< 1 Corinthians 2 >
1 And I, having come to you, brothers, came—not in superiority of discourse or wisdom—declaring to you the testimony of God,
Lokacin da na zo wurin ku, yan'uwa, ban zo da gwanintar magana ko hikima ba yayinda na yi shelar boyayyun bayanai game da Allah [ a yayinda na bada shaida game da Allah].
2 for I decided not to know anything among you, except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified;
Domin na kudura a zuciyata kada in san komai lokacin da nake tare da ku, sai dai Yesu Almasihu, gicciyayye.
3 and I, in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling, was with you;
Ina tare da ku cikin kasawa, da tsoro, da fargaba mai yawa.
4 and my word and my preaching was not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power—
Kuma sakona da shelata basu tare da kalmomin hikima masu daukar hankali. Maimakon haka, sun zo da bayyanuwar Ruhu da iko,
5 that your faith may not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
saboda kada bangaskiyarku ta zama cikin hikimar mutane, amma cikin ikon Allah.
6 And wisdom we speak among the perfect, and wisdom not of this age, nor of the rulers of this age—of those becoming useless, (aiōn )
Yanzu muna maganar hikima ga wadanda suka ginu, amma ba hikima ta duniyan nan ba, ko ta masu mulkin wannan zamani, wadanda suke shudewa. (aiōn )
7 but we speak the hidden wisdom of God in a secret, that God foreordained before the ages to our glory, (aiōn )
Maimakon haka, muna maganar hikimar Allah ta boyayyar gaskiya, boyayyar hikima da Allah ya kaddara kafin zamanin daukakarmu. (aiōn )
8 which no one of the rulers of this age knew, for if they had known, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory; (aiōn )
Babu wani mai mulki na zamanin nan da ya san wannan hikimar, domin inda sun gane ta a wancan lokacin, da basu gicciye Ubangijin daukaka ba. (aiōn )
9 but according as it has been written: “What eye did not see, and ear did not hear, and on the heart of man did not come up, what God prepared for those loving Him”;
Amma kamar yadda yake a rubuce, “Abubuwan da babu idon da ya gani, babu kunnen da ya ji, babu zuciyar da ta yi tsammanin sa, abubuwan da Allah ya shirya wa wadanda suke kaunarsa.
10 but God revealed [them] to us through His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God,
Wadannan ne abubuwan da Allah ya bayyana mana ta wurin Ruhu. Gama Ruhu yana bincika komai, har ma abubuwa masu zurfi na Allah.
11 for who of men has known the things of the man, except the spirit of the man that [is] in him? So also the things of God no one has known, except the Spirit of God.
Gama wanene ya san tunanin mutum, sai dai ko ruhun mutumin da ke cikinsa? Haka ma, babu wanda ya san abubuwa masu zurfi na Allah sai dai Ruhun Allah.
12 And we did not receive the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that [is] of God, that we may know the things conferred by God on us,
Ba mu karbi ruhu na duniya ba, amma Ruhun da ya zo daga wurin Allah, domin mu san abubuwan da aka bamu a sake daga wurin Allah.
13 which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Holy Spirit, comparing spiritual things with spiritual things,
Muna maganar wadannan abubuwa da kalmomin da hikimar da mutum baza ta iya koyarwa ba, amma wadanda Ruhu ke koyar da mu. Ruhu yana fassara kalmomi na ruhaniya da hikima ta ruhaniya.
14 and the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to know [them], because they are discerned spiritually;
Mutum marar ruhaniya ba ya karbar abubuwan da suke daga Ruhun Allah, gama wauta suke a gareshi. Ba zai iya sanin su ba domin Ruhu ne yake bayyana su.
15 and he who is spiritual, indeed discerns all things, and he himself is discerned by no one;
Shi wanda yake mai ruhaniya yana shari'anta dukan abubuwa, amma shi baya karkashin shari'ar sauran mutane.
16 for who knew the mind of the LORD that he will instruct Him? And we have the mind of Christ.
“Wa zai iya sanin zuciyar Ubangiji, da zai iya ba shi umarni?” Amma mu muna da lamiri irin na Almasihu.