< 1 Samuel 21 >

1 And David comes to Nob, to Ahimelech the priest, and Ahimelech trembles at meeting David and says to him, “Why [are] you alone, and no man [is] with you?”
David ale lakay Akimelèk, prèt la, nan lavil Nòb. Akimelèk soti vin kontre l', li te tou ap tranble. Li di l' konsa: -Poukisa ou vin pou kont ou, san moun avè ou?
2 And David says to Ahimelech the priest, “The king has commanded me [on] a matter, and he says to me, Let no man know anything of the matter about which I send you, and which I have commanded you; and [my] young men know [to go] to such and such a place.
David reponn li: -Wa a voye m' regle yon bagay pou li. Li di m' pa kite pesonn konnen sa li voye m' fè a. Pou moun ki avè m' yo, mwen ba yo randevou yon kote.
3 And now, what is there under your hand? Give five loaves into my hand, or that which is found.”
Bon, koulye a, kisa ou gen la a pou moun manje? Ban m' senk pen ou nenpòt lòt sa ou genyen.
4 And the priest answers David and says, “There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread; if only the youths have been kept from women.”
Prèt la di l': -Mwen pa gen pen òdinè la a non. Sèl sa mwen genyen se pen yo mete apa pou Bondye. Mwen ka ba ou li, si ou konnen mesye ou yo pa nan anyen ak fanm depi kèk jou.
5 And David answers the priest and says to him, “Surely, if women have been restrained from us as before in my going out, then the vessels of the young men are holy, and it [is] a common way; and also, surely it is sanctified today in the vessel.”
David reponn li: -Se toujou konsa, lè nou nan misyon, nou pa nan anyen ak fanm menm. Sou pwen sa a, depi m'ap soti ak mesye m' yo, li te mèt pou yon misyon òdinè, mesye m' yo fèt pou toujou nan kondisyon pou yo fè sèvis Bondye, ale wè fwa sa a se pou yon misyon espesyal.
6 And the priest gives the holy thing to him, for there was no bread there except the Bread of the Presentation, which is turned aside from the presence of YHWH to put hot bread [there] in the day of its being taken away.
Se konsa prèt la pran nan pen yo te mete apa pou Bondye yo, li ba li paske sèl sa li te genyen se pen yo te ofri bay Bondye chak jou a. Yo te fèk wete yo sou tab la devan Seyè a pou yo te mete lòt pen fre.
7 And there [is] a man of the servants of Saul detained before YHWH on that day, and his name [is] Doeg the Edomite, chief of the shepherds whom Saul has.
Men jou sa a, Doèg, yon moun peyi Edon, yonn nan domestik Sayil yo, te la tou, paske li te gen yon bèt pou l' te ofri pou Seyè a. Se li ki te chèf tout gadò mouton Sayil yo.
8 And David says to Ahimelech, “And is there not spear or sword here under your hand? For I have taken neither my sword nor my vessels in my hand, for the matter of the king was urgent.”
David di Akimelèk ankò: -Eske ou gen yon frenn osinon yon nepe la a ou ka ban mwen? Paske, wa a te ban m' lòd pou m' te pati prese prese, mwen pa t' gen tan pran ni nepe mwen, ni ankenn lòt zam.
9 And the priest says, “The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you struck in the Valley of Elah, behold, it is wrapped in a garment behind the ephod, if you take it to yourself, take; for there is none other except it in this [place].” And David says, “There is none like it—give it to me.”
Akimelèk di li: -Mwen gen nepe Golyat, sòlda Filisti ou te touye nan Fon Bwadchenn lan. Men li la dèyè Bwat kontra a, li vlope nan yon moso twal. Si ou vle l', ou mèt pran l'. Se sèl zam ki gen isit la. David di li: -Ban mwen li non! Pa gen pi bon pase l'.
10 And David rises and flees on that day from the face of Saul, and comes to Achish king of Gath;
Lèfini, David pati, li sove pou Sayil, l' ale lakay Akich, wa lavil Gat la.
11 and the servants of Achish say to him, “Is this not David, the king of the land? Is it not of this one [that] they sing in dances, saying, Saul struck among his thousands, and David among his myriads?”
Moun wa Akich yo di wa a konsa: -Se pa David sa, wa peyi a? Se pou li medam yo te fè chante yo t'ap chante lè yo t'ap danse a, chante ki di: Sayil desann mil! David desann dimil!
12 And David lays these words in his heart, and is exceedingly afraid of the face of Achish king of Gath,
Pawòl sa yo te aji anpil sou David. Li vin pè Akich, wa lavil Gat la.
13 and changes his behavior before their eyes, and feigns himself mad in their hand, and scribbles on the doors of the gate, and lets down his spittle to his beard.
Li pran pòz moun fou li devan yo tout. Li aji tankou yon moun fou lè yo mete men sou li. Li pran fè grabji ak dwèt li sou pòt yo, li kite bave koule sou tout bab li.
14 And Achish says to his servants, “Behold, you see a man acting as a madman; why do you bring him to me?
Lè sa a, Akich di moun li yo: -Nou pa wè se yon moun fou? Poukisa nou mennen l' ban mwen?
15 Am I lacking madmen, that you have brought in this one to act as a madman before me? Does this one come into my house?”
Mwen pa gen kont moun fou avè m' deja? Poukisa nou mennen sa a ankò vin plede fè tenten andedan lakay mwen an?

< 1 Samuel 21 >