< 2 Corinthians 1 >

1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, through the will of God, and Timotheus the brother, to the Assembly of God that is in Corinth, with all the holy ones who are in all Achaia:
Paulus, Kristuse Jeesuse apostel Jumala tahtel, ja vend Timoteos, Korintoses olevale Jumala kogudusele ja kõigile Ahhaias asuvaile Jumala pühadele:
2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Armu ja rahu teile Jumalalt, meie Isalt, ning Issandalt Jeesuselt Kristuselt!
3 Blessed [is] God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and God of all comfort,
Kiidetud olgu Jumal, meie Issanda Jeesuse Kristuse Isa, halastuse Isa, kõige lohutuse Jumal.
4 who is comforting us in all our tribulation, for our being able to comfort those in any tribulation through the comfort with which we are comforted ourselves by God;
Tema lohutab meid igas meie ahistuses, et meie omakorda võiksime lohutada neid, kes on mis tahes ahistuses lohutusega, mida me saame Jumalalt.
5 because, as the sufferings of the Christ abound to us, so through the Christ our comfort also abounds;
Sest nii nagu me oleme osalised rohketes Kristuse kannatustes, nõnda saame me ka rohkesti lohutust Kristuse kaudu.
6 and whether we be in tribulation, [it is] for your comfort and salvation, that is worked in the enduring of the same sufferings that we also suffer; whether we are comforted, [it is] for your comfort and salvation;
Kui nüüd meid ahistatakse, siis sünnib see teie julgustuseks ja päästmiseks. Ja kui meid julgustatakse, siis sünnib see teie julgustuseks nende samade kannatuste talumises, mida meiegi kannatame.
7 and our hope [is] steadfast for you, knowing that even as you are partakers of the sufferings—so also of the comfort.
Ja meie lootus teile on kindel, sest me teame, et nii nagu te olete saanud osa meie kannatustest, saate osa ka meie lohutusest.
8 For we do not wish you to be ignorant, brothers, of our tribulation that happened to us in Asia, that we were exceedingly burdened above [our] power, so that we even despaired of life;
Me ei taha, vennad ja õed, et teile jääks teadmata, millist ahistust me Aasia provintsis kogesime. Meid rõhuti nii rängalt üle meie jõu, nii et me ei lootnud pääseda eluga.
9 but we ourselves have had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we may not be trusting on ourselves, but on God, who is raising the dead,
Tõepoolest, tundsime, et meile on langetatud surmaotsus. Ent see õpetas meid lootma mitte eneste peale, vaid Jumala peale, kes surnud üles äratab.
10 who delivered us out of so great a death, and delivers, in whom we have hoped that even yet He will deliver;
Tema päästis meid sellest surmavast ohust ja päästab uuesti. Tema peale oleme lootnud, et ta päästab ka edaspidi,
11 you also working together for us by your supplication, that the gift through many persons to us, through many, may be thankfully acknowledged for us.
kui ka teie meie eest palvetades appi tulete. Siis paljud tänavad Jumala käest tulnud armuanni eest, mis anti meile paljudele palvetele vastates.
12 For our glorying is this: the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and sincerity of God, not in fleshly wisdom, but in the grace of God, we conducted ourselves in the world, and more abundantly toward you;
Meie kiitlemine on see: meie südametunnistus kinnitab, et me oleme elanud selles maailmas, ja eriti suhetes teiega, jumalikus pühaduses ja siiruses. Seda oleme me teinud mitte ilmalikus tarkuses, vaid Jumala armus.
13 for no other things do we write to you, but what you either read or also acknowledge, and I hope that you will also acknowledge to the end,
Me ei kirjuta teile midagi sellist, mida te ei suudaks lugeda ega mõista. Ma loodan,
14 according as you also acknowledged us in part, that we are your glory, even as also you [are] ours, in the Day of the Lord Jesus;
et kui te seni olete meid mõistnud vaid osaliselt, siis te jõuate ka täieliku mõistmiseni, nõnda et te võite Issanda Jeesuse päeval kiidelda meist, nagu meie kiitleme teist.
15 and in this confidence I was intending to come to you before, that you might have a second favor,
Selle usaldusega ma kavatsesin tulla esiteks teie juurde, et te saaksite teistkordselt armu,
16 and to pass to Macedonia through you, and to come to you again from Macedonia, and to be sent forward by you to Judea.
ja teie kaudu jätkata teed Makedooniasse ja Makedooniast tulla tagasi teie juurde ning lasta teil mind saata teele Juudamaale.
17 This, therefore, intending, did I then use the lightness; or the things that I counsel, [did] I counsel according to the flesh, that it may be with me Yes, yes, and No, no?
Selline oli mu plaan. Kas ma toimisin kergemeelselt? Või teen ma oma plaane meelt muutes, öeldes kõigepealt „jah-jah“, ja siis „ei-ei“?
18 And God [is] faithful, that our word to you did not become Yes and No,
Kuid Jumal on ustav, nii et meie kõne teile ei ole ühtaegu „jah“ja „ei“.
19 for the Son of God, Jesus Christ, having been preached through us among you—through me and Silvanus and Timotheus—did not become Yes and No, but in Him it has become Yes;
Sest Jumala Poeg Jeesus Kristus, keda meie – mina, Siilas ja Timoteos – oleme teie seas kuulutanud, ei olnud ühtaegu „jah“ja „ei“, vaid temas on alati olnud „jah“.
20 for as many as [are] promises of God, in Him [are] the Yes, and in Him the Amen, for glory to God through us;
Sest nii palju kui on Jumala tõotusi, on Jeesuses „jah“neile kõigile. Seepärast ütleme meiegi tema abiga „aamen!“Jumala kiituseks.
21 and He who is confirming you with us into Christ, and anointed us, [is] God,
Jumal on see, kes on kinnitanud meid koos teiega Kristusesse. Tema on meid võidnud
22 who also sealed us, and gave the deposit of the Spirit in our hearts.
ja oma pitseriga märgistanud ning andnud oma Vaimu pandi meie südamesse.
23 And I call on God for a witness on my soul, that sparing you, I did not come to Corinth yet;
Olgu Jumal mulle tunnistajaks minu hinge juures, et teie säästmise pärast jätsin ma Korintosesse tulemata.
24 not that we are lords over your faith, but we are workers together with your joy, for by faith you stand.
Me ei taha valitseda teie usu üle, sest usus te püsite niigi, vaid me töötame koos teiega, et te võiksite olla rõõmsad.

< 2 Corinthians 1 >