< Zechariah 14 >

1 Behold, a day is coming unto the Lord, when thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.
Se, en Dag kommer for Herren, og dit Bytte skal deles i din Midte.
2 And I will assemble all the nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be captured, and the houses plundered, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into exile, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
Og jeg vil sanke alle Hedningefolkene imod Jerusalem til Krigen, og Staden skal indtages og Husene plyndres og Kvinderne skændes; og Halvdelen af Staden skal gaa ud i Landflygtighed, men det overblevne af Folket skal ikke udryddes af Staden.
3 Then will the Lord go forth, and fight against these nations, as on the day when he fought on the day of battle.
Og Herren skal drage ud og stride imod disse Hedningefolk som den Dag, da han stred paa Krigens Dag.
4 And his feet will stand on that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall be split in twain in its middle eastward and westward, making a very great valley; and half of the mount shall remove northward, and half of it southward.
Og hans Fødder skulle paa den Dag staa paa Oliebjerget, som er lige over for Jerusalem imod Østen, og Oliebjerget skal revne fra dets Midte af i Øst og Vest, saa der bliver en saare stor Dal, og Halvdelen af Bjerget skal vige imod Nord, og dets anden Halvdel imod Syd.
5 And ye shall flee [from] the valley of my mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal; and ye shall flee, just as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of 'Uzziyah the king of Judah: and then will come the Lord my God, and all the saints with thee.
Og I skulle fly til mine Bjerges Dal, thi Bjergdalen skal naa til Azal, og I skulle fly, ligesom I flyede for Jordskælvet i Judas Konge Ussias's Dage; og Herren min Gud skal komme, — alle hellige med dig!
6 And it shall come to pass on that day, that there shall be no light, but fleeting light and thick darkness;
Og det skal ske paa den Dag, at der intet Lys skal være, de prægtige Himmellys skulle fordunkles.
7 But it shall be one particular day which shall indeed be known as the Lord's, neither day nor night; but it shall come to pass, that at evening-time there shall be light.
Og der skal være een Dag, den skal være kendt af Herren, den skal ikke være Dag og ikke Nat; og det skal ske imod Aftens Tid, at der skal blive Lys.
8 And it shall happen on that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem, the half of them toward the eastern sea, and the other half of them toward the western sea: in summer and in winter shall it be so.
Og det skal ske paa den Dag, at levende Vande skulle udgaa af Jerusalem, Halvdelen af dem til Havet imod Østen og Halvdelen af dem til Havet imod Vesten; det skal være baade om Sommeren og om Vinteren.
9 And the Lord will be king over all the earth: on that day shall the Lord be [acknowledged] one, and his name be one.
Og Herren skal være Konge over det hele Land; paa den Dag skal Herren være een, og hans Navn eet.
10 All the land shall be changed as it were into a plain from Geba' to Rimmon to the south of Jerusalem; and she herself shall be elevated, and be inhabited on her former site, from the gate of Benjamin unto the place of the first gate, up to the corner gate, and from the tower of Chananel unto the king's wine-presses.
Det hele Land skal forandre sig og vorde som Sletten, fra Geba indtil Rimmon, Syd for Jerusalem; men denne skal hæve sig højt og trone paa sit Sted, fra Benjamins Port indtil den første Ports Sted, indtil Hjørneporten, og fra Hananeels Taarn indtil Kongens Vinperser.
11 And men shall dwell in it, and no destruction shall any more take place; but Jerusalem shall be inhabited in safety.
Og de skulle bo i den, og Band skal ikke være ydermere, og Jerusalem skal bo tryggelig.
12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will afflict all the people that shall have come to battle against Jerusalem: The flesh of every one shall consume away while he standeth upon his feet, and his eyes shall consume away in their holes, and the tongue of every one shall consume away in his mouth.
Og det skal være den Plage, med hvilken Herren skal slaa alle Folkene, som have stridt imod Jerusalem: Han skal lade deres Kød tæres hen, medens de endnu staa paa deres Fødder, og deres Øjne skulle tæres hen i deres Hulninger, og deres Tunge skal tæres hen i deres Mund.
13 And it shall come to pass on that day, that a great confusion from the Lord shall be among them: and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor.
Og det skal ske paa den Dag, at der skal komme en stor Forvirring fra Herren iblandt dem, saa at de skulle gribe den ene den andens Haand, og at den enes Haand skal løfte sig imod den andens Haand.
14 And also Judah will have to fight against Jerusalem: and there shall be gathered together the wealth of all the nations round about, gold, and silver, and garments, in great abundance.
Og Juda skal ogsaa kæmpe i Jerusalem; og Godset efter alle Hedningefolkene trindt omkring skal sankes, Guld og Sølv og Klæder i saare stor Mangfoldighed.
15 And thus shall be the plague of the horses, of the mules, of the camels, and of the asses, and of all the beasts that will be in these camps, just like this plague.
Og saadan skal Plagen være over Hestene, Mulerne, Kamelerne og Asenerne og over alle Dyrene, som findes i disse Lejre, saadan som denne Plage.
16 And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left out of all the nations who will have come against Jerusalem, yea, these shall go up year by year to bow down before the King, the Lord of hosts, and to celebrate the feast of tabernacles.
Og det skal ske, at alle de overblevne af alle de Hedningefolk, som kom imod Jerusalem, skulle drage op, Aar efter Aar, for at tilbede Kongen, den Herre Zebaoth, og for at højtideligholde Løvsalernes Fest.
17 And it shall happen, that whoso will not come up out of the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to bow down before the King, the Lord of hosts, —even upon these there shall be no rain.
Og det skal ske, naar nogen af Slægterne paa Jorden ikke drager op til Jerusalem for at tilbede Kongen, den Herre Zebaoth, saa skal Regnen ikke blive dem til Del.
18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, then shall not [any rain fall] upon them also: this shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will afflict the nations that will not come up to celebrate the feast of tabernacles.
Og dersom Ægypternes Slægt ikke drager op og ikke kommer, da skal den ej heller blive dem til Del; der skal komme den Plage, med hvilken Herren slaar de Hedningefolk, som ikke drage op for at højtideligholde Løvsalernes Fest.
19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all the nations that will not come up to celebrate the feast of tabernacles.
Dette skal være Ægyptens Syndestraf og alle de Hedningefolks Syndestraf, som ikke drage op for at højtideligholde Løvsalernes Fest.
20 On that day shall [every thing], even to the bells of the horses, be holy unto the Lord; and the pots in the Lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar.
Paa den Dag skal der staa paa Hestenes Bjælder: „Helliget Herren‟; og Gryderne i Herrens Hus skulle være som Offerskaalerne foran Alteret.
21 And every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holy unto the Lord of hosts; and all those that sacrifice will come and take some of them, and seethe therein: and on that day there shall be no more any trader in the house of the Lord of host.
Og hver Gryde i Jerusalem og i Juda skal være hellig for den Herre Zebaoth, og alle de, som ofre, skulle komme og tage af dem og koge i dem; og der skal ingen Kananit ydermere være i den Herre Zebaoths Hus paa den Dag.

< Zechariah 14 >