< 2 Corinthians 10 >
1 And I, Paul, myself, call on you—through the meekness and gentleness of the Christ—who in presence [am] indeed humble among you, and being absent, have courage toward you,
Ni, Bulus, da kaina nake rokon ku, ta wurin tawali'u da nasihar Almasihu. Ina da saukin kai yayinda nake gaban ku, amma ina da gabagadi a gare ku yayinda ba na tare da ku.
2 and I implore [you], that, being present, I may not have courage, with the confidence with which I reckon to be bold against certain reckoning us as walking according to the flesh;
Ina rokon ku, yayinda nake gabanku, ba ni so in zama mai tsaurin hali. Amma ina ganin zan bukaci zama mai gabagadi sa'adda nake tsayayya da su wadanda ke zaton muna zama bisa ga jiki.
3 for walking in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh,
Kodashike dai muna tafiya bisa jiki, ba ma yin yaki bisa jiki.
4 for the weapons of our warfare [are] not fleshly, but powerful to God for bringing down of strongholds,
Domin makaman da muke yaki da su ba na jiki ba ne. Maimakon haka, makamai ne na Allah da ke da ikon rushe ikokin shaidan. Suna kawar da dukan gardandamin da ke kawo kaucewa.
5 bringing down reasonings, and every high thing lifted up against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of the Christ,
Muna kuma rushe duk wani abinda ke gaba da sanin Allah. Muna kuma kama kowanne tunani zuwa biyayya ga Almasihu.
6 and being in readiness to avenge every disobedience whenever your obedience may be fulfilled.
Muna kuma shirye mu hukunta kowanne irin aiki na rashin biyayya, da zarar biyayyarku ta tabbata.
7 You see the outward appearance. If anyone has trusted in himself to be Christ’s, let him reckon this again from himself, that according as he is Christ’s, so also we [are] Christ’s;
Dubi abin da aka sa a bayyane a gaban ku. In har wani ya tabbata shi na Almasihu ne, bari fa ya tunatar da kansa cewa kamar yadda shi na Almasihu ne, hakanan muma muke.
8 for even if I will also boast anything more abundantly concerning our authority, that the LORD gave us for building up, and not for casting you down, I will not be ashamed,
Ko da zan yi fahariya da ikon da muke dashi, wanda Ubangiji ya ba mu domin mu inganta ku, ba domin mu rushe ku ba, ba zan ji kunya ba.
9 that I may not seem as if I would terrify you through the letters,
Ba na so ya zama kamar ina firgita ku ne da wasikuna.
10 “because the letters indeed,” says one, “[are] weighty and strong, and the bodily presence weak, and the speech despicable.”
Domin wadansu mutane na cewa, “Wasikunsa na da iko da firgitarwa, amma in ka gan shi kumama ne. Kalmominsa ba abin saurare ba ne.”
11 This one—let him reckon thus: that such as we are in word, through letters, being absent, such also, being present, [we are] in deed.
Bari wadannan mutane su sani cewa abinda muke fadi a kalmomin wasikunmu lokacin da ba mu nan, haka za mu yi in muna nan.
12 For we do not make bold to rank or to compare ourselves with certain of those commending themselves, but they, measuring themselves among themselves, and comparing themselves with themselves, are not wise,
Mu dai ba mu hada kanmu da kowa, ko kuma mu kwatanta kanmu da wadanda ke yabon kansu. Amma yayin da suke gwada kansu da junansu, suke kuma kwatanta kansu da junansu, ba su da ganewa.
13 and we will not boast ourselves in regard to the unmeasured things, but after the measure of the line that the God of measure appointed to us—to reach even to you;
Saidai, ba za mu yi fahariya fiye da yadda ya kamata ba. Maimakon haka, za mu yi haka ne gwalgwadon iyakar abinda Allah ya sa muyi, iyakar da takai gareku.
14 for we do not stretch ourselves too much, as not reaching to you, for even to you we came in the good news of the Christ,
Gama bamu yi zarbabi ba sa'adda muka kai gareku. Mune na farko da muka kai gare ku da bisharar Almasihu.
15 not boasting of the things not measured, in other men’s labors, and having hope—your faith increasing—in you to be enlarged, according to our line—into abundance,
Ba mu yi fahariya fiye da kima game da aikin wasu ba. Maimakon haka, muna fatan bangaskiyar ku ta karu domin bangaren aikin mu ya kara fadada kwarai, kuma a daidai iyakarsa.
16 to proclaim good news in the [places] beyond you, not in another’s line in regard to the things made ready, to boast;
Muna fatan haka, domin mu kai bishara zuwa yankunan da ke gaba da naku. Ba za mu yi fahariya akan aikin da aka yi a yankin wani ba.
17 and he who is boasting—let him boast in the LORD;
“Amma bari duk wanda zai yi fahariya, ya yi ta cikin Ubangiji.”
18 for he who is commending himself is not approved, but he whom the LORD commends.
Domin ba wanda ya ke shaidar kansa shine yardajje ba. Maimakon haka, sai dai wanda Ubangiji ke shaidarsa.