< 2 Chronicles 13 >

1 In the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam, Abijah reigns over Judah;
I Kong Jerobeams attende Regeringsår blev Abija Konge over Juda.
2 he has reigned three years in Jerusalem (and the name of his mother [is] Michaiah daughter of Uriel, from Gibeah), and there has been war between Abijah and Jeroboam.
Tre År herskede han i Jerusalem. Hans Moder hed Mikaja og var Datter af Uriel fra Gibea. Abija og Jeroboam lå i Krig med hinanden.
3 And Abijah directs the war with a force of mighty men of war, four hundred thousand chosen men, and Jeroboam has set in array [for] battle with him, with eight hundred thousand chosen men, mighty men of valor.
Abija åbnede Krigen med en krigsdygtig Hær, 400.000 udsøgte Mænd, og Jeroboam mødte ham med 800.000 udsøgte Mænd, dygtige Krigere,
4 And Abijah rises up on the hill of Zemaraim that [is] in the hill-country of Ephraim, and says, “Hear me, Jeroboam and all Israel!
Da stillede Abija sig på Bjerget Zemarajim, der hører til Efraims Bjerge, og sagde: "Hør mig, Jeroboam og hele Israel!
5 Is it not for you to know that YHWH, God of Israel, has given the kingdom over Israel to David for all time, to him and to his sons—a covenant of salt?
Burde I ikke vide, at HERREN, Israels Gud, har givet David og hans Efterkommere Kongemagten over Israel til evig Tid ved en Saltpagt?
6 And Jeroboam, son of Nebat, servant of Solomon son of David, rises up and rebels against his lord!
Men Jeroboam, Nebats Søn, Davids Søn Salomos Træl, rejste sig og gjorde Oprør mod sin Herre,
7 And vain men are gathered to him, sons of worthlessness, and they strengthen themselves against Rehoboam son of Solomon, and Rehoboam was a youth, and tender of heart, and has not strengthened himself against them.
og dårlige Folk, Niddinger, samlede sig om ham og bød Rehabeam, Salomos Søn, Trods; og Rebabeam var ung og veg og kunde ikke hævde sig over for dem.
8 And now you are saying to strengthen yourselves before the kingdom of YHWH in the hand of the sons of David, and you [are] a numerous multitude, and calves of gold [are] with you that Jeroboam has made for you for gods.
Og nu mener I at kunne hævde eder over for HERRENs Kongedømme i Davids Efterkommeres Hånd, fordi I er en stor Hob og på eders Side har de Guldkalve, Jeroboam lod lave eder til Guder!
9 Have you not cast out the priests of YHWH, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, and make priests for yourselves like the peoples of the lands? Everyone who has come to fill his hand with a bullock, a son of the herd, and seven rams, even he has been a priest for [those which are] not gods!
Har I ikke drevet HERRENs Præster, Arons Sønner, og Leviterne bort og skaffet eder Præster på samme Måde som Hedningefolkene? Enhver, der kommer med en ung Tyr og syv Vædre for at indsættes, bliver Præst for Guder, der ikke er Guder!
10 As for us, YHWH [is] our God, and we have not forsaken Him, and priests are ministering to YHWH, sons of Aaron and the Levites, in the work,
Men vor Gud er HERREN, og vi har ikke forladt ham; de Præster, der tjener HERREN, er Arons Sønner og Leviterne udfører den øvrige Tjeneste;
11 and are making incense to YHWH, burnt-offerings morning by morning, and evening by evening, and incense of spices, and the arrangement of bread [is] on the pure table, and the lampstand of gold, and its lamps, to burn evening by evening, for we are keeping the charge of our God YHWH, and you have forsaken Him.
de antænder hver Morgen og Aften Brændofre til HERREN og vellugtende Røgelse, lægger Skuebrødene til Rette på Guldbordet og tænder Guldlysestagen og dens Lamper Aften efter Aften, thi vi holder HERREN vor Guds Forskrifter, men l har forladt ham!
12 And behold, with us—at [our] head—[is] God, and His priests and trumpets of shouting to shout against you; O sons of Israel, do not fight with YHWH, God of your fathers, for you do not prosper.”
Se, med os, i Spidsen for os er Gud og hans Præster og Alarmtrompeterne, med hvilke der skal blæses til Kamp imod eder! Israeliter, indlad eder ikke i Kamp med HERREN, eders Fædres Gud, thi I får ikke Lykken med eder!"
13 And Jeroboam has brought around the ambush to come in from behind them, and they are before Judah, and the ambush [is] behind them.
Jeroboam lod imidlertid Bagholdet gøre en omgående Bevægelse for at komme i Ryggen på dem, og således havde Judæerne Hæren foran sig og Bagholdet i Ryggen.
14 And Judah turns, and behold, the battle [is] against them, before and behind, and they cry to YHWH, and the priests are blowing with trumpets,
Da Judæerne vendte sig om og så, at Angreb truede dem både forfra og bagfra, råbte de til HERREN, medens Præsterne blæste i Trompeterne.
15 and the men of Judah shout; and it comes to pass, at the shouting of the men of Judah, that God has struck Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.
Så udstødte Judæerne Krigsskriget, og da Judæerne udstødte Krigsskriget, slog Gud Jeroboam og hele Israel foran Abija og Juda.
16 And the sons of Israel flee from the face of Judah, and God gives them into their hand,
Israeliterne flygtede for Judæerne, og Gud gav dem i deres Hånd;
17 and Abijah and his people strike among them a great striking, and five hundred thousand chosen men of Israel fall wounded.
og Abija og hans Folk tilføjede dem et stort Nederlag, så der af Israeliterne faldt 500.000 udsøgte Krigere.
18 And the sons of Israel are humbled at that time, and the sons of Judah are strong, for they have leaned on YHWH, God of their fathers.
Således ydmygedes Israeliterne den Gang, men Judæerne styrkedes, fordi de støttede sig til HERREN, deres Fædres Gud.
19 And Abijah pursues after Jeroboam and captures cities from him: Beth-El and its small towns, and Jeshanah and its small towns, and Ephraim and its small towns.
Og Abija forfulgte Jeroboam og fratog ham flere Byer, Betel med Småbyer, Jesjana med Småbyer og Efrajin med Småbyer.
20 And Jeroboam has not retained power anymore in the days of Abijah, and YHWH strikes him, and he dies.
Jeroboam kom ikke til Kræfter mere, så længe Abija levede; og HERREN slog ham, så han døde.
21 And Abijah strengthens himself, and takes fourteen wives for himself, and begets twenty-two sons and sixteen daughters;
Men Abijas Magt voksede. Han ægtede fjorten Hustruer og avlede to og tyve Sønner og seksten Døtre.
22 and the rest of the matters of Abijah, and his ways, and his words, are written in the commentary of the prophet Iddo.
Hvad der ellers er at fortælle om Abija, hans Færd og Ord, står jo optegnet i Profeten Iddos Udlægning".

< 2 Chronicles 13 >