< 1 Kings 14 >

1 At that time Abijah son of Jeroboam was sick,
A lokacin Abiya, ɗan Yerobowam ya kamu da ciwo,
2 and Jeroboam says to his wife, “Now rise and change yourself, and they do not know that you [are the] wife of Jeroboam, and you have gone to Shiloh; behold, Ahijah the prophet [is] there; he spoke to me of [being] king over this people;
sai Yerobowam ya ce wa matarsa, “Ki tafi, ki ɓad da kama, don kada a gane ke a matsayin matar Yerobowam. Ki je Shilo. Annabi Ahiya yana a can, wannan wanda ya ce mini zan zama sarki a bisa wannan mutane.
3 and you have taken in your hand ten loaves, and crumbs, and a bottle of honey, and have gone to him; he declares to you what becomes of the youth.”
Ki ɗauki dunƙulen burodi goma tare da ke, da waina, da tulun zuma, ki tafi wurinsa. Zai faɗa miki abin da zai faru da yaron.”
4 And the wife of Jeroboam does so, and rises, and goes to Shiloh, and enters the house of Ahijah, and Ahijah is not able to see, for his eyes have stood because of his age.
Saboda haka matar Yerobowam ta yi abin da ya faɗa, ta kuma tafi gidan Ahiya a Shilo. Yanzu dai Ahiya ba ya gani; idanunsa sun tafi saboda tsufa.
5 And YHWH said to Ahijah, “Behold, the wife of Jeroboam is coming to seek a word from you concerning her son, for he is sick; thus and thus you speak to her, and it comes to pass at her coming in, that she is making herself strange.”
Amma Ubangiji ya ce wa Ahiya, “Matar Yerobowam tana zuwa tă tambaye ka game da ɗanta, gama yana ciwo, za ka kuwa ba ta amsa kaza da kaza. Sa’ad da ta iso za tă yi kamar wata ce dabam.”
6 And it comes to pass, at Ahijah’s hearing the sound of her feet [as] she came to the opening, that he says, “Come in, wife of Jeroboam, why is this [that] you are making yourself strange? And I am sent to you [with] a sharp thing.
Saboda haka sa’ad da Ahiya ya ji motsin sawunta a ƙofa, sai ya ce, “Ki shigo, matar Yerobowam. Me ya sa kike yi kamar wata ce dabam? An aiko ni wurinki da labari marar daɗi.
7 Go, say to Jeroboam, Thus said YHWH, God of Israel: Because that I have made you high out of the midst of the people, and appoint you leader over my people Israel,
Je ki faɗa wa Yerobowam cewa ga abin da Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila ya ce, ‘Na tā da kai daga cikin mutane, na mai da kai shugaba a bisa mutanena Isra’ila.
8 and tear the kingdom from the house of David, and give it to you—and you have not been as My servant David who kept My commands, and who walked after Me with all his heart, to only do that which [is] right in My eyes,
Na yage mulki daga gidan Dawuda na ba da shi gare ka, amma ba ka zama kamar bawana Dawuda wanda ya kiyaye umarnaina ya kuma bi ni da dukan zuciyarsa, yana yin abin da yake daidai kaɗai a idanuna ba.
9 and you do evil above all who have been before you, and go, and make other gods and molten images for yourself to provoke Me to anger, and you have cast Me behind your back—
Ka aikata mugunta fiye da dukan waɗanda suka rayu kafin kai. Ka yi wa kanka waɗansu alloli, gumakan da aka yi da ƙarfe; ka tsokane ni na yi fushi, ka kuma juye mini baya.
10 therefore, behold, I am bringing calamity to the house of Jeroboam, and have cut off to Jeroboam those sitting on the wall—shut up and left—in Israel, and have put away the posterity of the house of Jeroboam, as one puts away the dung until its consumption;
“‘Saboda wannan, zan kawo masifa a gidan Yerobowam. Zan yanke kowane ɗa na ƙarshe a Isra’ila, bawa ko’yantacce. Zan ƙone gidan Yerobowam kamar yadda mutum yakan ƙone juji, sai duk ya ƙone ƙurmus.
11 the dogs eat him who dies of Jeroboam in a city, and birds of the heavens eat him who dies in a field, for YHWH has spoken.
Karnuka za su ci waɗanda suka mutu na Yerobowam a cikin birni, kuma tsuntsayen sararin sama za su cinye waɗanda suka mutu a jeji. Ni Ubangiji na faɗa!’
12 And you, rise, go to your house; in the going in of your feet to the city, the boy has died;
“Ke kuma, ki koma gida. Sa’ad da kika taka ƙafa a birninki, yaron zai mutu.
13 and all Israel has mourned for him, and buried him, for this one—by himself—of Jeroboam comes to a grave, because there has been found in him a good thing toward YHWH, God of Israel, in the house of Jeroboam.
Dukan Isra’ila kuwa za su yi makoki dominsa. Shi ne kaɗai na Yerobowam wanda za a binne, domin shi ne kaɗai a gidan Yerobowam wanda Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila ya sami wani ɗan abu mai kyau a kansa.
14 And YHWH has raised up for Himself a king over Israel who cuts off the house of Jeroboam this day—and what? Even now!
“Ubangiji zai tā da wani sarki wa kansa a bisa Isra’ila wanda zai hallaka iyalin Yerobowam. Ko yanzu ma, wannan zai fara faruwa.
15 And YHWH has struck Israel as the reed is moved by the waters, and has plucked Israel from off this good ground that He gave to their fathers, and scattered them beyond the River, because that they made their Asherim, provoking YHWH to anger;
Ubangiji kuma zai bugi Isra’ila, har tă zama kamar kyauro mai girgiza a bakin rafi. Zai tumɓuke Isra’ila daga wannan ƙasa mai kyau da ya ba wa kakanninsu, yă watsar da su gaba da Kogin Yuferites domin sun tsokane Ubangiji har ya yi fushi, ta wurin yin ginshiƙan Ashera.
16 and He gives up Israel because of the sins of Jeroboam that he sinned, and that he caused Israel to sin.”
Zai kuma ba da Isra’ila saboda zunuban da Yerobowam ya yi, da ya kuma sa Isra’ila suka yi.”
17 And the wife of Jeroboam rises, and goes, and comes to Tirzah; she has come to the threshold of the house, and the youth dies;
Sai matar Yerobowam ta tashi ta tafi, ta kuwa tafi Tirza. Nan da nan da ta taka madogarar ƙofar gidan, sai yaron ya mutu.
18 and they bury him, and all Israel mourns for him, according to the word of YHWH that he spoke by the hand of His servant Ahijah the prophet.
Suka binne shi, dukan Isra’ila kuwa suka yi makoki dominsa, yadda Ubangiji ya faɗa ta wurin bawansa annabi Ahiya.
19 And the rest of the matters of Jeroboam, how he fought, and how he reigned, behold, they are written on the scroll of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
Sauran ayyukan sarautar Yerobowam, da yaƙe-yaƙensa, da yadda ya yi mulki, ba a rubuce suke a littafin tarihi na sarakunan Isra’ila ba?
20 And the days that Jeroboam reigned [are] twenty-two years, and he lies with his fathers, and his son Nadab reigns in his stead.
Ya yi mulki shekaru ashirin da biyu, sai ya huta tare da kakanninsa. Sai Nadab ɗansa ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki.
21 And Rehoboam son of Solomon has reigned in Judah; Rehoboam [is] a son of forty-one years in his reigning, and he has reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city that YHWH chose to set His Name there, out of all the tribes of Israel, and the name of his mother [is] Naamah the Ammonitess.
Rehobowam ɗan Solomon ya zama sarki a Yahuda. Yana da shekara arba’in da ɗaya sa’ad da ya zama sarki, ya kuma yi mulki shekaru goma sha bakwai a Urushalima, birnin da Ubangiji ya zaɓa daga cikin dukan kabilan Isra’ila don yă sa Sunansa. Sunan mahaifiyarsa Na’ama, ita mutuniyar Ammon ce.
22 And Judah does evil in the eyes of YHWH, and they make Him zealous above all that their fathers did by their sins that they have sinned.
Yahuda ya aikata mugunta a gaban Ubangiji. Ta wurin zunuban da suka yi, sun tā da fushin kishinsa fiye da yadda kakanninsu suka yi.
23 And they build—they also—for themselves high places, and standing-pillars, and Asherim, on every high height, and under every green tree;
Sun kuma kafa wa kansu masujadai da suke kan tuddai, da a kan keɓaɓɓun duwatsu, suka kuma gina ginshiƙan Ashera a kowane tudu, da kuma a ƙarƙashin kowane duhuwar itace.
24 and a whoremonger has also been in the land; they have done according to all the abominations of the nations that YHWH dispossessed from the presence of the sons of Israel.
Har ma akwai maza karuwai na masujada. Mutane suka sa kansu ga yin kowane abin ƙyama na al’umman da Ubangiji ya kora kafin Isra’ilawa.
25 And it comes to pass, in the fifth year of King Rehoboam, Shishak king of Egypt has gone up against Jerusalem,
A shekara ta biyar ta Sarki Rehobowam, Shishak sarkin Masar ya kai wa Urushalima yaƙi.
26 and he takes the treasures of the house of YHWH, and the treasures of the house of the king, indeed, he has taken the whole; and he takes all the shields of gold that Solomon made.
Ya kwashe dukiyar haikalin Ubangiji da kuma dukiyar fadan sarki. Ya ɗauki kome, har da dukan garkuwoyi na zinariya da Solomon ya yi.
27 And King Rehoboam makes shields of bronze in their stead, and has made [them] a charge on the hand of the heads of the runners, those keeping the opening of the house of the king,
Saboda haka sarki Rehobowam ya yi garkuwoyin tagulla ya mayar da su. Ya kuma naɗa waɗannan shugabannin matsara ya sa su aiki a ƙofar zuwa fadan sarki.
28 and it comes to pass, from the going in of the king to the house of YHWH, the runners carry them, and have brought them back to the chamber of the runners.
Duk sa’ad da sarki ya tafi wurin haikalin Ubangiji, matsara sukan riƙe garkuwoyinsu, daga baya kuma sai su mai da su ɗakin tsaro.
29 And the rest of the matters of Rehoboam and all that he did, are they not written on the scroll of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
Game da sauran ayyukan mulkin Rehobowam kuwa, da kuma dukan abin da ya yi, duk a rubuce suke a cikin littafin tarihin sarakunan Yahuda.
30 And there has been war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam [for] all the days;
Aka ci gaba da yaƙe-yaƙe tsakanin Rehobowam da Yerobowam.
31 and Rehoboam lies with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers in the City of David, and the name of his mother [is] Naamah the Ammonitess, and his son Abijam reigns in his stead.
Sai Rehobowam ya huta da kakanninsa, aka kuma binne shi tare da su a Birnin Dawuda. Sunan mahaifiyarsa Na’ama, ita kuwa mutuniyar Ammon ce. Sai Abiyam ɗansa ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki.

< 1 Kings 14 >