< 1 Thessalonians 4 >

1 As to the rest, then, brothers, we request, and call on you in the Lord Jesus, as you received from us how it is necessary for you to walk and to please God, that you may abound the more,
Saa bede vi eder i øvrigt, Brødre! og formane eder i den Herre Jesus, at som I jo have lært af os, hvorledes I bør vandre og behage Gud, saaledes som I jo ogsaa gøre, at I saaledes maa gøre end yderligere Fremgang.
2 for you have known what commands we gave you through the Lord Jesus;
I vide jo, hvilke Bud vi gave eder ved den Herre Jesus.
3 for this is the will of God—your sanctification: that you abstain from the whoredom,
Thi dette er Guds Villie, eders Helliggørelse, at I afholde eder fra Utugt;
4 that each of you know to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor,
at hver af eder veed at vinde sig sin egen Hustru i Hellighed og Ære,
5 not in the affection of desire, as also the nations that were not knowing God,
ikke i Begærings Brynde som Hedningerne, der ikke kende Gud;
6 that no one goes beyond and defrauds his brother in the matter, because the LORD [is] an avenger of all these, as we also spoke to you before and testified,
at ingen foruretter og bedrager sin Broder i nogen Sag; thi Herren er en Hævner over alt dette, som vi ogsaa før have sagt og vidnet for eder.
7 for God did not call us to uncleanness, but in sanctification.
Thi Gud kaldte os ikke til Urenhed, men til Helliggørelse.
8 He, therefore, who is despising, does not despise man, but God, who also gave His Holy Spirit to us.
Derfor altsaa, den, som foragter dette, han foragter ikke et Menneske, men Gud, som ogsaa giver sin Helligaand til eder.
9 And concerning the brotherly love, you have no need of [my] writing to you, for you yourselves are God-taught to love one another,
Men om Broderkærligheden have I ikke nødig, at jeg skal skrive eder til; thi I ere selv oplærte af Gud til at elske hverandre;
10 for you do it also to all the brothers who [are] in all Macedonia; and we call on you, brothers, to abound still more,
det gøre I jo ogsaa imod alle Brødrene i hele Makedonien; men vi formane eder, Brødre! til yderligere Fremgang
11 and to study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you,
og til at sætte en Ære i at leve stille og varetage hver sit og arbejde med eders Hænder, saaledes som vi bøde eder,
12 that you may walk properly to those outside, and may have lack of nothing.
for at I kunne vandre sømmeligt over for dem, som ere udenfor, og for ikke at trænge til nogen.
13 And I do not wish you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who have fallen asleep, that you may not sorrow, as also the rest who have no hope,
Men vi ville ikke, Brødre! at I skulle være uvidende med Hensyn til dem, som sove hen, for at I ikke skulle sørge som de andre, der ikke have Haab.
14 for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so also God will bring with Him those asleep through Jesus,
Thi naar vi tro, at Jesus er død og opstanden, da skal ogsaa Gud ligesaa ved Jesus føre de hensovede frem med ham.
15 for we say this to you in the word of the LORD, that we who are living—who remain over to the coming of the LORD—may not precede those asleep,
Thi dette sige vi eder med Herrens Ord, at vi levende, som blive tilbage til Herrens Tilkommelse, vi skulle ingenlunde komme forud for de hensovede.
16 because the LORD Himself, with a shout, with the voice of a chief-messenger, and with the trumpet of God, will come down from Heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first;
Thi Herren selv skal stige ned fra Himmelen med et Tilraab, med Overengels Røst og med Guds Basun, og de døde i Kristus skulle opstaa først;
17 then we who are living, who are remaining over, will be snatched up together with them in [the] clouds to meet the LORD in [the] air, and so we will always be with the LORD;
derefter skulle vi levende, som blive tilbage, bortrykkes tillige med dem i Skyer til at møde Herren i Luften; og saa skulle vi altid være sammen med Herren.
18 so, then, comfort one another with these words.
Saa trøster hverandre med disse Ord!

< 1 Thessalonians 4 >