< 1 Timothy 5 >

1 You may not rebuke an elder, but exhort [him] as a father, younger persons as brothers,
tvaṁ prācīnaṁ na bhartsaya kintu taṁ pitaramiva yūnaśca bhrātṛniva
2 aged women as mothers, younger ones as sisters—in all purity;
vṛddhāḥ striyaśca mātṛniva yuvatīśca pūrṇaśucitvena bhaginīriva vinayasva|
3 honor widows who are really widows;
aparaṁ satyavidhavāḥ sammanyasva|
4 and if any widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show piety to their own house, and to give back a repayment to the parents, for this is right and acceptable before God.
kasyāścid vidhavāyā yadi putrāḥ pautrā vā vidyante tarhi te prathamataḥ svīyaparijanān sevituṁ pitroḥ pratyupakarttuñca śikṣantāṁ yatastadeveśvarasya sākṣād uttamaṁ grāhyañca karmma|
5 And she who is really a widow and desolate, has hoped on God, and remains in the supplications and in the prayers night and day,
aparaṁ yā nārī satyavidhavā nāthahīnā cāsti sā īśvarasyāśraye tiṣṭhantī divāniśaṁ nivedanaprārthanābhyāṁ kālaṁ yāpayati|
6 but she given to luxury [while] living has died;
kintu yā vidhavā sukhabhogāsaktā sā jīvatyapi mṛtā bhavati|
7 and charge these things, that they may be blameless;
ataeva tā yad aninditā bhaveyūstadartham etāni tvayā nidiśyantāṁ|
8 and if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of the household, he has denied the faith, and he is worse than an unbeliever.
yadi kaścit svajātīyān lokān viśeṣataḥ svīyaparijanān na pālayati tarhi sa viśvāsād bhraṣṭo 'pyadhamaśca bhavati|
9 A widow—do not let her be enrolled under sixty years of age, having been a wife of one husband,
vidhavāvarge yasyā gaṇanā bhavati tayā ṣaṣṭivatsarebhyo nyūnavayaskayā na bhavitavyaṁ; aparaṁ pūrvvam ekasvāmikā bhūtvā
10 being testified to in good works: if she brought up children, if she entertained strangers, if she washed holy ones’ feet, if she relieved those in tribulation, if she followed after every good work;
sā yat śiśupoṣaṇenātithisevanena pavitralokānāṁ caraṇaprakṣālanena kliṣṭānām upakāreṇa sarvvavidhasatkarmmācaraṇena ca satkarmmakaraṇāt sukhyātiprāptā bhavet tadapyāvaśyakaṁ|
11 and be refusing younger widows, for when they may revel against the Christ, they wish to marry,
kintu yuvatī rvidhavā na gṛhāṇa yataḥ khrīṣṭasya vaiparītyena tāsāṁ darpe jāte tā vivāham icchanti|
12 having judgment, because they cast away the first faith,
tasmācca pūrvvadharmmaṁ parityajya daṇḍanīyā bhavanti|
13 and also at the same time, they learn [to be] idle, going around the houses; and not only idle, but also tattlers and busybodies, speaking things they should not;
anantaraṁ tā gṛhād gṛhaṁ paryyaṭantya ālasyaṁ śikṣante kevalamālasyaṁ nahi kintvanarthakālāpaṁ parādhikāracarccāñcāpi śikṣamāṇā anucitāni vākyāni bhāṣante|
14 I intend, therefore, younger ones to marry, to bear children, to be mistress of the house, to give no occasion to the opposer of reviling;
ato mameccheyaṁ yuvatyo vidhavā vivāhaṁ kurvvatām apatyavatyo bhavantu gṛhakarmma kurvvatāñcetthaṁ vipakṣāya kimapi nindādvāraṁ na dadatu|
15 for some already turned aside after Satan.
yata itaḥ pūrvvam api kāścit śayatānasya paścādgāminyo jātāḥ|
16 If any believing man or believing woman has widows, let them relieve them, and do not let the assembly be burdened, that it may relieve those [who are] really widows.
aparaṁ viśvāsinyā viśvāsino vā kasyāpi parivārāṇāṁ madhye yadi vidhavā vidyante tarhi sa tāḥ pratipālayatu tasmāt samitau bhāre 'nāropite satyavidhavānāṁ pratipālanaṁ karttuṁ tayā śakyate|
17 Let them, the well-leading elders, be counted worthy of double honor, especially those laboring in word and teaching,
ye prāñcaḥ samitiṁ samyag adhitiṣṭhanti viśeṣata īśvaravākyenopadeśena ca ye yatnaṁ vidadhate te dviguṇasyādarasya yogyā mānyantāṁ|
18 for the Writing says, “You will not muzzle an ox treading out,” and, “Worthy [is] the workman of his reward.”
yasmāt śāstre likhitamidamāste, tvaṁ śasyamarddakavṛṣasyāsyaṁ mā badhāneti, aparamapi kāryyakṛd vetanasya yogyo bhavatīti|
19 Do not receive an accusation against an elder, except on two or three witnesses.
dvau trīn vā sākṣiṇo vinā kasyācit prācīnasya viruddham abhiyogastvayā na gṛhyatāṁ|
20 Reprove those sinning before all, that the others may also have fear;
aparaṁ ye pāpamācaranti tān sarvveṣāṁ samakṣaṁ bhartsayasva tenāpareṣāmapi bhīti rjaniṣyate|
21 I fully testify, before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the chosen messengers, that you may keep these things, without prejudging, doing nothing by partiality.
aham īśvarasya prabho ryīśukhrīṣṭasya manonītadivyadūtānāñca gocare tvām idam ājñāpayāmi tvaṁ kasyāpyanurodhena kimapi na kurvvana vināpakṣapātam etāna vidhīn pālaya|
22 Be quickly laying hands on no one, nor be having fellowship with [the] sins of others; be keeping yourself pure;
kasyāpi mūrddhi hastāparṇaṁ tvarayā mākārṣīḥ| parapāpānāñcāṁśī mā bhava| svaṁ śuciṁ rakṣa|
23 no longer be drinking water, but be using a little wine, because of your stomach and of your frequent sicknesses;
aparaṁ tavodarapīḍāyāḥ punaḥ puna durbbalatāyāśca nimittaṁ kevalaṁ toyaṁ na pivan kiñcin madyaṁ piva|
24 the sins of certain men are evident beforehand, leading before to judgment, but some also they follow after;
keṣāñcit mānavānāṁ pāpāni vicārāt pūrvvaṁ keṣāñcit paścāt prakāśante|
25 in like manner the right works are also evident beforehand, and those that are otherwise are not able to be hid.
tathaiva satkarmmāṇyapi prakāśante tadanyathā sati pracchannāni sthātuṁ na śaknuvanti|

< 1 Timothy 5 >