< Ruth 3 >

1 Then said Na'omi her mother-in-law unto her, My daughter, behold I will seek for thee a resting-place, where it may be well with thee.
Yiğbışde sa yiğıl Rutune abee Naomee məng'ı'k'le eyhen: – Yizda yiş, vas rəhətda ixhecenva, zı vas sa yugun ciga t'abal ha'as ıkkan dişde?
2 And now, behold, Bo'az is our kinsman, he with whose maidens thou hast been. Lo, he is winnowing the barley to-night in the threshing-floor.
Nya'a, ğu g'ulluxçiy içeeşika işlemiş yixhana Boaz, yişda xını eyxhe dişde? Mang'vee g'iyna exhal cune xhıt'ayke attayl vara ha'a vod.
3 Therefore bathe, and anoint thyself, and put thy garments upon thee, and go down to the threshing-floor; [but] make thyself not known unto the man, until he shall have finished eating and drinking.
Ğunar ə'yeexı'r, micagın tanalinbı ali'ı, ətirbıd qadğu maqa hiyek'ne. Mang'vee otxhun-ulyodğu ç'əvxhesmee, ğucar ğu mang'uk'le himeegva.
4 And it shall be, when he lieth down, that thou shalt note the place where he will lie, and thou shalt then go in, and lift up the covering that is on his feet, and lay thyself down: and he will tell thee what thou shalt do.
Mana g'alixhasva əlyhəəmee, mana nyaaryiy g'ılexhava ats'axhxhe. Qiyğar maqa ikkeyç'u, mang'une g'elybışilin kar g'ayşu maa'ar g'aliyxhe. Mang'veecad vak'le eyhesın, hucooyiy ha'as ıkkanva.
5 And she said unto her, All that thou sayest unto me will I do.
Rutee «Zı ğu uvhuyn gırgın ha'asınva» eyhe.
6 And she went down unto the threshing-floor, and did in accordance with all that her mother-in-law had commanded her.
Mana atteeqa arı gırgın abee uvhuyn xhinne ha'a.
7 And Bo'az ate and drank, and his heart became merry; and he then went in to lie down at the end of the heap of corn: and she came in softly, and lifted up the covering that was on his feet, and laid herself down.
Boaz yugda otxhun-ulyodğu yik' cigeeqa qadımee, g'alixhasva xhıt'ayne anbarbışde mıgleqqa ayk'an. Rutur nıq' dena qarı, mang'une g'elybışilin kar g'ayşu, maa'ar g'ıleexha.
8 And it came to pass at midnight, that the man became terrified, and bent himself forward; and, behold, a woman was lying at his feet.
Xəm surak Boaz muğur qıxha alytirk'ılmee, cune g'elybışee zəiyfa g'alirxhu g'eece.
9 And he said, Who art thou? And she said, I am Ruth thy handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over thy handmaid; for thou art a near kinsman.
Mang'vee məng'ı'k'le eyhen: – Ğu vuşuna? Məng'ee eyhen: – Zı yiğna g'ulluxçiy Rut vorna. Zas vukkul hüvxəsın ciga he'e. Ğu, şi g'attivxhan hav'iy gardanaqa gexhana xını vorna.
10 And he said, Blessed be thou unto the Lord, my daughter; for thou hast shown more kindness in the last instance than the first, by not going after the young men, whether they be poor or rich.
Boazee eyhen: – Yizda yiş, hasre vas Rəbbee xayir-düə hevlecen! Ğu ina hav'una yugvalla şene ögiyinçileb yugna vob. Ğu mek'vne karnaneyiy kar deşde adameeşiqa qihna g'iddyarxhuninçil-alla.
11 And now, my daughter, fear not: all that thou mayest say will I do for thee; for all [the men in] the gate of my people know that thou art a virtuous woman.
Yizda yiş, ğu həşdiyle qı'meeq'ən! Zı yiğnemee vas ıkkanan kar ha'asın. Yişde şaharne gırgıne insanaaşik'le ğu hək'erar yugna zəiyfa yixhay ats'an.
12 And now, it is indeed true that I am thy near kinsman; nevertheless, there is a kinsman nearer than I.
Zı vuşda xını ıxhay qotkun vodun, saccu şoqa zale k'anena xını vor.
13 Remain here this night, and it shall be in the morning, that if he will redeem thee, well, let him redeem; but if he be not willing to redeem thee, then will I redeem thee, as the Lord liveth: lie still until the morning.
G'iyna xəmdiysır inyaacar eexve. G'iyqa mane vuşde xınıys, şu g'attivxhan haa'as vukkiykınee, yugda ixhes, hasre hee'ecen. De'eş, mang'us man ha'as diykınee, Vorne Rəbbilqan k'ın ixhen, man zı ha'as. Miç'erilqamee inyaa g'aliyxhe.
14 And she lay at his feet until the morning; and she rose up before one could know another. And he said, It must not be known that this woman came into the threshing-floor.
Rut miç'erilqamee mang'une g'elybışee g'ileexha. Boazee culed-alqa «Hasre şavuk'lecad atteeqa zəiyfa arıva mats'axhxhecenva» uvhuva, Rut torandanang'acad, yic g'ımececenva, oza qeexhe.
15 Also he said, Bring hither the cloak that thou hast upon thee, and lay hold of it. And she laid hold of it, and he measured six [measures] of barley, and laid it on her, and went into the city.
Boazee Rutuk'le eyhen: – Valqa aletçuyne karan sa sura zasqa hele, ğunad manisa surale aqqe. Rutee Boazee uvhuyn xhinne ha'a. Boazeeyib məng'ı's xılece xhıt'a kyav'u, məng'ı'ne mıgalqa qoole. Mançer Boaz şahareeqa siyk'al.
16 And she came to her mother-in-law, and she said, How is it with thee, my daughter? And she told her all that the man had done to her.
Rut cene abaysqa Naomisqa sark'ılymee, məng'ee qiyghanan: – Yiş, nəxüdne ıxha? Rutee, Boazee cenemee hı'iyn gırgın kar abays yuşan hı'iyle
17 And she said, These six measures of barley gave he unto me; for he said to me, Thou shalt not come empty to thy mother-in-law.
qiyğa, eyhen: – Abaysqa xıl q'ərar simiyk'alva uvhu mang'vee zas inimeena xhıt'ab huvuna.
18 Then said she, Remain still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall out; for the man will not rest, until he have finished the matter this day.
Naomee Rutuk'le eyhen: – Yiş, sık'ırra örxe, ilyaakas ina iş nəxübiy g'ittiviyxhan. Mane insanee g'iyna mana iş, sa suralqa qığdyavhu ulyozaras deş.

< Ruth 3 >