< 2 Chronicles 6 >

1 Then Solomon said, “YHWH said [He would] dwell in thick darkness,
Lè sa a, Salomon di konsa: -Seyè, ou di ou pito viv kote ki fè nwa.
2 and I have built a house of habitation for You, and a fixed place for Your dwelling for all ages.”
Koulye a, mwen bati yon tanp pou ou ka rete, yon kay kote ou pral viv pou tout tan.
3 And the king turns around his face, and blesses the whole assembly of Israel, and the whole assembly of Israel is standing,
Lèfini, wa a vire, li bay pèp Izrayèl la fas. Tout pèp la te kanpe. Li mande benediksyon Bondye pou pèp la,
4 and he says, “Blessed [is] YHWH, God of Israel, who has spoken with His mouth with my father David, and with His hands has fulfilled [it], saying,
li di: -Lwanj pou Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la! Avèk fòs kouraj li, li kenbe pwomès li te fè David, papa m' lan, lè li te di l' konsa:
5 From the day that I brought out My people from the land of Egypt, I have not fixed on a city out of any of the tribes of Israel to build a house for my name being there, and I have not fixed on a man to be leader over My people Israel;
Depi jou mwen te fè pèp mwen an soti kite peyi Lejip, mwen pa janm chwazi yon lavil nan tout peyi pèp Izrayèl la pou yo bati yon tanp ladan l' pou mwen rete, ni mwen pa t' chwazi pesonn pou gouvènen pèp mwen an, pèp Izrayèl la.
6 and I fix on Jerusalem for My Name being there, and I fix on David to be over My people Israel.
Men koulye a, mwen chwazi lavil Jerizalèm pou se la yo fè sèvis pou mwen, lèfini mwen chwazi David pou li gouvènen pèp mwen an.
7 And it is with the heart of my father David to build a house for the Name of YHWH God of Israel,
David, papa m', te fè lide bati yon tanp pou Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la,
8 and YHWH says to my father David, Because that it has been with your heart to build a house for My Name, you have done well that it has been with your heart,
Men, Seyè a te di l': Ou byen fèt gen lide bati yon kay pou mwen.
9 but you do not build the house, for your son who comes forth out from your loins, he builds the house for My Name.
Men, se pa ou ki va bati l'. Se pwòp pitit gason w'ap fè a ki va bati tanp lan pou mwen.
10 And YHWH establishes His word that He spoke, and I rise up in the stead of my father David, and sit on the throne of Israel, as YHWH spoke, and I build the house for the Name of YHWH, God of Israel,
Koulye a, Seyè a kenbe pwomès li. Jan li te di l' la, se mwen menm ki nan plas David, papa m'. Mwen chita sou fotèy wa Izrayèl la. Mwen bati yon tanp pou Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la.
11 and I place the Ark there, where the covenant of YHWH [is] that He made with the sons of Israel.”
Lèfini, mwen fè yon plas ladan l' pou Bwat Kontra Seyè a, kontra li te pase ak moun pèp Izrayèl yo.
12 And he stands before the altar of YHWH, in front of all the assembly of Israel, and spreads out his hand—
Apre sa, Salomon al kanpe devan lotèl Seyè a, devan tout pèp Izrayèl la, li leve de men l' anlè pou l' lapriyè.
13 for Solomon has made a scaffold of bronze, and puts it in the midst of the court, five cubits its length, and five cubits its breadth, and three cubits its height, and he stands on it, and kneels on his knees in front of all the assembly of Israel, and spreads forth his hands toward the heavens—
Salomon te fè fè yon platfòm an kwiv. Li fè yo mete l' nan mitan lakou a. Platfòm lan te kare kare, wit pye longè, wit pye lajè ak senk pye wotè. Li moute sou li, li mete ajenou devan tout pèp Izrayèl la. Li leve de men l' anlè,
14 and says, “O YHWH God of Israel, there is not like You a god in the heavens and in the earth, keeping the covenant and the kindness for Your servants who are walking before You with all their heart;
epi li di: -Seyè, ou menm ki Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, pa gen Bondye tankou ou ni nan syèl ni sou latè. Ou kenbe kontra ou te siyen ak pèp ou a. Ou moutre jan ou renmen moun k'ap sèvi ou ak tout kè yo.
15 who has kept for Your servant, my father David, that which You spoke to him; indeed, You speak with Your mouth, and with Your hand have fulfilled [it], as at this day.
Ou te kenbe pwomès ou te fè David, papa m', sèvitè ou la. Tou sa ou te di w'ap fè, ou fè l' rive vre jòdi a ak fòs ponyèt ou.
16 And now, O YHWH, God of Israel, keep for Your servant, my father David, that which You spoke to him, saying, A man of yours is never cut off from before My face, sitting on the throne of Israel—only, if your sons watch their way to walk in My law, as you have walked before Me.
Se poutèt sa, Seyè, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, m'ap mande ou pou ou kenbe lòt pwomès ou te fè David, papa m', sèvitè ou la, lè ou te di l' va toujou gen yonn nan pitit li yo pou gouvènen pèp Izrayèl la, depi yo veye jan y'ap mache pou yo mennen bak yo devan ou jan li menm li te fè l' la.
17 And now, O YHWH, God of Israel, let Your word be steadfast that You have spoken to Your servant, to David.
Se konsa, Seyè, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, fè tout bagay rive jan ou te fè pwomès la bay David, sèvitè ou la.
18 For is it true [that] God dwells with man on the earth? Behold, the heavens, and the heavens of the heavens, do not contain You, how much less this house that I have built?
Men, Bondye, èske ou ka rete tout bon sou latè ak moun? Ata syèl la pa laj ase pou l' kenbe ou! Ale wè pou ti kay mwen bati pou ou la a!
19 And You have turned to the prayer of Your servant, and to his supplication, O YHWH my God, to listen to the cry and to the prayer that Your servant is praying before You,
Seyè, Bondye m', tanpri, se sèvitè ou mwen ye! Tanpri, tande jan m'ap lapriyè nan pye ou. Koute jan m'ap rele nan zòrèy ou jòdi a. Tande jan m'ap rele, jan m'ap lapriyè nan pye ou.
20 for Your eyes being open toward this house by day and by night, toward the place that You have said to put Your Name there, to listen to the prayer that Your servant prays toward this place.
Lajounen kou lannwit, voye je ou sou tanp lan, tanp kote ou te di w'ap toujou la a. Koute lapriyè mwen menm, sèvitè ou la, m'ap fè nan pye ou.
21 And You have listened to the supplications of Your servant, and of Your people Israel, that they pray toward this place, and You hear from the place of Your dwelling, from the heavens, and have listened, and forgiven.
Wi, koute lapriyè m'ap fè ak lapriyè pèp Izrayèl ou a ap fè nan pye ou isit la. Nan syèl kote ou rete a, koute lapriyè nou, padonnen nou.
22 If a man sins against his neighbor, and he has lifted up an oath on him to cause him to swear, and the oath has come in before Your altar in this house—
Lè y'a pote plent pou yon moun ki fè frè l' yon bagay mal, si yo mande l' pou l' fè sèman se pa vre, epi li vin fè sèman an devan lotèl ou a, nan tanp sa a,
23 then You hear from the heavens, and have done, and have judged Your servants, to give back to the wicked, to put his way on his head, and to declare righteous the righteous, to give to him according to his righteousness.
ou menm, Seyè ki nan syèl la, w'a tande, w'a fè sa ki gen pou fèt la. W'a jije sèvitè ou yo. W'a pini moun ki koupab la, w'a fè chatiman li merite a tonbe sou tèt li. W'a fè rekonèt lè yon moun inonsan pou yo ka rann li jistis.
24 And if Your people Israel is struck before an enemy because they sin against You, and they have turned back and confessed Your Name, and prayed and made supplication before You in this house—
Lè lènmi va bat pèp Izrayèl la paske pèp la te peche kont ou, si yo tounen vin jwenn ou, si yo fè lwanj pou ou, si yo vin lapriyè nan pye ou isit la nan kay sa a,
25 then You hear from the heavens and have forgiven the sin of Your people Israel, and caused them to return to the ground that You have given to them, and to their fathers.
tanpri, kote ou ye nan syèl la, koute yo. Padonnen peche pèp Izrayèl ou a, fè yo tounen nan peyi ou te ba yo ansanm ak zansèt yo a.
26 In the heavens being restrained and there is no rain because they sin against You, and they have prayed toward this place and confessed Your Name, [and] they turn back from their sin because You afflict them—
Lè va gen chechrès nan peyi a san yon ti degout lapli, paske pèp la te peche kont ou, si yo règrèt sa yo te fè a paske ou te pini yo, si yo vin lapriyè isit la, si yo fè lwanj ou,
27 then You hear in the heavens, and have forgiven the sin of Your servants, and of Your people Israel, because You direct them to the good way in which they walk, and have given rain on Your land that You have given to Your people for an inheritance.
tanpri, kote ou ye nan syèl la, koute yo. Padonnen peche sèvitè ou yo ak peche moun pèp Izrayèl ou yo. Moutre yo bon chemen pou yo pran an. Apre sa, Seyè, w'a voye lapli sou peyi ou te bay pèp ou a pou l' rele l' pa l' la.
28 Famine, when it is in the land, [and] pestilence, when it is [in the land], blasting and mildew, locust and caterpillar, when they are [in the land], when its enemies have distressed it in the land—its gates, any plague and any sickness;
Lè va gen grangou nan peyi a, osinon lè move maladi lapès va tonbe sou li, lè plant yo va cheche nan van cho, lè krikèt ak chwal bondye va ravaje jaden yo, lè lènmi va sènen lavil nou yo pou atake pèp la, lè nenpòt maladi osinon nenpòt malè va tonbe sou pèp la,
29 any prayer, any supplication that is for any man, and for all Your people Israel, when they each know his own plague, and his own pain, and he has spread out his hands toward this house—
koute lapriyè y'ap fè nan pye ou. Lè nenpòt moun osinon tout pèp la va lapriyè nan pye ou, lè y'a règrèt sa yo fè a, lè y'a leve men yo nan direksyon tanp lan pou yo lapriyè ou,
30 then You hear from the heavens, the settled place of Your dwelling, and have forgiven, and have given to each according to all his ways (because You know his heart, for You alone have known the heart of the sons of men),
tanpri, kote ou ye nan syèl kote ou rete a, koute lapriyè yo, padonnen yo. Bay chak moun sa yo merite, paske ou konnen sa ki nan kè yo. Se ou menm ki konnen sa ki nan fon kè moun.
31 so that they fear You, to walk in Your ways, all the days that they are living on the face of the ground that You have given to our fathers.
Wi, w'a bay chak moun sa yo merite, konsa pèp ou a va gen krentif pou ou, y'a mache nan chemen ou mete devan yo, pandan tout tan y'ap viv sou tè ou te bay zansèt nou yo.
32 And also, to the stranger who is not of Your people Israel, and he has come from a far-off land for the sake of Your great Name, and Your strong hand, and Your outstretched arm, and they have come in and prayed toward this house—
Menm lè yon moun lòt nasyon ki pa fè pati pèp ou a soti byen lwen vini poutèt ou, paske li tande jan n'ap nonmen non ou, li tande pale tout bèl bagay w'ap fè avèk fòs kouraj ou, si li vin lapriyè nan tanp sa a,
33 then You hear from the heavens, from the settled place of Your dwelling, and have done according to all that the stranger calls to You for, so that all the peoples of the earth know Your Name, so as to fear You, as Your people Israel, and to know that Your Name is called on this house that I have built.
tanpri, nan syèl kote ou rete a, koute lapriyè li. W'a fè pou li tou sa li mande ou. Konsa, tout pèp sou latè va konnen ou. Y'a gen krentif pou ou tankou pèp Izrayèl ou a gen krentif pou ou. Y'a konnen tanp mwen bati pou ou a, se la pou yo vin adore ou.
34 When Your people go out to battle against its enemies in the way that You send them, and they have prayed to You [in] the way of this city that You have fixed on, and the house that I have built for Your Name—
Lè pèp ou a va soti al goumen kont lènmi l' yo, nenpòt ki bò w'a voye yo, lè y'a vire tèt yo nan direksyon lavil ou chwazi a ak nan direksyon Tanp mwen bati pou ou a pou yo lapriyè nan pye ou,
35 then You have heard their prayer and their supplication from the heavens, and have maintained their cause.
tanpri, nan syèl kote ou rete a, koute lapriyè yo. Koute lapriyè y'ap fè nan pye ou, defann kòz yo.
36 When they sin against You—for there is not a man who does not sin—and You have been angry with them, and have given them before an enemy, and their captors have taken them captive to a land far off or near;
Lè pèp ou a va peche kont ou, paske pa gen moun ki pa fè peche, lè w'a move sou yo, lè w'a lage yo nan men lènmi yo ki va fè yo prizonye, ki va depòte yo nan lòt peyi, li te mèt toupre, li te mèt byen lwen,
37 and they have turned [it] back to their heart in the land to where they have been taken captive, and have turned back and made supplication to You in the land of their captivity, saying, We have sinned, we have done perversely, and have done wickedly;
antan yo la nan peyi kote lènmi yo te depòte yo a, si yo règrèt sa yo te fè, si yo lapriyè nan pye ou, si yo rekonèt yo te fè sa ki mal, si yo rekonèt yo te peche, si yo rekonèt yo antò,
38 indeed, they have turned back to You with all their heart, and with all their soul, in the land of their captivity, to where they have taken them captive, and they have prayed [in] the way of their land that You have given to their fathers, and of the city that You have chosen, and of the house that I have built for Your Name—
si yo tounen vin jwenn ou ak tout kè yo ak tout nanm yo, antan yo nan peyi kote lènmi te depòte yo a, si yo vire tèt yo nan direksyon peyi ou te bay zansèt yo a, nan direksyon lavil ou te chwazi a, nan direksyon Tanp mwen bati pou ou a, pou yo lapriyè ou,
39 then You have heard from the heavens, from the settled place of Your dwelling, their prayer and their supplications, and have maintained their cause, and forgiven Your people who have sinned against You.
tanpri, koute lapriyè y'ap fè nan pye ou, kote ou ye nan syèl kote ou rete a. Koute lapriyè yo, defann kòz yo. Padonnen pèp ou a tout peche yo te fè kont ou yo.
40 Now my God, I implore You, let Your eyes be open and Your ears attentive to the prayer of this place.
Koulye a, Bondye mwen, louvri je ou, koute lapriyè n'ap fè nan pye ou isit la.
41 And now, rise, O YHWH God, to Your rest, You and the Ark of Your strength; Your priests, O YHWH God, are clothed with salvation, and Your saints rejoice in the goodness.
Koulye a, leve non, Seyè, Bondye! Vin kote pou ou pran repo a! Vini non ansanm ak Bwat Kontra ou la ki fè wè jan ou gen pouvwa. Se pou prèt yo fè konnen jan ou bay pèp ou a delivrans! Se pou tout pèp ou a rele tèlman yo kontan!
42 O YHWH God, do not turn back the face of Your anointed, be mindful of the kind acts of Your servant David.”
Poutèt pwomès ou te fè David, sèvitè ou la, tanpri, Seyè, pa vire do bay moun ou te chwazi a!

< 2 Chronicles 6 >