< 1 Chronicles 21 >

1 Then Satan stands up against Israel, and persuades David to number Israel,
Og Satan stod Israel imod, og han tilskyndede David til at tælle Israel.
2 and David says to Joab and to the heads of the people, “Go, number Israel from Beer-Sheba even to Dan, and bring [the account] to me, and I know their number.”
Og David sagde til Joab og til Folkets Høvedsmænd: Gaar, tæller Israel fra Beersaba og indtil Dan, og bringer mig Besked, at jeg kan vide deres Tal.
3 And Joab says, “YHWH adds to His people as they are one hundred times; are they not, my lord, O king, all of them for servants to my lord? Why does my lord seek this? Why is he for a cause of guilt to Israel?”
Da sagde Joab: Herren lægge til sit Folk, som disse ere, hundrede Gange saa mange! ere de ikke, min Herre Konge, alle sammen min Herres Tjenere? hvorfor forlanger min Herre da dette? hvorfor skal dette være til en Skyld paa Israel?
4 And the word of the king [is] severe against Joab, and Joab goes out, and goes up and down in all Israel, and comes to Jerusalem.
Men Kongens Ord fik Overhaand imod Joab; saa drog Joab ud og vandrede igennem hele Israel og kom til Jerusalem.
5 And Joab gives the account of the numbering of the people to David, and all Israel is one million and one hundred thousand, each drawing sword, and Judah [is] four hundred and seventy thousand, each drawing sword.
Og Joab gav David Tallet paa Folket, som var talt; og det hele Israel var elleve Hundrede Tusinde Mænd, som kunde uddrage Sværd, og Juda fire Hundrede og halvfjerdsindstyve Tusinde Mænd, som kunde uddrage Sværd.
6 And he has not numbered Levi and Benjamin in their midst, for the word of the king was abominable with Joab.
Dog talte han ikke Levi og Benjamin med iblandt dem; thi Kongens Ord var Joab vederstyggeligt.
7 And it is evil in the eyes of God concerning this thing, and He strikes Israel,
Men denne Gerning var ond for Guds Øjne, derfor slog han Israel.
8 and David says to God, “I have sinned exceedingly in that I have done this thing; and now, please cause the iniquity of Your servant to pass away, for I have acted very foolishly.”
Da sagde David til Gud: Jeg har syndet saare, at jeg har gjort denne Gerning; men nu, kære, borttag din Tjeners Misgerning, thi jeg handlede meget daarligt.
9 And YHWH speaks to Gad, seer of David, saying,
Og Herren talte til Gad, Davids Seer, og sagde:
10 “Go, and you have spoken to David, saying, Thus said YHWH: I am extending three [choices] to you; choose one of these for yourself, and I do [it] to you.”
Gak og tal til David og sig: Saa sagde Herren: Jeg lægger dig tre Ting for, udvælg dig een af dem, og den vil jeg gøre dig.
11 And Gad comes to David and says to him, “Thus said YHWH: Take for yourself—
Der Gad kom til David, da sagde han til ham: Saa sagde Herren: Tag du imod
12 either famine for three years, or three months to be consumed from the face of your adversaries (even [for] the sword of your enemies to overtake), or three days of the sword of YHWH (even pestilence in the land, and a messenger of YHWH destroying in all the border of Israel); and now, see; what word do I return to Him who is sending me?”
enten Hunger i tre Aar, eller imod Nederlag for dine Modstanderes Ansigt tre Maaneder, og at dine Fjenders Sværd naar dig, eller imod Herrens Sværd, det er Pest, tre Dage udi Landet, saa at Herrens Engel udbreder Ødelæggelse i hele Israels Landemærke; saa se nu til, hvad Svar jeg skal sige til den igen, som mig udsendte.
13 And David says to Gad, “I am greatly distressed, please let me fall into the hand of YHWH, for His mercies [are] very many, and do not let me fall into the hand of man.”
Da sagde David til Gad: Jeg er saare angst; kære, jeg vil falde i Herrens Haand, thi hans Barmhjertighed er saare stor, og jeg vil ikke falde i Menneskens Haand.
14 And YHWH gives a pestilence in Israel, and there falls from Israel seventy thousand men,
Saa lod Herren Pest komme i Israel, og der faldt af Israel halvfjerdsindstyve Tusinde Mænd.
15 and God sends a messenger to Jerusalem to destroy it, and as he is destroying, YHWH has seen, and is comforted concerning the calamity, and says to the messenger who [is] destroying, “Enough now, cease your hand.” And the messenger of YHWH is standing by the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite,
Og Gud sendte en Engel til Jerusalem for at ødelægge den, og der han ødelagde den, saa Herren til og angrede det onde og sagde til Engelen, som ødelagde: Det er nok, drag nu din Haand tilbage; og Herrens Engel stod ved Ornans, Jebusitens Tærskeplads.
16 and David lifts up his eyes, and sees the messenger of YHWH standing between the earth and the heavens, and his sword [is] drawn in his hand, stretched out over Jerusalem, and David falls, and the elderly, covered with sackcloth, on their faces.
Der David opløftede sine Øjne og saa Herrens Engel staa imellem Jorden og imellem Himmelen og det dragne Sværd i hans Haand udrakt over Jerusalem, da faldt David og de Ældste, skjulte med Sæk, paa deres Ansigt.
17 And David says to God, “Did I not command to number the people? Indeed, it [is] I who have sinned, and done great evil: and these, the flock, what did they do? O YHWH, my God, please let Your hand be on me, and on the house of my father, and not on Your people—to be plagued.”
Og David sagde til Gud: Har jeg ikke sagt, at man skulde tælle Folket? ja jeg, jeg er den, som syndede og gjorde meget ilde, men disse Faar, hvad have de gjort? Herre, min Gud! kære, lad din Haand være imod mig og imod min Faders Hus, og ikke imod dit Folk til Plage.
18 And the messenger of YHWH commanded to Gad to say to David, “Surely David goes up to raise an altar to YHWH in the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite.”
Da sagde Herrens Engel til Gad, at han skulde sige til David, at David skulde gaa op for at rejse Herren et Alter paa Ornans, Jebusitens, Tærskeplads.
19 And David goes up by the word of Gad, that he spoke in the Name of YHWH.
Saa gik David op efter Gads Ord, som denne talte i Herrens Navn.
20 And Ornan turns back and sees the messenger, and his four sons [are] with him hiding themselves, and Ornan is threshing wheat.
Der Oman vendte sig om, da saa han Engelen, og hans fire Sønner, som vare hos ham, skjulte sig; men Ornan tærskede Hvede.
21 And David comes to Ornan, and Ornan looks attentively and sees David, and goes out from the threshing-floor, and bows himself to David—face to the earth.
Og David kom til Ornan, og Ornan saa sig om og saa David, og han gik frem fra Tærskepladsen og bøjede sig ned for David med Ansigtet til Jorden.
22 And David says to Ornan, “Give the place of the threshing-floor to me, and I build an altar to YHWH in it; give it to me for full price, and the plague is restrained from the people.”
Og David sagde til Ornan: Giv mig den Tærskeplads, saa vil jeg bygge Herren et Alter derpaa; giv mig den for fuld Betaling, at Plagen maa holde op for Folket.
23 And Ornan says to David, “Take [it] to yourself, and my lord the king does that which is good in his eyes; see, I have given the oxen for burnt-offerings, and the threshing instruments for wood, and the wheat for a present; I have given the whole.”
Da sagde Ornan til David: Tag du den og gør, min Herre Konge! det, som er godt for dine Øjne; se, jeg giver Okserne til Brændoffer og Tærskeslæderne til Veddet, og Hveden til Madofferet, jeg giver det alt.
24 And King David says to Ornan, “No, for I surely buy [it] for full price; for I do not lift up that which is yours to YHWH, so as to offer a burnt-offering without cost.”
Og Kong David sagde til Ornan: Ikke saa, men jeg vil visselig købe det for fuld Betaling; thi jeg vil ikke tage det, som tilhører dig, til Herren og til at ofre Brændoffer for intet.
25 And David gives to Ornan six hundred shekels of gold [in] weight for the place;
Saa gav David Ornan for Stedet seks Hundrede Sekel Guld efter Vægt.
26 and David builds an altar to YHWH there, and offers burnt-offerings and peace-offerings, and calls to YHWH, and He answers him from the heavens with fire on the altar of the burnt-offering.
Og David byggede Herren der et Alter og ofrede Brændofre og Takofre; og der han kaldte paa Herren, da bønhørte han ham ved Ild fra Himmelen paa Brændofferets Alter.
27 And YHWH speaks to the messenger, and he turns back his sword to its sheath.
Og Herren sagde til Engelen, at han skulde stikke sit Sværd i Skeden igen.
28 At that time, when David sees that YHWH has answered him in the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite, then he sacrifices there;
Samme Tid, der David saa, at Herren bønhørte ham paa Ornans, Jebusitens, Tærskeplads, da ofrede han der.
29 and the Dwelling Place of YHWH that Moses made in the wilderness, and the altar of the burnt-offering, [are] at that time at a high place in Gibeon;
Thi Herrens Tabernakel, som Mose havde ladet gøre i Ørken, og Brændofferets Alter var paa den samme Tid paa Højen udi Gibeon.
30 and David is not able to go before it to seek God, for he has been afraid because of the sword of the messenger of YHWH.
Og David kunde ikke gaa hen foran den for at søge Gud; thi han var forfærdet for Herrens Engels Sværd.

< 1 Chronicles 21 >