< Psalms 97 >

1 The Lord reigneth: let the earth be glad; let the multitude of isles rejoice.
HERREN har vist, han er Konge! Jorden juble, lad glædes de mange Strande!
2 Clouds and thick darkness are round about him: righteousness and justice are the support of his throne.
Skyer og Mulm er om ham, Retfærd og Ret er hans Trones Støtte;
3 A fire goeth before him, and burneth up round about his adversaries.
Ild farer frem foran ham, og luer iblandt hans Fjender.
4 His lightnings give light to the world: the earth seeth it, and trembleth.
Hans Lyn lyste op på Jorderig, Jorden så det og skjalv;
5 The mountains melt away like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of all the earth.
Bjergene smelted som Voks for HERREN, for hele Jordens Herre;
6 The heavens tell of his righteousness, and all the people his glory.
Himlen forkyndte hans Retfærd, alle Folkeslag skued hans Herlighed.
7 Made ashamed shall be all that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: unto him bow down all the gods.
Til Skamme blev alle, som dyrkede Billeder, de, som var stolte af deres Afguder; alle Guder bøjed sig for ham.
8 Zion heareth it, and rejoiceth; and glad are the daughters of Judah, because of thy decrees, O Lord.
Zion hørte det og glædede sig, og Judas Døtre jublede over dine Domme, HERRE!
9 For thou, O Lord, art the most high above all the earth: thou art greatly exalted above all gods.
Thi du, o HERRE, er den Højeste over al Jorden, højt ophøjet over alle Guder!
10 Ye that love the Lord, hate ye the evil: he preserveth the souls of his pious ones; out of the hand of the wicked he ever delivereth them.
I, som elsker HERREN, hade det onde! Han vogter sine frommes Sjæle og frier dem af de gudløses Hånd;
11 Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart.
over de retfærdige oprinder Lys og Glæde over de oprigtige af Hjertet.
12 Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord, and give thanks to his holy memorial.
I retfærdige, glæd jer i HERREN, lovsyng hans hellige Navn!

< Psalms 97 >