< 1 John 2 >
1 My little children, these things I write to you that you may not sin: and if anyone may sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, [the] Righteous One,
he priyabAlakAH, yuShmAbhi ryat pApaM na kriyeta tadarthaM yuShmAn pratyetAni mayA likhyante| yadi tu kenApi pApaM kriyate tarhi pituH samIpe. asmAkaM ekaH sahAyo. arthato dhArmmiko yIshuH khrIShTo vidyate|
2 and He is [the] propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the whole world,
sa chAsmAkaM pApAnAM prAyashchittaM kevalamasmAkaM nahi kintu likhilasaMsArasya pApAnAM prAyashchittaM|
3 and in this we know that we have known Him, if we may keep His commands;
vayaM taM jAnIma iti tadIyAj nApAlanenAvagachChAmaH|
4 he who is saying, “I have known Him,” and is not keeping His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him;
ahaM taM jAnAmIti vaditvA yastasyAj nA na pAlayati so. anR^itavAdI satyamata ncha tasyAntare na vidyate|
5 and whoever may keep His word, truly the love of God has been perfected in him; in this we know that we are in Him.
yaH kashchit tasya vAkyaM pAlayati tasmin Ishvarasya prema satyarUpeNa sidhyati vayaM tasmin varttAmahe tad etenAvagachChAmaH|
6 He who is saying he remains in Him, himself ought to also walk according as He walked.
ahaM tasmin tiShThAmIti yo gadati tasyedam uchitaM yat khrIShTo yAdR^ig AcharitavAn so. api tAdR^ig Acharet|
7 Beloved, I do not write a new command to you, but an old command, that you had from the beginning—the old command is the word that you heard from the beginning;
he priyatamAH, yuShmAn pratyahaM nUtanAmAj nAM likhAmIti nahi kintvAdito yuShmAbhi rlabdhAM purAtanAmAj nAM likhAmi| Adito yuShmAbhi ryad vAkyaM shrutaM sA purAtanAj nA|
8 again, a new command I write to you, which is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away, and the true light now shines;
punarapi yuShmAn prati nUtanAj nA mayA likhyata etadapi tasmin yuShmAsu cha satyaM, yato. andhakAro vyatyeti satyA jyotishchedAnIM prakAshate;
9 he who is saying he is in the light, and is hating his brother, he is in the darkness until now;
ahaM jyotiShi vartta iti gaditvA yaH svabhrAtaraM dveShTi so. adyApi tamisre varttate|
10 he who is loving his brother, he remains in the light, and there is not a stumbling-block in him;
svabhrAtari yaH prIyate sa eva jyotiShi varttate vighnajanakaM kimapi tasmin na vidyate|
11 but he who is hating his brother, he is in the darkness, and he walks in the darkness, and he has not known where he goes, because the darkness blinded his eyes.
kintu svabhrAtaraM yo dveShTi sa timire varttate timire charati cha timireNa cha tasya nayane. andhIkriyete tasmAt kka yAmIti sa j nAtuM na shaknoti|
12 I write to you, little children, because sins have been forgiven you through His Name;
he shishavaH, yUyaM tasya nAmnA pApakShamAM prAptavantastasmAd ahaM yuShmAn prati likhAmi|
13 I write to you, fathers, because you have known Him who [is] from the beginning; I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil [one]; I write to you, little youths, because you have known the Father;
he pitaraH, ya Adito varttamAnastaM yUyaM jAnItha tasmAd yuShmAn prati likhAmi| he yuvAnaH yUyaM pApatmAnaM jitavantastasmAd yuShmAn prati likhAmi| he bAlakAH, yUyaM pitaraM jAnItha tasmAdahaM yuShmAn prati likhitavAn|
14 I wrote to you, fathers, because you have known Him who [is] from the beginning; I wrote to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God remains in you, and you have overcome the evil [one].
he pitaraH, Adito yo varttamAnastaM yUyaM jAnItha tasmAd yuShmAn prati likhitavAn| he yuvAnaH, yUyaM balavanta Adhve, Ishvarasya vAkya ncha yuShmadantare vartate pApAtmA cha yuShmAbhiH parAjigye tasmAd yuShmAn prati likhitavAn|
15 Do not love the world, nor the things in the world; if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him,
yUyaM saMsAre saMsArasthaviShayeShu cha mA prIyadhvaM yaH saMsAre prIyate tasyAntare pituH prema na tiShThati|
16 because all that [is] in the world—the desire of the flesh, and the desire of the eyes, and the ostentation of [one’s] life—is not of the Father, but of the world,
yataH saMsAre yadyat sthitam arthataH shArIrikabhAvasyAbhilASho darshanendriyasyAbhilASho jIvanasya garvvashcha sarvvametat pitR^ito na jAyate kintu saMsAradeva|
17 and the world is passing away, and the desire of it, but he who is doing the will of God, he remains—throughout the age. (aiōn )
saMsArastadIyAbhilAShashcha vyatyeti kintu ya IshvarasyeShTaM karoti so. anantakAlaM yAvat tiShThati| (aiōn )
18 Little youths, it is the last hour; and even as you heard that the antichrist comes, even now antichrists have become many—whereby we know that it is [the] last hour;
he bAlakAH, sheShakAlo. ayaM, aparaM khrIShTAriNopasthAvyamiti yuShmAbhi ryathA shrutaM tathA bahavaH khrIShTAraya upasthitAstasmAdayaM sheShakAlo. astIti vayaM jAnImaH|
19 they went forth out of us, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but [they went out] so that they might be revealed that they are not all of us.
te. asmanmadhyAn nirgatavantaH kintvasmadIyA nAsan yadyasmadIyA abhaviShyan tarhyasmatsa Nge. asthAsyan, kintu sarvve. asmadIyA na santyetasya prakAsha Avashyaka AsIt|
20 And you have an anointing from the Holy One, and have known all things;
yaH pavitrastasmAd yUyam abhiShekaM prAptavantastena sarvvANi jAnItha|
21 I did not write to you because you have not known the truth, but because you have known it, and because no lie is of the truth.
yUyaM satyamataM na jAnItha tatkAraNAd ahaM yuShmAn prati likhitavAn tannahi kintu yUyaM tat jAnItha satyamatAchcha kimapyanR^itavAkyaM notpadyate tatkAraNAdeva|
22 Who is the liar, except he who is denying that Jesus is the Christ? This one is the antichrist who is denying the Father and the Son;
yIshurabhiShiktastrAteti yo nA NgIkaroti taM vinA ko. aparo. anR^itavAdI bhavet? sa eva khrIShTAri ryaH pitaraM putra ncha nA NgIkaroti|
23 everyone who is denying the Son, neither has the Father; he who is confessing the Son has the Father also.
yaH kashchit putraM nA NgIkaroti sa pitaramapi na dhArayati yashcha putrama NgIkaroti sa pitaramapi dhArayati|
24 You, then, that which you heard from the beginning, let it remain in you; if that which you heard from the beginning may remain in you, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father,
Adito yuShmAbhi ryat shrutaM tad yuShmAsu tiShThatu, AditaH shrutaM vAkyaM yadi yuShmAsu tiShThati, tarhi yUyamapi putre pitari cha sthAsyatha|
25 and this is the promise that He promised us—the continuous life. (aiōnios )
sa cha pratij nayAsmabhyaM yat pratij nAtavAn tad anantajIvanaM| (aiōnios )
26 These things I wrote to you concerning those leading you astray;
ye janA yuShmAn bhrAmayanti tAnadhyaham idaM likhitavAn|
27 and you, the anointing that you received from Him, it remains in you, and you have no need that anyone may teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all, and is true, and is not a lie, and even as was taught you, you will remain in Him.
aparaM yUyaM tasmAd yam abhiShekaM prAptavantaH sa yuShmAsu tiShThati tataH ko. api yad yuShmAn shikShayet tad anAvashyakaM, sa chAbhiSheko yuShmAn sarvvANi shikShayati satyashcha bhavati na chAtathyaH, ataH sa yuShmAn yadvad ashikShayat tadvat tatra sthAsyatha|
28 And now, little children, remain in Him, so that when He may have appeared, we may have boldness, and may not be ashamed before Him, at His coming;
ataeva he priyabAlakA yUyaM tatra tiShThata, tathA sati sa yadA prakAshiShyate tadA vayaM pratibhAnvitA bhaviShyAmaH, tasyAgamanasamaye cha tasya sAkShAnna trapiShyAmahe|
29 if you know that He is righteous, know that everyone doing righteousness, has been begotten of Him.
sa dhArmmiko. astIti yadi yUyaM jAnItha tarhi yaH kashchid dharmmAchAraM karoti sa tasmAt jAta ityapi jAnIta|