< 2 Kings 14 >
1 In the second year of Joash son of Jehoahaz, king of Israel, Amaziah son of Joash, king of Judah, has reigned;
Druge godine kraljevanja Joaša, sina Joahazova, nad Izraelom, postade judejskim kraljem Amasja, sin Joašev.
2 he was a son of twenty-five years in his reigning, and he has reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Jehoaddan of Jerusalem,
Bilo mu je dvadeset i pet godina kad se zakraljio, a kraljevao je dvadeset i devet godina u Jeruzalemu. Mati mu se zvala Joadana i bila je iz Jeruzalema.
3 and he does that which [is] right in the eyes of YHWH, only not like his father David; he has done according to all that his father Joash did,
Činio je što je pravo u Jahvinim očima, ali ne sasvim kao praotac njegov David. U svemu je slijedio Joaša, svoga oca.
4 only, the high places have not been removed—the people are still sacrificing and making incense in high places.
Ali uzvišica nije razrušio i narod je svejednako prinosio žrtve i kad na uzvišicama.
5 And it comes to pass, when the kingdom has been strong in his hand, that he strikes his servants, those striking his father the king,
Kad je učvrstio kraljevstvo, smakao je one časnike koji su mu ubili oca.
6 and the sons of those striking [him] he has not put to death, as it is written in the Scroll of the Law of Moses that YHWH commanded, saying, “Fathers are not put to death for sons, and sons are not put to death for fathers, but each is put to death for his own sin.”
Ali nije pogubio sinova onih ubojica, prema onome što je napisano u knjizi Zakona Mojsijeva, gdje Jahve zapovijeda: “Neka se očevi ne pogubljuju za sinove ni sinovi za očeve, nego svatko neka gine za svoj grijeh.”
7 He has struck ten thousand of Edom in the Valley of Salt, and seized Selah in war, and [one] calls its name Joktheel to this day,
On je potukao Edomce u Slanoj dolini, deset tisuća njih, i u bitki je zauzeo Selu; dao joj je ime Jokteel, koje nosi do današnjega dana.
8 then Amaziah has sent messengers to Jehoash son of Jehoahaz, son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying, “Come, we look one another in the face.”
Tada Amasja posla glasnike izraelskom kralju Joašu, sinu Jehuova sina Joahaza, i poruči mu: “Dođi da se ogledamo!”
9 And Jehoash king of Israel sends to Amaziah king of Judah, saying, “The thorn that [is] in Lebanon has sent to the cedar that [is] in Lebanon, saying, Give your daughter to my son for a wife; and a beast of the field that [is] in Lebanon passes by, and treads down the thorn.
A izraelski kralj Joaš odvrati judejskom kralju Amasji: “Libanonski je trn jedanput poslao glasnike k libanonskom cedru: 'Daj kćer mome sinu za ženu', ali su divlje zvijeri libanonske prošle i trn izgazile.
10 You have certainly struck Edom, and your heart has lifted you up; be honored, and abide in your house; and why do you stir yourself up in evil, that you have fallen, you and Judah with you?”
Potukao si Edomce, pa ti se srce uzobijestilo i tražiš slavu! Radije ostani kod kuće. Zašto izazivaš zlo i hoćeš da propadneš ti i svi Judejci s tobom?”
11 And Amaziah has not listened, and Jehoash king of Israel goes up, and they look one another in the face, he and Amaziah king of Judah, in Beth-Shemesh, that [is] Judah’s,
Ali Amasja ne posluša. Izađe izraelski kralj Joaš te se ogledaše u boju on i judejski kralj Amasja u Bet Šemešu u Judeji.
12 and Judah is struck before Israel, and they each flee to his tent.
Izraelci poraziše Judejce i oni pobjegoše svaki pod svoj šator.
13 And Jehoash king of Israel caught Amaziah king of Judah, son of Jehoash, son of Ahaziah, in Beth-Shemesh, and they come to Jerusalem, and he bursts through the wall of Jerusalem, at the Gate of Ephraim to the Corner Gate, four hundred cubits,
Izraelski kralj Joaš uhvati u Bet Šemešu judejskoga kralja Amasju, sina Joaševa, sina Ahazjina, i odvede ga u Jeruzalem. Tada sruši jeruzalemski zid od Efrajimovih vrata do Ugaonih vrata, u dužini od četiri stotine lakata.
14 and has taken all the gold and the silver, and all the vessels that are found in the house of YHWH, and in the treasures of the house of the king, and the sons of the pledges, and turns back to Samaria.
Uzevši sve zlato, srebro i posuđe što se nalazilo u Domu Jahvinu i u riznici kraljevskog dvora, povrh toga i taoce, vrati se u Samariju.
15 And the rest of the matters of Jehoash that he did, and his might, and how he fought with Amaziah king of Judah, are they not written on the scroll of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
Ostala povijest Joaševa, sve što je činio i poduzimao i kako je ratovao s Amasjom, judejskim kraljem, zar sve to nije zapisano u knjizi Ljetopisa izraelskih kraljeva?
16 And Jehoash lies with his fathers, and is buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel, and his son Jeroboam reigns in his stead.
Joaš je počinuo sa svojim ocima i pokopan je u Samariji uz kraljeve izraelske. Sin njegov Jeroboam zakralji se mjesto njega.
17 And Amaziah son of Joash, king of Judah, lives after the death of Jehoash son of Jehoahaz, king of Israel, fifteen years,
Amasja, sin Joašev, judejski kralj, živio je još petnaest godina poslije smrti izraelskog kralja Joaša, sina Joahazova.
18 and the rest of the matters of Amaziah, are they not written on the scroll of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
A ostala povijest Amasjina zar nije zapisana u knjizi Ljetopisa kraljeva judejskih?
19 And they make a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem, and he flees to Lachish, and they send after him to Lachish, and put him to death there,
Protiv njega je skovana urota u Jeruzalemu. Iako je on pobjegao u Lakiš, poslaše za njim u Lakiš ljude koji ga ondje ubiše.
20 and lift him up on the horses, and he is buried in Jerusalem with his fathers in the City of David.
Odande su ga prenijeli na konjima i sahranili u Jeruzalemu kraj njegovih otaca, u Davidovu gradu.
21 And all the people of Judah take Azariah, and he [is] a son of sixteen years, and cause him to reign instead of his father Amaziah;
Tada sav judejski narod uze Azahju, komu bijaše šesnaest godina, i zakralji ga namjesto njegova oca Amasje.
22 he has built Elath, and brings it back to Judah, after the lying of the king with his fathers.
On opet sagradi Elat povrativši ga Judeji, pošto je kralj počinuo kod svojih otaca.
23 In the fifteenth year of Amaziah son of Joash, king of Judah, Jeroboam son of Joash, king of Israel, has reigned in Samaria, forty-one years,
Petnaeste godine kraljevanja judejskog kralja Amasje, sina Joaševa, postade izraelskim kraljem u Samariji Jeroboam, sin Joašev. On je kraljevao četrdeset i jednu godinu.
24 and he does evil in the eyes of YHWH; he has not turned aside from all the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to sin.
Činio je što je zlo u očima Jahvinim, nije se ostavio nijednoga grijeha Jeroboama, sina Nebatova, koji je zaveo Izraela.
25 He has brought back the border of Israel, from the entering in of Hamath to the sea of the desert, according to the word of YHWH, God of Israel, that He spoke by the hand of His servant Jonah son of Amittai the prophet, who [is] of Gath-Hepher,
On je dobio natrag izraelsko područje od Ulaza u Hamat do Mrtvoga mora, prema riječi koju je Jahve, Bog Izraelov, rekao preko sluge svoga Jone, sina Amitajeva, proroka iz Gat Hahefera.
26 for YHWH has seen the very bitter affliction of Israel, and there is none restrained, and there is none left, and there is no helper for Israel;
Jer je Jahve vidio ljutu nevolju Izraelovu da više nema ni slobodnih ni robova i nikoga da pomogne Izraelu.
27 and YHWH has not spoken to blot out the name of Israel from under the heavens, and saves them by the hand of Jeroboam son of Joash.
Ali Jahve nije odlučio izbrisati ispod neba ime Izraelovo: spasio ga je rukom Jeroboama, sina Joaševa.
28 And the rest of the matters of Jeroboam, and all that he did, and his might with which he fought, and with which he brought back Damascus, and Hamath of Judah, into Israel, are they not written on the scroll of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
Ostala povijest Jeroboama, sve što je učinio i sve što je poduzimao, kako je ratovao i kako je vratio Damask Judi i Izraelu, zar sve to nije zapisano u knjizi Ljetopisa kraljeva izraelskih?
29 And Jeroboam lies with his fathers, with the kings of Israel, and his son Zechariah reigns in his stead.
Jeroboam je počinuo sa svojim ocima. Pokopali su ga u Samariji uz kraljeve izraelske, a njegov sin Zaharija zakralji se mjesto njega.