judged Israel, even all the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Judah;
Nec enim factum est Phase tale a diebus judicum qui judicaverunt Israël, et omnium dierum regum Israël et regum Juda,
23 but in the eighteenth year of King Josiah, this Passover has been made to YHWH in Jerusalem.
sicut in octavodecimo anno regis Josiæ factum est Phase istud Domino in Jerusalem.
24 And also, those having familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the teraphim, and the idols, and all the abominations that were seen in the land of Judah, and in Jerusalem, Josiah has put away, in order to establish the words of the Law that are written on the scroll that Hilkiah the priest has found in the house of YHWH.
Sed et pythones, et ariolos, et figuras idolorum, et immunditias, et abominationes, quæ fuerant in terra Juda et Jerusalem, abstulit Josias: ut statueret verba legis quæ scripta sunt in libro quem invenit Helcias sacerdos in templo Domini.
25 And like him there has not been before him a king who turned back to YHWH with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the Law of Moses, and after him there has none risen like him.
Similis illi non fuit ante eum rex, qui reverteretur ad Dominum in omni corde suo, et in tota anima sua, et in universa virtute sua juxta omnem legem Moysi: neque post eum surrexit similis illi.
26 Only, YHWH has not turned back from the fierceness of His great anger with which His anger burned against Judah, because of all the provocations with which Manasseh provoked him,
Verumtamen non est aversus Dominus ab ira furoris sui magni quo iratus est furor ejus contra Judam propter irritationes quibus provocaverat eum Manasses.
27 and YHWH says, “I also turn Judah aside from my presence, as I turned Israel aside, and I have rejected this city that I have chosen—Jerusalem, and the house of which I said, My Name is there.”
Dixit itaque Dominus: Etiam Judam auferam a facie mea, sicut abstuli Israël: et projiciam civitatem hanc quam elegi Jerusalem, et domum de qua dixi: Erit nomen meum ibi.
28 And the rest of the matters of Josiah and all that he did, are they not written on the scroll of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
Reliqua autem sermonum Josiæ, et universa quæ fecit, nonne hæc scripta sunt in libro verborum dierum regum Juda?
29 In his days Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt has come up against the king of Asshur, by the Euphrates River, and King Josiah goes out to meet him, and [Pharaoh Necho] puts him to death in Megiddo when he sees him.
In diebus ejus ascendit Pharao Nechao rex Ægypti contra regem Assyriorum ad flumen Euphraten, et abiit Josias rex in occursum ejus: et occisus est in Mageddo cum vidisset eum.
30 And his servants cause him to ride dying from Megiddo, and bring him to Jerusalem, and bury him in his own grave, and the people of the land take Jehoahaz son of Josiah, and anoint him, and cause him to reign instead of his father.
Et portaverunt eum servi sui mortuum de Mageddo: et pertulerunt in Jerusalem, et sepelierunt eum in sepulchro suo. Tulitque populus terræ Joachaz filium Josiæ: et unxerunt eum, et constituerunt eum regem pro patre suo.
31 Jehoahaz [is] a son of twenty-three years in his reigning, and he has reigned three months in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah,
Viginti trium annorum erat Joachaz cum regnare cœpisset, et tribus mensibus regnavit in Jerusalem: nomen matris ejus Amital filia Jeremiæ de Lobna.
32 and he does evil in the eyes of YHWH, according to all that his fathers did,
Et fecit malum coram Domino, juxta omnia quæ fecerant patres ejus.
33 and Pharaoh Necho binds him in Riblah, in the land of Hamath, from reigning in Jerusalem, and he puts a fine on the land—one hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold.
Vinxitque eum Pharao Nechao in Rebla, quæ est in terra Emath, ne regnaret in Jerusalem: et imposuit mulctam terræ centum talentis argenti, et talento auri.
34 And Pharaoh Necho causes Eliakim son of Josiah to reign instead of his father Josiah, and turns his name to Jehoiakim, and he has taken Jehoahaz away, and he comes to Egypt, and dies there.
Regemque constituit Pharao Nechao Eliacim filium Josiæ pro Josia patre ejus: vertitque nomen ejus Joakim. Porro Joachaz tulit, et duxit in Ægyptum, et mortuus est ibi.
35 And Jehoiakim has given the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; only he valued the land to give the silver by the command of Pharaoh; from each, according to his valuation, he exacted the silver and the gold, from the people of the land, to give to Pharaoh Necho.
Argentum autem et aurum dedit Joakim Pharaoni, cum indixisset terræ per singulos, ut conferretur juxta præceptum Pharaonis: et unumquemque juxta vires suas exegit, tam argentum quam aurum, de populo terræ, ut daret Pharaoni Nechao.
36 Jehoiakim [is] a son of twenty-five years in his reigning, and he has reigned eleven years in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Zebudah daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah,
Viginti quinque annorum erat Joakim cum regnare cœpisset, et undecim annis regnavit in Jerusalem: nomen matris ejus Zebida filia Phadaia de Ruma.
37 and he does evil in the eyes of YHWH, according to all that his fathers did.
Et fecit malum coram Domino juxta omnia quæ fecerant patres ejus.

< 2 Kings 23 >