< Ruth 4 >

1 But Bo'az went up to the gate, and sat down there; and, behold, the kinsman of whom Bo'az had spoken came passing by; and he said unto him, Turn aside hither, sit down here, such a one. And he turned aside, and sat down.
爰にボアズ門の所にのぼり往て其處に坐しけるに前にボアズの言たる贖業者過りければ之に言ふ 某よ來りて此に坐せよと 即ち來りて坐す
2 And he took ten men of the elders of the city, and said, Sit ye down here. And they sat down.
3 And he said unto the kinsman, Na'omi, that is returned out of the field of Moab, hath to sell a parcel of land, which was our brother Elimelech's.
4 And I thought to inform thee of it, saying, Buy it before those sitting here, and before the elders of my people. If thou wilt redeem it, redeem it; but if thou wilt not redeem it, then tell me, that I may know; for there is none beside thee to redeem it, and I am after thee. And he said, I will redeem it.
我汝につげしらせて此に坐する人々の前わが民の長老の前にて之を買へと言んと想へり 汝もし之を贖はんと思はば贖ふべし 然どもし之を贖はずば吾に告げてしらしめよ 汝の外に贖ふ者なければなり 我はなんぢの次なりと彼我これを贖はんといひければ
5 Then said Bo'az, On the day that thou buyest the field out of the hand of Na'omi, thou buyest it also from Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the dead, to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance.
ボアズいふ 汝ナオミの手よりその地を買ふ日には死る者の妻なりし モアブの女ルツをも買て死る者の名をその産業に存すべきなり
6 And the kinsman said, I am not able to redeem it for myself, lest I injure my own inheritance: redeem thou what I should redeem for thyself; for I am not able to redeem it.
贖業人いひけるは我はみづから贖ふあたはず 恐くはわが産業を壞はん 汝みづから我にかはりてあがなへ 我あがなふことあたはざればなりと
7 Now this was formerly the custom in Israel at a redeeming and at an exchanging, to confirm any thing, that a man pulled off his shoe, and gave it to the other; and this was the manner of testimony in Israel.
昔イスラエルにて物を贖ひ或は交易んとする事につきて萬事を定めたる慣例は斯のごとし 即ち此人鞋を脱ぎて彼人にわたせり 是イスラエルの中の證なりき
8 Thereupon said the kinsman unto Bo'az, Buy it for thee. And he pulled off his shoe.
9 And Bo'az said unto the elders, and unto all the people, Ye are witnesses this day, that I have bought all that belonged to Elimelech, and all that belonged to Kilyon and Machlon, out of the hand of Na'omi.
ボアズ長老および諸の民にいひけるは汝等今日 見證をなす 我エリメレクの凡の所有及びキリオンとマロンの凡の所有をナオミの手より買たり
10 And also Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of Machlon, have I obtained for myself as my wife, to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance, that the name of the dead may not be cut off from among his brethren, and from the gate of his place: ye are witnesses this day.
我またマロンの妻なりしモアブの女ルツを買て妻となし彼死る者の名をその産業に存すべし 是かの死る者の名を其兄弟の中とその處の門に絶ざらしめんためなり 汝等今日 證をなす
11 And all the people that were in the gate, and the elders, said, [We are] witnesses. The Lord grant that the woman that is coming into thy house be like Rachel and like Leah, who did both build up the house of Israel: and acquire thou wealth in Ephrathah, and let thy name become famous in Beth-lechem;
門にをる人々および長老等いひけるはわれら證をなす 願くはヱホバ汝の家にいるところの婦人をして彼イスラエルの家を造りなしたるラケルとレアの二人のごとくならしめたまはんことを 願くは汝エフラタにて能を得ベテレヘムにて名をあげよ
12 And may thy house be like the house of Perez, whom Thamar bore unto Judah, through the seed which the Lord will give thee of this young woman.
ねがはくはヱホバが此 若き婦よりして汝にたまはんところの子に由て汝の家かのタマルがユダに生たるペレズの家のごとくなるにいたれ
13 And Bo'az took Ruth, and she became his wife, and he went in unto her: and the Lord gave her conception, and she bore a son.
斯てボアズ、ルツを娶りて妻となし彼の所にいりければヱホバ彼を孕ましめたまひて彼 男子を生り
14 And the women said unto Na'omi, Blessed be the Lord, who hath not allowed to be wanting unto thee a kinsman this day: and may his name become famous in Israel.
婦女等ナオミにいひけるはヱホバは讚べきかな 汝を遺ずして今日汝に贖業人あらしめたまふ その名イスラエルに揚れ
15 And may he be unto thee one who refresheth thy soul, and who nourisheth thy old age; for thy daughter-in-law, who loveth thee, hath born him, she who is better to thee than seven sons.
彼は汝の心をなぐさむる者 汝の老を養ふ者とならん 汝を愛する汝の媳即ち七人の子よりも汝に善もの之をうみたり
16 And Na'omi took the child, and laid it in her lap, and she became a nurse unto it.
17 And the neighboring women gave him a name, saying, There hath been a son born unto Na'omi: and they called his name 'Obed, who is the father of Jesse, the father of David.
その隣人なる婦女等これに名をつけて云ふ ナオミに男子うまれたりと その名をオベデと稱り 彼はダビデの父なるヱサイの父なり
18 And these are the generations of Perez: Perez begat Chezron;
偖ペレヅの系圖は左のごとし ペレヅ、ヘヅロンを生み
19 And Chezron begat Ram; and Ram begat 'Amminadab;
ヘヅロン、ラムを生み ラム、アミナダブを生み
20 And 'Amminadab begat Nachshon; and Nachshon begat Salmah;
アミナダブ、ナシヨンを生み ナシヨン、サルモンを生み
21 And Salmon begat Bo'az; and Bo'az begat 'Obed;
サルモン、ボアズを生み ボアズ、オベデを生み
22 And 'Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David.
オベデ、ヱサイを生み ヱサイ、ダビデを生り

< Ruth 4 >